Dark Matter, Red Sky, Chunky Cherry Thai, BP Skunk In LOS

Good morning Stone :love:
I'm surprised that you haven't been on this morning yet.
Hi dear, I was cleaning up another mouse in the garden I trapped! Last one was Friday, a week went by. Makes me wonder if this one was a new visitor. I think it was? It got 2 of 3 test sprouts in the trap area the little B! At least I can rule some things out that might be killing my starts.
I'm still basking in the comfort of having a potus with some of the values I find human and good for a change. Forgive me for not being over that yet and letting it go. Maybe tomorrow I hope. I thought it was over(democracy), that's going to take a day or two.
So here's the surviving sprout and the villian lying in state.

I'm going to have to say growing in a tent has been key to success here and not having one has given opportunity to these sprout thirsty bastards. Did I have a damping off experience last week? I don't think so. When the new crop goes in, it will be into the same soil I had last grow. Inside a tent on a heat pad. Yup! I'm a guy, I enjoy doing stupid edgy things, for science. Let's see how this pans out.
Hi dear, I was cleaning up another mouse in the garden I trapped! Last one was Friday, a week went by. Makes me wonder if this one was a new visitor. I think it was? It got 2 of 3 test sprouts in the trap area the little B! At least I can rule some things out that might be killing my starts.
I'm still basking in the comfort of having a potus with some of the values I find human and good for a change. Forgive me for not being over that yet and letting it go. Maybe tomorrow I hope. I thought it was over(democracy), that's going to take a day or two.
So here's the surviving sprout and the villian lying in state.

I hope the lil bastard enjoyed his last meal.

I am also basking. Looking forward to being lied to less.
Damn rodents! Sorry you have mice as well, Stone. I feel your pain.
Highya SO,

Congratulations on getting the little mouse. Same type we're getting up here. Hopefully, that was the last one, and you can start anew. I remember feeling like that last year with the woodchuck eating my A13 and ATF seedlings down. Really Sucks. But hey, drop some beans and get back on track again! I'm rooting for you. Happy Vapin'
Keen nose on you, Otter to sniff out the mice, I assume the traps will be a mainstay now?
Hey Dutch. I'm all test all the time right now. So I set the trap and have a pitiful last living plant to try and protect. We're trying to figure how the're getting in. They always come in for winter. I kill around a dozen a year give or take 6. This year is no different except that I'm growing outside of a tent I think. They don't seem interested in any of the amendments down there. Nothing gets broken into that I can tell. There's no food open or breachable. I'm pretty sure growing out of a tent offers an opportunity they otherwise don't get. Trap stays for a while. Good news! Our daughter and her man will be moving in the apartment down there on Saturday for a short cash building stay. They bring a cat with them! She's already proven a good mouser here last year when we took care of her for a week.
Highya SO,

Congratulations on getting the little mouse. Same type we're getting up here. Hopefully, that was the last one, and you can start anew. I remember feeling like that last year with the woodchuck eating my A13 and ATF seedlings down. Really Sucks. But hey, drop some beans and get back on track again! I'm rooting for you. Happy Vapin'
That's the plan Bode! I'm just letting the dust settle a minute. They're beautiful little creature outdoors, too bad they want to come in to their demise. Woodchucks are a pain in my butt too! When I grew outside, I fenced them for a month or two then it was safe from them here.

Good afternoon! This little Godfather OG has been hanging for 8 days today and I cut all the buds off and de seeded the pollinated sections. The bud is in a jar, about an ounce, and she gave me 53 seeds. Some of them look fine some not so much. Maybe the pollen was old or maybe she's playing hard to replicate, I don't know but I'm a happy man with these crosses. Stankfather is the new name and I have high expectations!
The bud came out so Godfather OG! Dense and dripping!

Seeds came in at around 53 or 4. Some look unfinished and I had to huck them. Only a few have good dark color and lines. Not all seeds get to be dark and lined so time will tell how these are going to turn out.

Did I mention I'm a Lucky Ducky?
We'll get through this! I have seeds. Do you need some? I can help if you're in trouble. See me in a PM if you do.

We have lots of seeds, stone. Thanks for the generous offer. :hug:
So I'm watering this Pinkman Goo and lift a piece of bark to have a look at what goes on in the rhizosphere. We seldom see life here and I found some! Check out the tiny roots, some looking like they're probing the bottom of my mulch for lunch. Having mulch on top of that 5 gallon pot gives it between a half inch and inch of rootage on the top of the pot it would not have without! That's a pretty good percentage of the whole mass I believe. Mulch Baby!
I found the same when I added a layer of mulch material (pea straw) to my pots last year. Previously without mulch that top layer would dry out and no real root growth was seen but when mulch was added, there grew such a vigorous growth of roots all thru the previously dry top layer, it made me think it was a good thing and created further root mass to support the growing buds.
Seeds came in at around 53 or 4. Some look unfinished and I had to huck them. Only a few have good dark color and lines. Not all seeds get to be dark and lined so time will tell how these are going to turn out.
Some of those plain coloured seeds can end up sprouting perfectly fine. The good thing is they're only small and take no space, it'd be different if every seed was the size of a coconut then you'd have to biff 'em to reduce the required storage, but it's nice with our favourite plant seeds that hundreds can fit in a small space.
Good going on making them and hopefully you've trained that duck to watch out for the mice! :hookah:
I got really far behind here otter. :(

Good catch on the mice and amazing amazing harvest :holymoly: You and WSE are a match made in MA heaven.

I failed my inner @InTheShed trimming these, and I thought i was pretty severe.
It's a lot easier for me to get down under my plants than it is for you, so there is no failing here. :high-five:
so time will tell how these are going to turn out.
Congrats on the seeds! As I recall, beez404 says to leave them in a cardboard box in the dark for a month before sealing them in plastic, to allow all the moisture to evaporate. Keeps them from rotting.
I got really far behind here otter. :(

Good catch on the mice and amazing amazing harvest :holymoly: You and WSE are a match made in MA heaven.

It's a lot easier for me to get down under my plants than it is for you, so there is no failing here. :high-five:

Congrats on the seeds! As I recall, beez404 says to leave them in a cardboard box in the dark for a month before sealing them in plastic, to allow all the moisture to evaporate. Keeps them from rotting.
This being behind is about to be over for us all. I know I'm constantly in the same way. Won't take long my friend! Distractions suck, I don't expect to be negatively distracted for oh...4 years, well 3. I plan to enjoy every moment! Vaccine, get in my arm!
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