The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Yes! Pull out the 4x4! Don't kill the Carnival! ...or at least, that's what the voice in my head is screaming... :cheesygrinsmiley: :laughtwo:

:laughtwo: I hear that screaming voice too Fuzz. Lol! Maybe I'll catch a good buzz first. I have all my supplies on hand.


And a good buzz of some of the last of the gifted Zamaldelica waiting to be had.......,


.....all the while looking at the corner of my living room and thinking how I never sit in that old recliner anymore


and how I could use the Timber Vero240........ NO SUSAN! LOOK AWAY!!! :laughtwo:

There's no way to make that tent stealthy. It's not possible in this apartment. Let me catch a righteous buzz and get to the job at hand.
Sue. You need to move. Or get rid of your bed. You seem to fall asleep everywhere but there anyways lately. :blalol: :laughtwo:

Oh wait! Oh wait! Could you put the tent up, cover it with curtains and just say it's a food pantry? (This is my husband's idea.)

I took that tent down to pacify my daughter. She couldn't deal with the threat that tent presented to her mother's freedom, should I get found out. We decided that I could learn to exist with the three small spaces so she could sleep more easily without the sense of impending doom the visions of LE knocking on my door created for her. Not that they'd care, or that I'd have to let them in, mind you. I can almost hear the chief say "We're surprised to find out Sue grow's in her closet?" It's trafficking they're concerned with, but that fact doesn't bring my darling daughter, my rock, any peace of mind. Having the smaller tents that hide themselves so easily - that brings her peace.

And you're right, I need to relocate to someplace with greater freedom. Sooner or later that'll happen.

Tell your husband I said "good idea, thanks." :high-five:
I took that tent down to pacify my daughter. She couldn't deal with the threat that tent presented to her mother's freedom, should I get found out. We decided that I could learn to exist with the three small spaces so she could sleep more easily without the sense of impending doom the visions of LE knocking on my door created for her. Not that they'd care, or that I'd have to let them in, mind you. I can almost hear the chief say "We're surprised to find out Sue grow's in her closet?" It's trafficking they're concerned with, but that fact doesn't bring my darling daughter, my rock, any peace of mind. Having the smaller tents that hide themselves so easily - that brings her peace. :

I understand. I don't like it, but I understand. Hold the Carnival. I'm coming to get it. LOL.

Just kidding, though I would if I could. It's too pretty to go to waste.

Temporary reprieve. A friend needs an ear so we're going for a lengthy walk. I'll take pain cream.

This is the last chance for someone to transport in and get....... Oh drat! They haven't invented those transport pads yet. :straightface:

Step one

No 4x4. Just the 2x2s and the tiny closet. Those are my spacial limitations. We'll make it rock Duggan. No sweat. In a perfect world that tent would have never come down.

The remaining top. I think I'll keep it in this cup on the edge of my table and see what happens. It's sitting in a strong concentration of aloe juice.


The potential clones. Wish me luck. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Daily Update: Sunday, September 25, 2016

That went easier than I expected. Tomorrow I'll dump the soil into a bin and get it ready for the next use.

Lets take a look and see how everyone's doing, shall we? Starting in the auto tent.


Early Miss (Day 12) I think she'll get a couple more days before I top.


I need just a bit more height to that apical tip. I'd like to get this one right.


Dark Devil Auto 2 (Day 43)




Dark Devil Auto 3 (Day 33) Such different structures to the three DDAs. Fascinating.



Carnival #2 (Day 61) Ready for her show. She'll flip sometime in the next two weeks, I figure. Let's see how good and strong I can get her between now and then.



Dark Devil Auto 4 (Day 33) See what I mean? Three DDAs growing and all three look totally different from the others.






Amazing and fascinating. Every plant an individual.

I thank you for stopping to stroll with me. It's certainly fun to show them off and it's satisfying when they start to look really good. The Carnival project looks to be great fun. I can't believe I've been lucky enough to have Graytail introduce me to the kit and shepherd me through my initial run with it, and now I've convinced Duggan to help me learn the finer points of growing frosty monsters with the kit. Tell me the universe isn't sweet. :slide:

To any newbies reading this, it's notable that this occurred because I didn't hesitate to reach out to these talented cultivators. So if you want to be mentored on this site the best way to make that happen is simply to ask. Most of our members will go out of their way to assist you.

I'm done for the night. It's been hours since I caught a buzz, and there's something terribly wrong about that. :laughtwo: I'll be correcting that oversight right about now. *click*


Wow those are some lush cuts. So not really sure what HB is but hmm wish I lived close by. Nice gardens Sue :love:

Haha! Thank you Habitual and a hearty welcome to both my joyful journal and to the :420: community as well. Brand new to our digital streets, are you? Well, you fell into one of the best virtual communities you'll find on line. Make yourself at home, jump into the conversation and feel free to ask anything.

HB stands for High Brix, which is simply a way of quantifying the "sweetness" of the produce, for lack of better term at the moment. That "sweetness" is created by the health of both the plant and the soil community feeding the plant. In a living organic soil it's the soil that raises the plants. We're simply supply vehicles keeping the soil stocked with the building blocks.

In my context though, HB is a reference to Doc Bud's HighBrix Blend system of soil building and maintenance. We tend to refer to our grows as "HB grows" because our plants, grown using Doc's kit, will most assuredly be high brix quality by harvest. It's a pretty full-proof system for growing dense, trichome-covered buds. Do yourself a favor and visit ShiggityFlip's current journal, or Noob4x4's journal, or Stage's current journal, or...... You get the idea. The three listed are all at a stage where it looks like snow globes exploded in their tents. That's Doc's kit, managed correctly.

Soon, you'll see that same scene repeated in my own tent as my Carnival goes to bloom. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
*Sniff* Poor Carnival.

Sue, what's going on in those bags? I saw Rapid Rooters soaking on your table so you put the clones in those and then tied them up in the bag? Like a mini-greenhouse? Are there holes for air? I haven't seen this before. I usually use a DIY bubble cloner with excellent results, but I've had almost as good results with Rapid Rooters before and am undecided which I'm going to use when I take clones in a few (too many) weeks. The Rapid Rooters would be easier 'cause I wouldn't have to dig out that bubble cloner from wherever it is I stashed it...I know it's around here somewhere though.
Good morning everyone. :love: Another picture-perfect Burgh day in the making. I certainly hope your day is starting out on the right foot. If not, reset and start again, strongly influenced by the grateful celebration of the promise of another joy-filled day.

I love picture update day. Looking awesome SweetSue.

Thank you so much Greensmurf. Picture update day comes every day around here. I'm known to be a major pictorial distraction, most especially when they're in bloom and all frosty and whatnot. :laughtwo:

hi SweetSue and the gang
Nice pictorial as usual :) :thanks:

zillion of morning hugs from me to you :hug:

Thanks Birdie. And a zillion hugs back at you. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Good Morning!
Your DDA's are looking great! Such a shame we can't clone the autos. Seeing how different each one is, would be nice to keep the stronger one going.
Can't wait to see the carnival fill out that 2x2 :)

I know RheinRover, I wish they could be cloned too. Such variation in the genetic expression and no way to know which is the keeper until the cure. Ah well, my solace is in the fact that every single one I've harvested has kicked my ass. That's good enough for me. :laughtwo:

*Sniff* Poor Carnival.

Sue, what's going on in those bags? I saw Rapid Rooters soaking on your table so you put the clones in those and then tied them up in the bag? Like a mini-greenhouse? Are there holes for air? I haven't seen this before. I usually use a DIY bubble cloner with excellent results, but I've had almost as good results with Rapid Rooters before and am undecided which I'm going to use when I take clones in a few (too many) weeks. The Rapid Rooters would be easier 'cause I wouldn't have to dig out that bubble cloner from wherever it is I stashed it...I know it's around here somewhere though.

I learned this trick from one of our better cultivators, the delightful lembatoast. Every three days they get popped open and hydrated. TOAST uses Clonex, a product I have yet to get my hands on, so I'll be using aloe vera juice until I get some of my own. In truth the aloe vera juice will probably be sufficient.

I didn't document that process well at all. The cuttings were prepared with a good diagonal cut on the end (using a fresh, sterile razor), dipped into the aloe juice they'd been sitting in as they awaited processing and the stem swirled through the rooting hormone. I turned the plugs over for stability and set them each into a small container weighted down with small gravel to keep them from tipping over when I blew up the bags. This bag that I chose for the demonstration has a large pebble offering stability.


My breath inside the bags adds extra moisture to the captive atmosphere. Leave them sitting out of the way in reduced lighting and refresh every three days. The first time I'll just pour whatever I'm using to hydrate directly on the plugs. From then on out I'll lift each out to inspect for roots. TOAST tells me it'll take about a week to get rooting action and they'll be happily growing in soil before two weeks is up.

The mini trampoline protects them from traffic mishaps.


All tucked into their temporary home.


It's a pretty easy process. The hardest part was figuring out to weight small containers so they sat upright on the floor. TOAST. Uses Rockwool cubes, which sit nice and flat on their own. I had these Rapid Rooters, which I'm incredibly impressed by.

Now we wait to see how well I paid attention to TOAST. He expects me to do it right. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
Very cool. Thank you for the detailed explanation. I look forward to seeing how this works for you. When I used Rapid Rooters for cloning, I used to put them in small yogurt cups w/ holes and surround them with perlite to help keep the Rapid Rooters moist. For the life of me I can't remember how I kept them humid though. I think I put them under a humidity dome but *shrug* I don't know. That details seems to have been erased from my memory. It might reappear later. :blalol:
Good Morning!
Your DDA's are looking great! Such a shame we can't clone the autos. Seeing how different each one is, would be nice to keep the stronger one going.
Can't wait to see the carnival fill out that 2x2 :)

If you tie down the lower branches of an auto into solo cups half-buried in the mother plant's pot, like I did (see page 50 of my journal post #747) you should be able to get clones off an auto without disturbing the apex bud. I started using the soil-layering method of propagating, because I don't' have much success with clones except in the spring.
Wow that Dark Devil is absolutely stunning! Such radiant colour!

Your garden is filled with such happeness and health. It's obvious the amount of time and dedication you afford to your garden. Keep it up, Love!

Always rooting for you over here and thinkin of you often!

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