Blue Angel 2019


The ladies were thirsty yesterday but I had no time to feed them. So I made the time for them today, even though it was a busy day. Dug out a small spruce in my front yard and gave to a cousin of mine, helped him fix my truck, and I had to drive into the big city today and pick up a new fridge. As the old one crapped the bed and ruined all of our food. The frozen stuff was still frozen, but it wouldn’t have been, for long. when we bought the place, the previous owners wanted their fridge, but left a crappy one in the garage. So we knew it was a matter of time before we had to buy one, but damn not this early. A bunch of moneys later, the wife is happy again.

Now, back to what it’s all about. The plants are looking happy! Putting on weight like you wouldn’t believe. I gave them an early flower dose of nutes in about 1.5 gallons of water for each. Added cal mag for both girls. The crispy dead leaves have sure slowed down, but still found a few. After a couple more doses of it they may bounce back.




Dark Angel^




Blue Cookie^


Bc on the left, Da on the right.


Jim is woozy from all of the Aromas.


We’ve got one seed that has sprouted. The others don’t look far behind. I squeezed the pucks to crack them and took some tweezers and opened it up to let some light in and hopefully they shoot up going towards the light.



Love the tent. Im in a closet atm. Thinking about building one for my next run tho. I did see a tent that had 2 4x4. Chambers for around 100 bucks thinking it must be not the greatest quality for that price tho. I thought i had plenty of space. It runs out so quick tho. Great looking grow! Been thinking about trying the Dark angel next time around. Heard many good things. You should do a smoke report once finished:roorrip:
Love the tent. Im in a closet atm. Thinking about building one for my next run tho. I did see a tent that had 2 4x4. Chambers for around 100 bucks thinking it must be not the greatest quality for that price tho. I thought i had plenty of space. It runs out so quick tho. Great looking grow! Been thinking about trying the Dark angel next time around. Heard many good things. You should do a smoke report once finished:roorrip:

Thanks man!

Yeah that deal almost sounds too good to be true! Lol read the reviews on it.

I will definitely do a smoke report for the both of them, when the time comes.

Hey Backlip! They're all looking so good and filling out nicely. Loving the gnome, i need one! :ganjamon:
Are you planning on doing any defoliation? Everyone's got their own opnion on it - i try and take off as little leaves as possible during flower even if they're looking ugly - but if i see it blocking a bud site i'll snip it. Selective defoilation, not just taking all the leaves off lol. I'll wait for day 21 of flower to pass, then take off a leaf here and there as they cover flowers. Just my 2 cents.
We’ve got one seed that has sprouted. The others don’t look far behind.
Good looking seedling! You're wasting no time and getting the next round on the go :cool:
Hey Backlip! They're all looking so good and filling out nicely. Loving the gnome, i need one! :ganjamon:
Are you planning on doing any defoliation? Everyone's got their own opnion on it - i try and take off as little leaves as possible during flower even if they're looking ugly - but if i see it blocking a bud site i'll snip it. Selective defoilation, not just taking all the leaves off lol. I'll wait for day 21 of flower to pass, then take off a leaf here and there as they cover flowers. Just my 2 cents.

Good looking seedling! You're wasting no time and getting the next round on the go :cool:

Sorry for the late reply, I wanted to be able to actually reply back, not just a quick message back.

Yes sir! You should get a gnome with your favourite team and then we can let them fight to the death! :headbanger::laughtwo: I like to incorporate him in my posts to make them seem not so monotone. Adds a lil character lol. I’m glad you like it! :snowboating:

Now your question on Defoliating, I usually let them grow as they please besides training in veg, maybe one really good trim. Once they start really stretching in flower I give them a good defol. As well as a good ol’ Lolly pop trim job. The plants are 23 days into flower today and will be doing another really good trim job here in the next couple days getting rid of any small bud sites in the bottom of the canopy that won’t mount to much anyways, and no sense making the plant exert the energy to those sites, let them focus where it matters. That’s the long version of the answer to your question. The short version is yeah man I have no problemo cutting leaves off bro, cut that shits off, and I’m off to hit the waves bro! :surf: Haha I wish! I’ve never surfed a day in my life:laughtwo:

Left the ladies in the tent tonight, but mixed up two gallons to split between the two. Added some cal mag, and, well, fed it to them. Down the hatch! I yelled!

The ladies were still had some weight to them and looked to be a bit moist still from the last feeding, but I thought why not, they love that shit! Toned er’ down to just a gallon each and the rest, well you will see I suppose... :ciao:




I snapped those three of the Blue Cookie last night before I went to bed. Those messed up leaves are because my door vacuums shut so bad it’s ruffing up next to my plants. Or their just outgrowing their home haha :laughtwo:

The rest are from today after a feeding. I’m sorry for the quality, I was looking through my glasses (through my phone) and the flash is on as well.


Dark Angel^


Blue Cookie^

I think Jim is lost, I found him with his nose in the corner like he was put in time out. So I brought him out front again and he says “Aloha” :ciao:
I guess he thinks he’s Hawaiian or something, (shrugs it off)


B.C on the left and D.A on the right.

The Blue Cookie’s Colas are sure filling out and getting beefy for 23 days of flowering.


B.C ^ (through my LED glasses with no flash)

The new seeds are doing pretty good as well. All but one has sprouted out the pucks. The one Blue Cookie seed that has sprout, came up with the seed still attached, because I pretty well dug them out so it could light. I pulled it off (gently) and will be burrowing her a lil, now that it’s started.



I need to be careful with the stretch, I should probably set up my fan soon, but I normally don’t do that till they come out of the dome. I will keep an eye on the roots down below, telling me “hey! Transplant me!”

Side note: BLS, buy some more cheap pots to move them into.

Plants are looking Great-you're 2 days ahead of me in flower today is day 23 for me.
Looks like yours aren't going to stretch themselves out of the tent,so that's a good thing...
Now you just sit back and watch the buds get fat

I’m going back to soil ladies and gentlemen!! I thought I was staying with coco from here on out, but I needed to do something with my seedlings. Couldn’t wait for coco to re-hydrate. I went with the exact same stuff I grew my Green Crack and Black Diamond in. Now I can compare a grow with the same strain with two different mediums. It’s called “pamper your plants” it’s 100% worm castings, and I mixed perlite 50/50 in with it.

Damn, I also need to figure something out with my room, when I got home it was close to 31 degrees and like
a damn sauna. :lot-o-toke:

Alright, back to the plants...



Dark Angel 1^



Dark Angel 2^


Only 1 Blue Cookie has sprout, still. She wasn’t ready to be moved to her first pot yet so I left her in the “dome” with the (not yet, but maybe) seed.


Plugged the fan in as well, didn’t point It directly at the plants, but in their general direction.


Back to the flowering plants, no major news. Just some neat photos. I plugged in my big light to try help improve the pictures, but my LED light is just too damn strong.







Kind of looks like I’ve got some burnt tips happening.. could it be from nutrient burn, my light too close, or heat stress I wonder :hmmmm:

The only thing different that I’m doing then the recommended dose of nutrients is the cal mag. Like I said earlier it’s been getting way hotter then I like to keep it as well, and the top colas are, getting pretty high. Maybe it’s time to raise the light the last few inches it will go.

Your seedlings look good-nice,fat stems (i don't know if fat stems actually mean anything,but they sure look good)
It does look like you've got a tiny bit of burn on a few of the tips,but I wouldn't worry about it, just back off a little bit on the nutes,and it shouldn't get any worse (just a tiny bit,nothing drastic) as it is now,you can't even notice it unless you really look close,and know what you're looking for.
Looking gooood :yummy::morenutes:
Grew up in the suburbs of Detroit, moved almost as far away as I could and still stay in MI. Tip of the Mit!

Detroit was NOT a friendly place growing up, and I feel like most urban areas are the same. When I was a kid I got cold cocked right in the eye for not giving some stranger kid a piece of gum when he demanded it in a packed movie theater lobby. My wife and I had to run away from some dudes trying to take our shit in the train station in Chicago the last time we took the train there. I have a friend in Seattle, she told me some people just moved into the should be condemned house across the street from her, they pulled 8 cars into the yard and now they are all being lived in as well.

Needless to say I'm not a fan of the big urban areas anymore. No offense to you big city folk and I know it's not like this everywhere but the only thing that comes to mind when I think of the city is crime and squatters.

EDIT: And shitty football teams!
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