Day 18 Veg Tent A

The flower tent is beginning to swell up but it's in the very early stages and they don't look much different from a couple days ago. I'll do a more detailed update on those this weekend. The veg tent got a makeover again and the other seedlings of the fruits and veggies are now outside. Most haven't popped so I will likely replant them but won't be using my tents as I don't have the space. The ones that did grow and I planted outside all seem to be liking their new garden bed.

The veg tent is now down to 4 Crop King CBDreams and the 8 Stank Genetics ATFs. We trimmed and hung my girlfriends plants 2 days ago so I'm hoping those will be all dry and she can take the CBDreams this weekend or early next week. Once those are gone then the focus can finally just be on the ATFs. A little tangent here though. When pulling my girlfriends plants (which she did a great job growing) I took a lot at the root mass. If you don't end up with a root mass looking like this, than you did something wrong, most likely in the veg stage. She grew them in soil so it should be even easier in any hydro medium to equal if not better roots. If they don't end up like the picture than likely you need to add some root enhancers or look at the size pot you are running them in.

The ATFs were only transplanted into 1 gallon hard pots because I haven't sexed them yet. Since I am not in a rush I am going to let them grow out a bit before I top them so I can use the top to clone. Then I'll put it right into 12/12 light and watch to see which clones turn male and which turn female. I likely won't even make them real clones, I probably will just put them in water and 12/12 light. The ATFs are starting to finally catch up to the soil girls and usually this is where I see a huge difference between soil and coco. In veg these things just go nuts in coco.

Bonsai tree starting to fill in nicely. It's funny how long growing small trees take to react when something happens. They are so methodical compared to weed.
Day 21 Veg Tent A - Day 46 Flower Tent B

Two days ago the block that I live on lost power for 2 hours. When it came back up it popped a breaker and half of my house is without power. I have an old breaker and the replacement parts are hard to find so it's been chaos. I have extension cords running from bedrooms upstairs to tents downstairs through a laundry drop thing and the cords are in the way of everything. The good news is that I have learned a ton about wiring and breakers in the last couple days and if I need to do electrical work in the future I am now pretty confident in my knowledge. This will come in handy when I buy a house and build a grow area. The part I need comes tomorrow and I should have everything back to normal. The bad news is that the plants were without power for pretty much one whole daily light cycle. The veg plants were in the dark for about 30 hours and they all shot up some fresh green growth like they do in stretching. Maybe the ATFs will show a little pre-sex due to this and I'll get kind of lucky. I think I will be taking their tops in a few days and sexing those for the real test.

The CBDreams all got their big fan leaves pulled today. In the picture I had only done it to one but they all look like that one now. These grew really well and they've got me wanting to make my own soil and do a run in soil again. I've wanted to make my own soil for a long time and have another friend who grows who wants to do it as well so we may just make a huge batch together. Would be fun to do a run in soil and just see the difference in growth vs coco.

As promised I did some close up shots of the flower tent. These are just of the colas. This tent is really boring right now. It's hard to notice growth as they slowly fatten up in the pictures but these still have 4-ish weeks left and that's a lot of time to keep getting bigger.

White Rhino
Purple Envy
Super Iced Grapefruit
Hey Ase! Just found this journal and feel like I’m home. A lot of great info here. Makes me feel extremely lucky because I am starting my first grow currently. Got 2 little 2” baby girls going in a 2’x4’ tent. Will definitely be trying the quad line out of the gate. I am nervous though. My tent is only 5’ tall and my babes are Blue Dream. So.....yeah. Baptism by fire for learning to keep these girls short. Loved hearing y’all talk about the smell and high of this strain. Hope I am fortunate enough to have a good grow for my first one. I really feel like my chances have gone up thanks to this journal. Thanks for being willing to share. I will be checking out some of the other journals of the quad squad over the next few days!
Hey Ase! Just found this journal and feel like I’m home. A lot of great info here. Makes me feel extremely lucky because I am starting my first grow currently. Got 2 little 2” baby girls going in a 2’x4’ tent. Will definitely be trying the quad line out of the gate. I am nervous though. My tent is only 5’ tall and my babes are Blue Dream. So.....yeah. Baptism by fire for learning to keep these girls short. Loved hearing y’all talk about the smell and high of this strain. Hope I am fortunate enough to have a good grow for my first one. I really feel like my chances have gone up thanks to this journal. Thanks for being willing to share. I will be checking out some of the other journals of the quad squad over the next few days!

It’s funny how you can read a bunch of journals and then you find the one person that thinks like you do and you know you are “home”. I’m glad you found it at the start of your journey so you can use it to your advantage for your first grow! Thank you for the kind words.

Is your Blue Dream from Humboldt Seed Organization? I think it’s a great choice to quadline if you have space issues. 5 feet is not a lot of room but you’ll be able to pull it off if you train them like I do. Do you have a journal going for them yet? I’d love to follow along.
Your girls always looking good :yummy:
All four of your flower girls are stacked! Very nice work.

Thank you guys! I kind of miss the days where something would go wrong and I'd have to learn how to fix it. It seems like my last couple grows I've had no issues and in a way it's boring. At the same time if I had to choose one over the other, I'd choose to not have issues and be bored. Very much looking forward to this scrog grow and I'm really hoping for 4 females. The CBDreams go to their new home today and then it will be all out on the ATFs. After the scrog grow is done I will be doing just one single plant in the same tent and just seeing how big I can get it. Trying to switch it up to keep things interesting!
Dont say that your running every growers dream surely.. Also your running a fairly small grow, try a 200 plant room and there will be problems a plenty :)
Dont say that your running every growers dream surely.. Also your running a fairly small grow, try a 200 plant room and there will be problems a plenty :)

I'd like to try my hand at that someday. I think I have the tent grow thing down pat now but I'd love the challenges of growing a room or small warehouse or something. At this point I think that would be my next step and match more of my skill level now. Hoping to look into that in 2019.
Day 23 Veg Tent A - Day 46/Day1 Flower Tent B

The girlfriend took her CBDreams and now the veg tent has some more space. Seriously just in time. I've been fairly lucky on the timing of everything as I really didn't plan this out very well. All 8 of the ATFs got their toppings today and with those tops I cloned them in small coco pots. Clipped them, scarred up the bottoms a bit and then dipped them in rooting gel and straight into coco. Those are going straight into the flower tent as I only want to see the sex. I'm fairly certain that I have 3 males and 3 females. The other 2 could go either way. I'm really hoping for 4 as 3 would take a whole lot longer to fill out the net than 4. Either way we will know in a week and then the net goes on! As for now I will let them recoop from the topping and when they start going strong again it will be time to quadline. The roots are everywhere in their new pots and I see huge white healthy roots coming out of all the holes in the bottom. It really didn't take long for them to fill in the new pots. The females will get a transplant into their final homes when I know the sex and the males will go away.

I added 5 new small pots to the veg tent. They are cherry tomatoes. I got the rest of my garden done but the only ones I really had trouble getting going in the big batch were the cherry tomatoes. I am going to try again for 7-10 days and by then they should be going strong. That's also about the time the net will come on so perfect timing.

8 ATFs, 5 cherry tomatoes and the bonsai.

Flower Tent with the clones at the bottom. The fan blows about a foot over them so they won't get hit by wind. If clones have wind before rooted it will cause the roots to break off due to the vibrations and the clone won't take.
It’s funny how you can read a bunch of journals and then you find the one person that thinks like you do and you know you are “home”. I’m glad you found it at the start of your journey so you can use it to your advantage for your first grow! Thank you for the kind words.

Is your Blue Dream from Humboldt Seed Organization? I think it’s a great choice to quadline if you have space issues. 5 feet is not a lot of room but you’ll be able to pull it off if you train them like I do. Do you have a journal going for them yet? I’d love to follow along.
No not from Humboldt. Wasn’t really sure of a reliable source to get Humboldt seeds from where I live. I have a good friend who has ordered a few times from the Netherlands with good results so I went with them this time. And no I haven’t started a journal on here yet but will tomorrow. Looking forward to getting some good input along the way. Seems like coco is where it’s at but I may need the forgiveness soil allows for the first run or two. and even that may not be enough!! But I’m gonna stay positive and learn no matter what happens. Good start so far. One of the little sprouts busted through with the seed hanging off the side of her head like she came to party!! Haha.
Well 200 plants would be a breeze if done right. Especially if you could tend to them 247 and you were ase... four 50 plant spaces on auto water, each the same strain. Totally do-able.
Well 200 plants would be a breeze if done right. Especially if you could tend to them 247 and you were ase... four 50 plant spaces on auto water, each the same strain. Totally do-able.

Oh trust me. If you don’t think I have this all planned already out for when I get a chance, then you probably don’t know me. At this point all I would need is the space and the legality to do so. Both things I will be really going for next year. Have just been saving money for a while now to be ready. I’ve ran into some oppprtunities but it was just not great fits so I politely declined and realized I really just want to do this my way. Just need someone to let me or start from scratch!

I’m all about systems working correctly and having the ideal environments at all times. Weed is pretty easy to grow if the growspace is well taken care of. If it was my job 24/7 you know it’d be dialed in.
No not from Humboldt. Wasn’t really sure of a reliable source to get Humboldt seeds from where I live. I have a good friend who has ordered a few times from the Netherlands with good results so I went with them this time. And no I haven’t started a journal on here yet but will tomorrow. Looking forward to getting some good input along the way. Seems like coco is where it’s at but I may need the forgiveness soil allows for the first run or two. and even that may not be enough!! But I’m gonna stay positive and learn no matter what happens. Good start so far. One of the little sprouts busted through with the seed hanging off the side of her head like she came to party!! Haha.

Do you know what seed company they are from? I only ask because a couple people have grown Blue Dream recently and I'm trying to see a slight correlation (if possible). I'll gladly follow along as soon as you get that journal up. I think it's a solid idea to run a round of soil before switching to another medium. I like coco a lot but it may not be suited for some people. Just have to find what works for you in the end.

Irregardless of the medium I love the way plants that are quadlined turn out. I think I've posted some good pictures of how to do it in this journal but don't be afraid to ask questions when the time comes if you aren't sure! I check here at least once a day and usually can get back to you quickly so you aren't left guessing.
Do you know what seed company they are from? I only ask because a couple people have grown Blue Dream recently and I'm trying to see a slight correlation (if possible). I'll gladly follow along as soon as you get that journal up. I think it's a solid idea to run a round of soil before switching to another medium. I like coco a lot but it may not be suited for some people. Just have to find what works for you in the end.

Irregardless of the medium I love the way plants that are quadlined turn out. I think I've posted some good pictures of how to do it in this journal but don't be afraid to ask questions when the time comes if you aren't sure! I check here at least once a day and usually can get back to you quickly so you aren't left guessing.
I got them from I love growing marijuana. I got that journal up and going. Thanks again for being a willing teacher! And I’m loving the progress your girls are making!! Can’t wait to see the Scrog as well. Will you quadline and Scrog? And is that something I should consider with my height limitations?
I got them from I love growing marijuana. I got that journal up and going. Thanks again for being a willing teacher! And I’m loving the progress your girls are making!! Can’t wait to see the Scrog as well. Will you quadline and Scrog? And is that something I should consider with my height limitations?
I have a blue dream from them going right now. Definitely favors the blueberry side of the lineage and I didn't get the massive stretch that so many of the Humboldt strain growers see. Beautiful plant though!

Ase, you garden looks excellent as usual! Love the variety and the cherry maters as well. Getting ready to get all my stuff transplanted outdoors into the veggie garden. I think the danger zone with frost is over now.
Looking good Ase subbed in . Be watching you lol

Welcome Kismet! I know I've seen ya around a bunch so it was only a matter of time until you made your way here! I saw that you were asking Newty questions and she learned a lot from here so I was just sitting back and relaxing. It's fun watching people that I've taught pass on that knowledge and they teach it well too. I try not to get involved too much unless it's on my own thread. Glad you made it.
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