DD Stable Of Impermanence

Hey 420
Thanks for the good vibes, good people.
This to catch up from the night before last.
CBD harvest
There’s a bit of a wee pile of lowers drying separately. I’ll infuse the trim, then use that oil as the base for a CBD rosin oil
So yes, so good to have this back in the mix.
And the newbie, still sorting herself out.
This one just had a little more tlc on the lst this morning.
And these two went to the flower room yesterday.
I hope all of your weekends are going well.
Thanks for stopping by.
You going to chop the top colas a bit and then let the lowers ripen Bro? Top pic dang nice sir.
Hey 420
It looks like my long awaited and much anticipated (by me) CBD is finally approaching the finish line.
The first one was pulled at day 60 because of rot. The rest of it flipped my wig.

This one went in on the same day.
She just has a wee few clear trichs left to fill. She’ll be a few days behind the CBD.
Can’t wait :slide:

Unexpectedly, this one is looking quite ready too.
The first one ran 84 days, the next one 94. This one is showing amber now. She will be next up after CD-1.
Fun times.
I have a Hulklato that I’m hoping will be showing nadgers any day. I’ve also been spraying a Candida and a CBD for a change too.

Just going through my notes and I see that before the Alaskan Purple came out last week I’d harvested [edit: 8] plants out of the new room. I can get more than 9 in, but 9 is comfortable and because this (sort of) represents a whole rotation I can figure I have pulled [at least] 1.25g/W out of the 400W HPS in here. [To recalculate when AP is jarred]. It’ll be interesting to compare to the LED later on.

Stay cool, folks :cool:
Next time.yiu should try this wait I'll be back .upload this cool pic .
You going to chop the top colas a bit and then let the lowers ripen Bro? Top pic dang nice sir.
Cheers, Joe. Nope - she’s down.
Maybe the new LED will penetrate a bit better? Had it pretty tight in there for most of her life though.
Impermanent Update
Hi there folks. I hope you are well. We are here with another snapshot of the Stable in its perpetual state of flux.
The Alaskan Purple which came down last week was 7 days drying and is now 1.3 oz in a jar.
A couple of things about that - first, super glad I have two more of these in flower already. A fast favourite. It’s good to have some variety starting to happen.
Also - this new light on its way has drawn Sugarleaf’s attention to the veg light situation I’ve been having whereby plants getting added to the flower room are getting smaller and smaller. Soon to be sorted.
Now. The Hulklato must have overheard me telling you she was soon for the chop. She has yellowed-up a lot this week. She is still soon for the chop.
It was tight enough in the flower room that for most of her life she was held up by the plants around her. As it thinned out in there she has needed this frame.
This was her frame.
And now we wait...
:thanks: @InTheShed :adore:
I’m a very lucky guy donkey.
Here is a snapshot of the thinning canopy.
I put another Hulklato in today actually.
Thanks for looking in on me and out for me, too!
Keep smiling.
Stable-isation sit rep
Hi there 420. I hope you are all well and safe and have found ways to fit joint valves or vape attachments to your face masks?
A quick catch up.
This one had been looking deshabille lately.
That was a couple of days ago. She was still decidedly shabby yesterday.
So down she came.
That’s all going to be very yummy.
Had to even things out again here.
Sharing that sodium sun to everyone.
There was this I thought you might like to see.
I’ll be checking again soon.

In other news...
This little sweet simian is still trying to get it together.
And here’s partly why, I reckon. I found the box for the bulb today and thought I’d post this as there has been some incredulity expressed at this mere 40 Watter.
I think you have to be standing inside the bulb itself to get the full benefit of all 80 of those micromols.

So and then there was, wait but Other News!
What happened was some new stickers came. My guitar case is currently the envy of all of my other instrument cases and I am jealous of myself. Thank you @SmokeSara for the stylish new sticker!
:theband: :yahoo::tommy::slide::cheer:
So excited!
And plus, there was some other stuff in the box.
A couple of quick comparisons which speak for themselves.
So even at 30%
She’s a bajillion times brighter in there.

And here we are. All up to date again.
This is my idea for a thread to feature the new light, @SmokeSara
My 400W HPS in the 4x4 room has produced an average of 1.4 grams per watt over the last 9 plants harvested (not including the 3 drying now).
I want to keep the snazzy new FC3000 (thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!) in the veg tent to quickly get a bit of size on a couple - a couple of weeks at the most - then compare grams per Watt after another full rotation.
I hope that sounds like a plan to you too.

Cheers everyone! One lucky donkey wishing a little bit of happiness in everybody’s rain today.
Holy shit DD! Updates don't get much more major than that o_O

You deserve it all mate, congrats. :green_heart::Namaste:

Boy Hulklato :thedoubletake: !!! Are those actual pollen sacs???

Also wow the 80 umol - goes to show how little these plants can get by on for veg eh? You've done incredibly with that. I guess your flowering light should also be applauded :bravo::p

Come on lil GZ! You can do it!
so far beyond grateful, I

:love: and thanks for saying so. It’s a very heart warming thing to know and I am beyond happy that you found them so helpful. It’s probaly time to revise them actually as I’ve made a few adjustments,ents here m there and have a lot more experience making and using them now. We all start somewhere ... I started here at 420 as well - @InTheShed will remember my trepidation when starting my first oils! I am super stoked my guides are useful :)
guttation juice for us to pour on our morning pancakes :cool:
OMG :eek: yes!:drool:what a great food fantasy

Sorry I haven’t been back for so long - some challenges in paradise. I’m behind now so off to catch up!

BTW I guffawed with glee at the brilliance and multilayered humour of your username the second I saw it - and it never gets old. :love:
Nice harvest, that light will serve you well.
Thanks Penny, yeah. I just used the last of the last Hulklato, so ready now for more in the jar. That light is incredible, though.
Boy Hulklato :thedoubletake: !!! Are those actual pollen sacs???
Hey mate. I think they are. I’m happy to be corrected? I’m someone who really only read the magazines for the articles, so I’m not sure what I’m looking at. All of the centrefolds in my back issues of high times are girls. Bits of them , anyway.
At least for now I have solved the issue of light for the isolation of the ‘males’. Got a spare bulb now ;)
FC3000 looks sweet as bro :green_heart:
Thanks mate. I said I’d believe it when I see it, but I don’t.
Excellent harvest on the Hulk and hulking new light DD! I'm sure you will do Mars proud.
and thanks for saying so. It’s a very heart warming thing to know and I am beyond happy that you found them so helpful.
I didn’t want to embarrass you with that. I’m glad that you have caught up with it now. I knew you would eventually.
Sorry to hear that there are problems in Paradise. It’s the shrill voices of all those virgins, isn’t it? Never did fancy it. I’m being glib. I’d fix paradise’s problems for you if I could.
BTW I guffawed with glee at the brilliance and multilayered humour of your username the second I saw it - and it never gets old. :love:
Did you hear that @Sugarleaf ?! It never gets... :rofl:
A funny story - after reading the intro to @Bionic Chronic NZ ’s journal (which is not a funny story, btw) Sugarleaf remarked that his user name suits him better than mine suits me :cheesygrinsmiley: It turns out she genuinely had no idea it was a euphemism for a canna cola :laugh: I don’t know what she thought I was thinking.
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