Alaskan1 Goes Sativas Tent 3

Hmm, that is troubling, but you said you were having trouble with heat in your res, so that would mean that they didn't get the 02 they could have during that time... so could account for the difference, AND you already remedied that.

Why did you stop h202? I think I remember you saying no airstone too?
Tent 2 had the same heat issue in the beginning as well but in that res I was using H202
I stopped using it because I stopped using benefical bacteria. I do run 3 airstones in each res

After thinking on it a bit I'm going to do a test on the next tent which should be starting within a week. This test will narrow it down to what the issue could be. I hope I'm wrong
Even though it will be a indica grow instead of a sativa grow I should expect to see healthy growth
Are these clones? If so, what is the time difference between showing roots and putting them into the flo-n-gro? How different is that from #2? That's the only thing I can see at the moment that might be the problem.

yes they are all clones from the same mothers
Roots were anywhere from 2 inches to 5 inches long when they went in. I have tons of roots coming out of the netpots at this moment. Pearly white roots I might add.
yes they are all clones from the same mothers
Roots were anywhere from 2 inches to 5 inches long when they went in. I have tons of roots coming out of the netpots at this moment. Pearly white roots I might add.

Hmm... What strength are you using for your nutes? Veg1, Veg2, Crazy Growth?
yes they are all clones from the same mothers
Roots were anywhere from 2 inches to 5 inches long when they went in. I have tons of roots coming out of the netpots at this moment. Pearly white roots I might add.

On the tent 3, the ones not growing as well?

I am at a loss. I had same question as Jandre, but that doesn't seem to be the issue. Didn't these get nute burn early on? It may be that you got setback a week or two because of that. Did you burn the tent 2 plants, too? Keep in mind, that if they're burned up top, they're burned below, too. Root growth is just as damaged sometimes if not more. Root structure will drive growth up top, and even though you are seeing healthy white roots now, you may not have the elaborate network underneath, size-wise as of yet, as the tent 2 plants. Just spitballin' here, but food for thought?

Also, I have no idea how I missed this other journal! Don't ever be afraid to say, "Hey dummy, I have a new journal where have you been?!" I'd like to be subbed to all of your journals if you'd like to have me. My fault for missing it!

Since we're using so many of the same things now, I thought I'd detail what works for me at that stage. Here's what I'd do if I had your plants in my grow room right now, nutrient and additive wise. Doesn't mean it's the best or what you should do, but it's proven to me as successful:

Veg, Using RO water, 0ppm:

Nutrients and supplements added in this order:

DM Zone: 2ml per gallon
Cal/Mag +: 2.5 ml per gallon
Silica: 2ml per gallon

At this point I balance my PH to about 6.2... then I add:

Blue Planet Nutrients Micro: 5ml per gallon
Blue Planet Nutrients Grow: 5ml per gallon
Blue Planet Nutrients Bloom: 5ml per gallon

This would put my ppm's at around... 750-800ppm I think? (Using .7 conversion). If the plants responded well, I'd bump this up over 1000ppm next week. My PH usually balances out to about 5.6 or 5.7 after adding the BPN.

Also, I'd be monitoring my res temps and trying to keep it 65-68f. If I don't have bug pressure or heat issues, and my RH is above 35%, then I'd expect them to flourish with this regimen.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying what I'm suggesting above is "THE Way" to do it. I just thought the best thing I could do, is tell you exactly what I'd do, ya know?

If anything looks off or wrong about what I posted, let me know - it's possible that I made an error somewhere, but I think I got it.
On the tent 3, the ones not growing as well?

I am at a loss. I had same question as Jandre, but that doesn't seem to be the issue. Didn't these get nute burn early on? It may be that you got setback a week or two because of that. Did you burn the tent 2 plants, too? Keep in mind, that if they're burned up top, they're burned below, too. Root growth is just as damaged sometimes if not more. Root structure will drive growth up top, and even though you are seeing healthy white roots now, you may not have the elaborate network underneath, size-wise as of yet, as the tent 2 plants. Just spitballin' here, but food for thought?

Also, I have no idea how I missed this other journal! Don't ever be afraid to say, "Hey dummy, I have a new journal where have you been?!" I'd like to be subbed to all of your journals if you'd like to have me. My fault for missing it!

Since we're using so many of the same things now, I thought I'd detail what works for me at that stage. Here's what I'd do if I had your plants in my grow room right now, nutrient and additive wise. Doesn't mean it's the best or what you should do, but it's proven to me as successful:

Veg, Using RO water, 0ppm:

Nutrients and supplements added in this order:

DM Zone: 2ml per gallon
Cal/Mag +: 2.5 ml per gallon
Silica: 2ml per gallon

At this point I balance my PH to about 6.2... then I add:

Blue Planet Nutrients Micro: 5ml per gallon
Blue Planet Nutrients Grow: 5ml per gallon
Blue Planet Nutrients Bloom: 5ml per gallon

This would put my ppm's at around... 750-800ppm I think? (Using .7 conversion). If the plants responded well, I'd bump this up over 1000ppm next week. My PH usually balances out to about 5.6 or 5.7 after adding the BPN.

Also, I'd be monitoring my res temps and trying to keep it 65-68f. If I don't have bug pressure or heat issues, and my RH is above 35%, then I'd expect them to flourish with this regimen.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying what I'm suggesting above is "THE Way" to do it. I just thought the best thing I could do, is tell you exactly what I'd do, ya know?

If anything looks off or wrong about what I posted, let me know - it's possible that I made an error somewhere, but I think I got it.

Hey X,

Yeah I did start to see some nute burn but probably a two days after noticing it I dumped the res and redid it using half nutes and that seemed to fix it. Not the worse case of nute burn I have ever seen though. Then I ran it for a week with the half nutes. I'm currently as I told Jandre on Veg 2 which is 10 10 and 10.

Don't worry about missing it my friend. You have had enough on your plate that I didn't want to bother you with adding something else to it.

Right now the only difference is I do not add any Cal/Mag as I don't really see any deficencies in it and I use the 5ml per 5 gallons with the silica
I'm also adding the silica and zone last.
Howdy Alaskan1

nice chatting with you earlier. I hope that you get everything worked out. I am also hoping that you should see some improvements over the next week after you initiate the changes we discussed.
To fill everyone in:
A brief synopsis of what I suggested:

1) Flush the system really well. take water hose and actually rinse hydroton in the containers a couple of times and generally just flush the entire system with clear tap water. This is to ensure that there are no build ups of anything harmful and eliminate that possiblity.

2) eliminate more variables. Only use the BPN 3 part at 7.5 ml per gallon. Fill reservoir at least halfway before adding any nutrients. Add the micro first followed by grow or bloom.

3) Double check that your pH meter is properly calibrated and adjust the ph between 5.5 and 5.8.

4) Flood 4 times instead of 3. My thinking is that they will definitely have enough water and nutrients. lowering the strength will ensure that they are not getting too much nutrition and adding a flood should only be helpful. Especially since the nutrient strength will be lower. Highly oxygenated nutrient solution should help keep pathogens at bay. I always grow in a DWC situation and all of my plants have whatever they want at all times in a highly oxygenated environment so adding a flood should be beneficial according to my thoughts.

Everything else as far as temps, RH, oxygenated nutrients sounds to be on point.

If the plants are stressed (I am assuming they are due to the nute burn) then they may take a few days to a week to snap out of their funk and they are probably well on their way of snapping out judging by the pics.

I am guessing that you will see A LOT of improvement after about a week. Once things are straightened out, then you can re-evaluate the situation and decide on whether you want or need to add calmag, zone, and silica. I am just hesitant to suggest adding more than what the plants actually need until they break out of their stress.

XLR8 is correct that the roots were probably stressed just as much as the tops. Per our discussion, the roots are very white and healthy at this time so they should be good to go.

I am positive that you will get this worked out soon!

Some were asking about my roots?? ya go
Howdy Alaskan1

nice chatting with you earlier. I hope that you get everything worked out. I am also hoping that you should see some improvements over the next week after you initiate the changes we discussed.
To fill everyone in:
A brief synopsis of what I suggested:

1) Flush the system really well. take water hose and actually rinse hydroton in the containers a couple of times and generally just flush the entire system with clear tap water. This is to ensure that there are no build ups of anything harmful and eliminate that possiblity.

2) eliminate more variables. Only use the BPN 3 part at 7.5 ml per gallon. Fill reservoir at least halfway before adding any nutrients. Add the micro first followed by grow or bloom.

3) Double check that your pH meter is properly calibrated and adjust the ph between 5.5 and 5.8.

4) Flood 4 times instead of 3. My thinking is that they will definitely have enough water and nutrients. lowering the strength will ensure that they are not getting too much nutrition and adding a flood should only be helpful. Especially since the nutrient strength will be lower. Highly oxygenated nutrient solution should help keep pathogens at bay. I always grow in a DWC situation and all of my plants have whatever they want at all times in a highly oxygenated environment so adding a flood should be beneficial according to my thoughts.

Everything else as far as temps, RH, oxygenated nutrients sounds to be on point.

If the plants are stressed (I am assuming they are due to the nute burn) then they may take a few days to a week to snap out of their funk and they are probably well on their way of snapping out judging by the pics.

I am guessing that you will see A LOT of improvement after about a week. Once things are straightened out, then you can re-evaluate the situation and decide on whether you want or need to add calmag, zone, and silica. I am just hesitant to suggest adding more than what the plants actually need until they break out of their stress.

XLR8 is correct that the roots were probably stressed just as much as the tops. Per our discussion, the roots are very white and healthy at this time so they should be good to go.

I am positive that you will get this worked out soon!


Open and honest. Help is never far with you, and that has more value than money. +rep
Hey X,

Yeah I did start to see some nute burn but probably a two days after noticing it I dumped the res and redid it using half nutes and that seemed to fix it. Not the worse case of nute burn I have ever seen though. Then I ran it for a week with the half nutes. I'm currently as I told Jandre on Veg 2 which is 10 10 and 10.

Don't worry about missing it my friend. You have had enough on your plate that I didn't want to bother you with adding something else to it.

Right now the only difference is I do not add any Cal/Mag as I don't really see any deficencies in it and I use the 5ml per 5 gallons with the silica
I'm also adding the silica and zone last.

I assume you pH balance after the silica goes in...
Howdy Alaskan1

nice chatting with you earlier. I hope that you get everything worked out. I am also hoping that you should see some improvements over the next week after you initiate the changes we discussed.
To fill everyone in:
A brief synopsis of what I suggested:

1) Flush the system really well. take water hose and actually rinse hydroton in the containers a couple of times and generally just flush the entire system with clear tap water. This is to ensure that there are no build ups of anything harmful and eliminate that possiblity.

2) eliminate more variables. Only use the BPN 3 part at 7.5 ml per gallon. Fill reservoir at least halfway before adding any nutrients. Add the micro first followed by grow or bloom.

3) Double check that your pH meter is properly calibrated and adjust the ph between 5.5 and 5.8.

4) Flood 4 times instead of 3. My thinking is that they will definitely have enough water and nutrients. lowering the strength will ensure that they are not getting too much nutrition and adding a flood should only be helpful. Especially since the nutrient strength will be lower. Highly oxygenated nutrient solution should help keep pathogens at bay. I always grow in a DWC situation and all of my plants have whatever they want at all times in a highly oxygenated environment so adding a flood should be beneficial according to my thoughts.

Everything else as far as temps, RH, oxygenated nutrients sounds to be on point.

If the plants are stressed (I am assuming they are due to the nute burn) then they may take a few days to a week to snap out of their funk and they are probably well on their way of snapping out judging by the pics.

I am guessing that you will see A LOT of improvement after about a week. Once things are straightened out, then you can re-evaluate the situation and decide on whether you want or need to add calmag, zone, and silica. I am just hesitant to suggest adding more than what the plants actually need until they break out of their stress.

XLR8 is correct that the roots were probably stressed just as much as the tops. Per our discussion, the roots are very white and healthy at this time so they should be good to go.

I am positive that you will get this worked out soon!


Thanks for the phonecall today Corey, that was unexpected but very nice!
I just rep'd ya for that!

Calibrated the meter. PH was off by .1 and the PPM was off by 155 high. So it was reading higher then it really was.

I did as requested and flushed all the hydroton and then filled and drained the res until the res was close to the PPM of the tap water. Think the tap was coming out of the faucet at 128 and last drain of the res it was 135 so pretty good flush. Filled everything as asked and right now I have them drinking some new nutes.

PH'd to 5.5
Lets see what happens!!

Again, thanks for the help
well A1, looks like you've been up to your hydroton with help and support :rofl: What a great place this is!!! :)

Whatever the cause I sure hope you have kicked it to the curb. :thumb:
However the real reason I dropped by is nice UBTing there my friend!
I notice your sativa's which don't grow as symetrical as indicas will have 3 tops vs 4. You can however lst them down to promote even more tops to rise.

Good Luck A1
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