Blue Angel 2019

I'm also in alberta and my seedling that was slated to be grown out back in my garden got killed last night :-( damn neighborhood cats

That’s unfortunate!!

Damn cats, pissing and shitting in the flower beds all the time too!! Damn neighbours letting there cats out!! I shake my fist at them!!

The ladies are plugging along!! Although They may have a bit of a Nitrogen Deficiency on both of the plants. The last feeding I noticed some burnt up leaves in the top of the pot. Did t think anything of it, then today I clued In:idea: Nitrogen deficiency! I need to treat it as soon as possible or it will spread up and I’ll have a big problem on my hands. Not good for a nitrogen deficiency in early stage of flowering. I will keep a close eye on it, in the mean time.

Now, that being said, I brought the ladies out and gave them both 1.5gallons (give or take). I also added some cal mag in, for the both of them. :adore:




Blue Cookie^




Dark Angel^

I need to do a lil better of a job lollipoping them, especially the DA but for now I’m happy. :cheesygrinsmiley:


The Veg box sits idle at the moment. Awaiting the next tenants.

I tell ya! It is getting almost impossible to take these ladies out of the tent for a watering/photo shoot. The wife keeps telling me I need to build another tent and move one of the plants into the new tent. She doesn’t realize, that once I spend the money to build another tent, which won’t be that much, I’ll need to buy a new light for the tent. Maybe I’ll try out one of these awesome Mars Hydro Lights I’ve been hearing about:cheer:.

When the time comes I will definitely see what’s on the market :thumb:


Blue Cookie on the left, Dark Angel on the right. Jim the gnome way in the back as well.

The seeds are still in the water. When I checked on them after getting home from work, all four were floating. I tapped them down with my finger, and they immediately sank. Exactly what I wanted. I will be putting them in paper towel tonight, and into a sandwich baggy till tomorrow when I (hopefully) drop four germinated seeds in some pucks. :slide:

Much smaller then the rest
I prefer the fatter,healthier looking seeds also-the 2 plants I've got growing now started out as tiny,dud looking fact when got them out of the package to start soaking them,I thought "good thing I've got more than one,because these little fuckers aren't gonna grow"-they were tiny little things...ended up being the fastest growing plants I've ever grown...taught me a "don't judge a book by it's cover" kind of lesson....I've always thought that the smaller seeds just had to be crap...but such is not the case,in fact the opposite can be true-
Too bad about that one started out so well...but if a plant is going to go south on you,the seedling stage is the best time for it to happen-not that any time is a good time,but you know what I mean...
Your plants are really doing fantastic,and good job on the defol / lollipopping -I've got that coming up in about a week-I didn't really do squat to them before 12/12,so they're really looking shaggy right now...
Even with the defoliating, Jim the Gnome isn't going to see the light of day for awhile..."It's a Jungle in there";)
They're looking real good :yummy:
I prefer the fatter,healthier looking seeds also-the 2 plants I've got growing now started out as tiny,dud looking fact when got them out of the package to start soaking them,I thought "good thing I've got more than one,because these little fuckers aren't gonna grow"-they were tiny little things...ended up being the fastest growing plants I've ever grown...taught me a "don't judge a book by it's cover" kind of lesson....I've always thought that the smaller seeds just had to be crap...but such is not the case,in fact the opposite can be true-
Too bad about that one started out so well...but if a plant is going to go south on you,the seedling stage is the best time for it to happen-not that any time is a good time,but you know what I mean...
Your plants are really doing fantastic,and good job on the defol / lollipopping -I've got that coming up in about a week-I didn't really do squat to them before 12/12,so they're really looking shaggy right now...
Even with the defoliating, Jim the Gnome isn't going to see the light of day for awhile..."It's a Jungle in there";)

Yeah that’s a hell of a lesson! I’ll maybe cut back on the hatred towards runt looking seeds lol!

I’m not afraid to pull leaves off the girls so I find my self doing it almost every time I look at them, I guess it’s a way of bonding with my plants. Here let me pull your limbs untill they pluck off! It’s a love that only them and I understand :laugh:

Jim was already suffocating when I pulled him out, he was like a soldier climbing out of a trench after a grenade flew inside and blew up! Hahaha :laugh:
But I know your just making me feel better about my plants
Brother no ways, you’ve got one hell of a garden! :yahoo:
MR. Nug of the month over there!!
Don’t make me blush! :hippy::rollit::rofl:
Although They may have a bit of a Nitrogen Deficiency on both of the plants.
Sorry bro I lost track of what stage you are in flowering. But I usually completely cut back on veg nutes from day 21-24 onwards and then switch completely to bloom feedings which contains more potassium and phosphorus. During veg your plant needs loads of nitrogen, and that’s actually why it’s good to keep with some nitrogen feeding even after flipping to 12/12 to promote more growth during stretch, but as the plant concentrates on developing flowers it will need more potassium and posphorus and not much nitrogen. This is important cause if you keep feeding nitrogen the plant will not use it and that will develop problems eg. nutrient lockouts. I see you are adding calmag that’s good and you can keep adding it now and then as your plants will us it throughout their whole life cycle. :ganjamon:
The wife keeps telling me I need to build another tent and move one of the plants into the new tent.
I think you should listen to the wife! :adore: More space is always better.
Maybe I’ll try out one of these awesome Mars Hydro Lights I’ve been hearing about
I’m also super keen to try them out!! There’s loads of successful grows on them, and I like how @SmokeSara is around if you need any info on their lighting. I’m yet to make the switch to LED as I have good results with HPS but electricity costs are higher and these Mars lights can save you loads on electricity. :ganjamon:

The girls are still flowering, beautiful pistils forming. Grabbed a couple pictures of the girls. I’m going to warn you, it is under the LED light, but through my glasses. These are great photos! :battingeyelashes: Something about those LED pictures looking through my glasses just gets me all fired up!:yahoo:


Blue Cookie^


Dark Angel^

The new seeds are doing splendid!! I was lazy and left the beans in water over night again. Today after work I checked on them and all four have cracked and begun to sprout. I’m just waiting for my pucks to hydrate then they will be going in the humidity dome/ and into the veg box under my small T5. Not posting a picture because it’ll be a lame picture of 4 hydrated pucks, (LAME!). Maybe tomorrow I will snap a picture for all you lovely people!!

Those are nice pics-it's cool how the pistils are white,but everything
else is pink,really nice effect!
Plants look great! (no matter what color they are:))
Brother no ways, you’ve got one hell of a garden! :yahoo:

Aww blush!! Thanks bro!

Yeah I really need to upgrade my grow space, it’s definitely time to. The wife has a few family members here for a week, so I’m just trying to stay out of the way. Then I can learn where everything is again once they leave. Plus I’ve got so many projects on the go, the thought of building a new tent right now just stresses me out lol.

I’ve never tried growing with HPS, I was originally going to try with HPS but I had a bit of a ghetto set up and didn’t want the heat it puts out. Went with LED instead and I think I will stick with them for sure! :thumb:
Hello, welcome to Blue Angel 2019. I’m new to the site, so I will spend a bit of time introducing my self. I’ve been growing for almost two years, growing indoors (successfully) for about 8 months or so. I don’t know everything, but I like to think I have a good grasp on things. Always room to grow (no pun intended) and love to learn new things.

Oh, I’m also Canadian, Eh!

Last year I built my own grow tent, 32” wide, 2’ deep, and (originally) 4’ tall. I built it out of 3/4” pvc pipe, and furniture grade 3 way elbows. I was in a pinch last year to get it finished, and bought the most readily available product to wrap it with. Space blankets from wal mart. It has its draw backs, yes. It by no means affected my grow as my girls came out marvellous, but it’s flimsy and tears super easily. Now that my tent is temporarily empty, I would like to buy some panda film and re-wrap the tent. Unfortunately I may have to wait, because I modified the tent, and built a platform for the tent to sit on,out of wood. Cut holes in the bottom of the tent so the pots were sitting just “below” the tent. (Will get a lil more into detail about this a bit later) It now made my tent 5’ tall. I have some 6’ 2” pvc pipes and would like to get rid of the platform and 4’ poles, replace with 6’2” poles, then re-wrap my tent with panda film. My problem with that, is that I have no more height above my tent, so for now I will probably have to just deal with what I have, for now. Untill I get into a bigger place and have the room for it. I will also get into why I have no more room above my tent a bit later. For now I’ll show my 4’ original sized tent.


With the door shut^


The top cross brace I hang my light off of^

So, at that time I had it in my fifth wheel (before Snow was on the ground). I then moved it inside. I know right! Smart decision lol :high-five:

So fast forward some time...:morenutes:

I was quickly running out of room, my girls were exceeding my expectations. With only 4’ of room, when I transplanted them into 5 gallon cloth smart pots, there was no room for the light to comfortably hang above them.

I then built a platform for my tent to sit on. Cut holes in the bottom and boom! I now have a 5’ tent (kind of).

So I then, wanted to have two more plants ready to put in the tent when these two were finished. See this is where I needed better timing judgment. I’ll get into that more later.

I germinated two Jamaican mountain kush seeds, and I needed a veg compartment. So I built a grow box, to sit under my tent. Easy peasy! Not, I himmed and hawed, swore, a couple times, built it too big, got mad, broke it, rebuilt it, and Voilà! End result was a (nothing pretty, but it doesn’t have to be damnit! :goof: Lol) grow box made to my exact specifications.

What it looks like with the cover on^


The cover off, friction fit!^

I built the box to be 32” wide, 2’ deep, 16” tall, inside to inside. I built it with wood because I was flipping my other two girls soon(in the tent), and didn’t want to disrupt their 12/12 light schedule. Wanted minimal light penetrating through it. Needed it sturdy for the tent to sit on and it’s light weight as I built it with 2x4’s ripped in half, 1/4” plywood inside and 1/2” on the top.

I then tapped black garbage bag on the outside of tent and platform.

Side view^ left a small viewing window.


Front view^ door off.

So that’s why I ran out of room above my tent.

Now, let me get into my lighting choices, and strains. In the box I have a small 2’ T5 light that my plants love. In my tent I have a 1000W Higrow LED light, again my plants love it. In the tent I had one Green Crack and one Black diamond.

Before they finished flowering, I was running out of room in my grow box. Poorly judge my timing, as I should have flipped my flowering girls earlier or germinated the two JMK later then I did.

Ren on the left and stimpy on the right^
I Topped them at the 3rd internode. LST the crap out of them. They still outgrew the box.

I ran out of pictures that I’m able to post, And will post more after this. I’ll also post my last pictures of the flowering plants before harvest.

So, long story short. Ren and Stimpy turned out to be males. Big waste of time. Oh well :surf:

So this brings me to the present. Also explains as to why I chose Blue Angel 2019 for the name of my journal.

I germinated one Dark Angel feminized seed from crop kings seeds. As well as a Blue Cookie seed from crop kings. I have them in peat pucks at this time, but will be moving them to their first pot tonight, into coco.
hey buddy, just checked out your grow after you've been helping me with mine. We seem to be in the same boat regarding space restrictions and home builds and its encouraging to see you've been so successful! Keep up the good work
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