DD Stable Of Impermanence

DD you going to be looking like this after you smoke that isebelly red
Ahoy @HashFart ,
My pooch might have a thing for your pooch. I showed him this picture and he became excited. He may have even started a bloom. No worries for your fella! Tennessee is a boxer and does not pack a @DonkeyDick . :love:


I might just keep this rolling. Until we have our own seed stock (can’t wait for that! Courier already a week late with the GA3).

I’d love to get (somethinggoingsomehow)?! I won’t be getting fat on the spoils of the Stable though. I’ve harvested (thank you 420mag), and used 40 oz in less than a year and I can’t keep ahead yet.
We’ll let this new system roll awhile. It’s barely underway yet.
Licenses for the sorts of things I’m doing (should it become legal here, which...?) are prohibitively expensive.

Who doesn’t love bud?
Hulklato, end of week 7


Isabelle Purple reveg

Bloomers starting to get niffy

Mmm... :)

Thanks again for stopping in on your way wherever, everyone. It’s good to remember it’s about the journey not the destination - especially if you have the mixed fortune to be travelling by donkey - and sniff les fleurs in the garden, yeah? Sure I heard that somewhere..
Looking good and trich covered. Some nice buddage D.
I’ve had good fortune with Seedsman - in large part because they were a sponsor here for sometime and i had some success in the the photo comps

I would say that many of the sponsors here are a good bet, if they ship here.

Neptune carry some great stuff.

I will also say that a guy who runs a longstanding seed bank and breeding/preserving operation told me tht our southern continents/countries are the most intercepted shipments in the world.

So - sometimes they don’t come. Find a seller who will resend if they don’t arrive.
This was my worry with a care package for TraLa. Uk-Aus ??
Ahoy @HashFart ,
My pooch might have a thing for your pooch. I showed him this picture and he became excited. He may have even started a bloom. No worries for your fella! Tennessee is a boxer and does not pack a @DonkeyDick . :love:
You tell your tenesse to keep his lipstick to himself and leave my precious pierogi alone ,
How was the weekend DD?
It’s been a bit frightful tbh. Thanks for asking, though.
The Stable has been host to the legendary Aegean shit shovelling championships. The gods only know what they feed those damned things. Looks like Heracles again. Dull, dull, dull.
Hey Donk. Hope you're well:hug:
Well. Well? Well.
Cue miscellaneous puns re making an ass of myself and generally being knocked on my ass by this bag of eels where my guts used to be.
Pain is up. Weight is down. I’m on my knees and I don’t know what to do.
Clones are coming through. Finally tightened up my game enough to generate a few survivors.


We don’t count these yet. These are Schrodinger’s cuttings; in a quantum superposition. We can’t look without collapsing the curve so we have to wait and see.
Left in veg:
Alaskan Purple 1 x 1
Alaskan Purple 2 x 2
CPK x 4
Isabelle Purple x 1
CBD x 1
CD-1 x 1
C99 x Blueberry x1
Hulklato x 1
They all had a foliar feed today, also the cuttings, also Alaskan Purple 2 who I moved in to bloom last week.

I rearranged everybody in the bloom room to accommodate Candida and DrS,CBD30:1 who both got moved in there today.
I snapped this pic before my battery ran out.

There is the Isabelle Purple reveg on the left. She is experiencing a preharvest drought stress at the moment. I think she is on day 9. She’s holding up pretty good. Beside her is Hulklato 1.2 whose flowers are just starting. The three iPurple spogs are in a bag in the back corner, then AP2.
It is gratifying to see a full canopy in there now, but you’ll have to take my word for it.
This is the current state of the perpetual.
Week Planner JuneJulyAugust September
Isabelle Purple reveg10
Hulklato 1.1891011121314
Critical Purple Kush 1.28910
iPurple spogs345678910
Hulklato 1.2234567891011121314
Alaskan Purple 212345678910
Candida CD-112345678910

And here is a photo of the CPK from just before lights on this afternoon.

Thanks for looking in on me.
You got a nice selection of plants there. The CPK is looking particularly frosty in the pic. Hopefully you get a real interesting variety of attributes from each of those strains. Hopefully too there some particularly good meds amongst them. :bongrip:
You got a nice selection of plants there. The CPK is looking particularly frosty in the pic. Hopefully you get a real interesting variety of attributes from each of those strains. Hopefully too there some particularly good meds amongst them. :bongrip:
Koro. You’re like my totara here, whatever that means ;)
Thanks for being solid.
Lookin good bubs! :peace::green_heart::Namaste:
Sis :love::green_heart:this is why I adopted you. You are more actual help to me than my actual useless family.
Beautiful D! :D :yummy:

I really like your brain :) and I hope the week is better than the weekend. :love:
A good writer can right a lot of wrongs and you were already one of my favourites before you wrote that.
I don’t know what godawful concatenation of circumstances left you with the respect for language you clearly have. Maybe you started out good, IDK how these things happen.
Thank you for your message.
I'm sorry to hear about the pain, DD!

I had long-term gastric pains due to perforations of my stomach lining, and it was horrifying. I don't know what your condition is, but I hope the pain passes soon!

That does sound horrid, Sy. I hope it’s sorted now? Acid leaking outside of its safe space has got to hurt!
(Unless it’s hydroflouric acid which doesn’t give any chemical burn at all, but soaks straight in to your CNS. One of the first symptoms of toxicity is death, according to the MSDS sheet it used to come with.)

Chronic pancreatitis is what we are currently hanging my wotsits on.
That said there were radiology remarks on my last CT scan that I haven’t had my surgeon’s interpretation on. So I don’t fully understand what’s happening.
I too wanted the pain to stop (thank you) until the specialist said he thought it would likely never not hurt. That confused me.
Not least because of this exchange: “so, you don’t know why it hurts?”
“But it will never not hurt?”
(I mean ffs wake me up! Does that sound like a clinician to you?)
The cream on the pudding with this guy was his receptionist (filling in for the regular lady who compiles all the clinicians’ case files the day before they are needed)...
“Morning, DonkeyDick to see the Dietician”.
“You are DonkeyDave. That’s what it says here.”
And the ensuing conversation wherein she described to me that [meathead] the surgeon hasn’t been looking at me and my notes at the same time in a year!
Sorry, I know I already mentioned it and I don’t want to get a reputation as eeyore, but my head is still spinning a bit, that’s all. Finding that out on my way to quit my job really gave the day a special flavour.
I can’t even afford to sit the guy down and ask him what the hell happened because my insurance was part of my salary!
As a (former) metalworker I’m familiar with things being irony, but not like this.

So thank goodness for home grown meds! And thanks to an even greater good that 420Mag exists and you have all been able to help so much.
I was floundering a year ago with seedlings/small plants that just wouldn’t die. Could I get them to grow though? Could I hell!
Now look, you buggers. Look what you’ve done.



Keep up the good works, everybody.
Bring on the meds!
Sorry donkey dick about the struggles buddy I wish I could help you some how bud. Keep your head up try to let challenge s not get the best of you but let it push you to learn to avoid or handle these trying times life loves to throw at us .

Hey life enough curve balls please !

No change ups eithier arse!

Slider I can handle, fast ball I can live with ..

Take care donkey :420::green_heart:
Sorry donkey dick about the struggles buddy I wish I could help you some how bud. Keep your head up try to let challenge s not get the best of you but let it push you to learn to avoid or handle these trying times life loves to throw at us .

Hey life enough curve balls please !

No change ups eithier arse!

Slider I can handle, fast ball I can live with ..

Take care donkey :420::green_heart:
You’re good people and I’m not JoeKing. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I said I’m not..
Hey man. You’re another person who I’ve never met who’s done more for me than a dozen doctors. I reckon you could move in down here and hang out a shingle. Call yourself a, a, an endocrinologist! (A well placed apostrophe and we can make it mean The Man Who Studies Erin. She’d like that).
You’d be better at it (medicine down here) than any of these halfarses.
Hey, but another reason I’ve been gutted is that I was waiting to get back to work after covid to mill up a nice little frame for your press plates. I’m super frustrated not to do that! And a million other things too.
Hey, what can I say? Thank you, Joe for taking a cyber swing through the South Pacific this morning.
I might be the donkey, but you the man.
Hey @DonkeyDick, glad at least things are looking good in the garden, that cpk photo....wow, very nice my friend! You gotta enter into some of the contests!

I know things are rough, and those with limitations are having an even rougher time with Covid-19, at least here that's what I'm experiencing. Your not alone brother, you got a green family right here, and the green thumb to prove it :cheer:
Not sure if your into the whole meditation thing (Doctor has me trying it out) but there's some benefits to it to help clear the head. There's a good app free from play store, if you're ever interested I'll pm you.
Cheers brother :passitleft:
Beautiful D! :D :yummy:

I really like your brain :) and I hope the week is better than the weekend. :love:

Haha I agree with Amy. You are a swell writer DD. I am drawn to certain journals partly for the grower's expertise but also partly for their writing.

Koro. You’re like my totara here, whatever that means ;)
Thanks for being solid.

Sis :love::green_heart:this is why I adopted you. You are more actual help to me than my actual useless family.

A good writer can right a lot of wrongs and you were already one of my favourites before you wrote that.
I don’t know what godawful concatenation of circumstances left you with the respect for language you clearly have. Maybe you started out good, IDK how these things happen.
Thank you for your message.

That does sound horrid, Sy. I hope it’s sorted now? Acid leaking outside of its safe space has got to hurt!
(Unless it’s hydroflouric acid which doesn’t give any chemical burn at all, but soaks straight in to your CNS. One of the first symptoms of toxicity is death, according to the MSDS sheet it used to come with.)

Chronic pancreatitis is what we are currently hanging my wotsits on.
That said there were radiology remarks on my last CT scan that I haven’t had my surgeon’s interpretation on. So I don’t fully understand what’s happening.
I too wanted the pain to stop (thank you) until the specialist said he thought it would likely never not hurt. That confused me.
Not least because of this exchange: “so, you don’t know why it hurts?”
“But it will never not hurt?”
(I mean ffs wake me up! Does that sound like a clinician to you?)
The cream on the pudding with this guy was his receptionist (filling in for the regular lady who compiles all the clinicians’ case files the day before they are needed)...
“Morning, DonkeyDick to see the Dietician”.
“You are DonkeyDave. That’s what it says here.”
And the ensuing conversation wherein she described to me that [meathead] the surgeon hasn’t been looking at me and my notes at the same time in a year!
Sorry, I know I already mentioned it and I don’t want to get a reputation as eeyore, but my head is still spinning a bit, that’s all. Finding that out on my way to quit my job really gave the day a special flavour.
I can’t even afford to sit the guy down and ask him what the hell happened because my insurance was part of my salary!
As a (former) metalworker I’m familiar with things being irony, but not like this.

So thank goodness for home grown meds! And thanks to an even greater good that 420Mag exists and you have all been able to help so much.
I was floundering a year ago with seedlings/small plants that just wouldn’t die. Could I get them to grow though? Could I hell!
Now look, you buggers. Look what you’ve done.



Keep up the good works, everybody.
Bring on the meds!

Yes, I remember that story now - sorry for making you tell it again! What a clusterfcuk. Hope you can find some material stability! Covid grants/subsidies?

Yeah my stomach is sorted now. It was caused by a combo of jungle survival training and antibiotics... a long story. Gastric juices literally ate away at the lining, galvanised by the lack of food and antibiotics, not to mention the stress and exertion. Just had to bear the pain and take omeprazole for a really long time. Didn't have access to these magical meds then! I was also still so young. I still can get gastric pains now and then but it never ulcerated or anything thankfully.

Helpful people round here.
Hey @DonkeyDick, glad at least things are looking good in the garden, that cpk photo....wow, very nice my friend! You gotta enter into some of the contests!

I know things are rough, and those with limitations are having an even rougher time with Covid-19, at least here that's what I'm experiencing. Your not alone brother, you got a green family right here, and the green thumb to prove it :cheer:
Not sure if your into the whole meditation thing (Doctor has me trying it out) but there's some benefits to it to help clear the head. There's a good app free from play store, if you're ever interested I'll pm you.
Cheers brother :passitleft:
Thank you for your encouraging words on the garden.
As for the other. Because you brought it up. I have, for thirty years now, practiced Vipassana meditation. It is free both of dogma and to attend. I’ve done five of their ten day retreats and numerous shorter ones. I can not recommend this highly enough. No mumbo jumbo, just a deliberate and maddeningly simple technique.
I have lately been using this again and feel it must help, if only briefly, posturally ;)
Thanks for shiving a git (or something).
Haha I agree with Amy. You are a swell writer DD. I am drawn to certain journals partly for the grower's expertise but also partly for their writing.

Yes, I remember that story now - sorry for making you tell it again! What a clusterfcuk. Hope you can find some material stability! Covid grants/subsidies?

Yeah my stomach is sorted now. It was caused by a combo of jungle survival training and antibiotics... a long story. Gastric juices literally ate away at the lining, galvanised by the lack of food and antibiotics, not to mention the stress and exertion. Just had to bear the pain and take omeprazole for a really long time. Didn't have access to these magical meds then! I was also still so young. I still can get gastric pains now and then but it never ulcerated or anything thankfully.

1. :yahoo::thanks::slide: thinks. Thinks, min. (Can’t talk, smiling).
2. Applying now for disability wossnames, fa’ crikey.
3. Goes right to the core of you somehow, doesn’t it? Damn!

Hoi since I’ve got youse here, here’s a Hulklato clone just dropped out of the quantum flux of schrodinger’s humidity dome this morning.
Hello Hulklato 1.2.2
Haha I agree with Amy. You are a swell writer DD. I am drawn to certain journals partly for the grower's expertise but also partly for their writing.

Yes, I remember that story now - sorry for making you tell it again! What a clusterfcuk. Hope you can find some material stability! Covid grants/subsidies?

Yeah my stomach is sorted now. It was caused by a combo of jungle survival training and antibiotics... a long story. Gastric juices literally ate away at the lining, galvanised by the lack of food and antibiotics, not to mention the stress and exertion. Just had to bear the pain and take omeprazole for a really long time. Didn't have access to these magical meds then! I was also still so young. I still can get gastric pains now and then but it never ulcerated or anything thankfully.


Not to bud into the conversation, but @syenite that would have been rather unpleasant to put it lightly! You have my sympathies, and respect.

Cheap Bush survival trick, you can chew/ swallow charcoal to neutralize the acids. I have acid reflux badly, all I will say is your smile after ain't quite pearly white!

And now as a true Canadian, I will politely back back out of the conversation :reading420magazine:
Helpful people round here.

Thank you for your encouraging words on the garden.
As for the other. Because you brought it up. I have, for thirty years now, practiced Vipassana meditation. It is free both of dogma and to attend. I’ve done five of their ten day retreats and numerous shorter ones. I can not recommend this highly enough. No mumbo jumbo, just a deliberate and maddeningly simple technique.
I have lately been using this again and feel it must help, if only briefly, posturally ;)
Thanks for shiving a git (or something).

1. :yahoo::thanks::slide: thinks. Thinks, min. (Can’t talk, smiling).
2. Applying now for disability wossnames, fa’ crikey.
3. Goes right to the core of you somehow, doesn’t it? Damn!

Hoi since I’ve got youse here, here’s a Hulklato clone just dropped out of the quantum flux of schrodinger’s humidity dome this morning.
Hello Hulklato 1.2.2
How wet are you soaking those cubes donkey I am trying to learn myself.

Also penny said I have root bound on this girl am I screwed freaking out over here

Not to bud into the conversation, but @syenite that would have been rather unpleasant to put it lightly! You have my sympathies, and respect.

Cheap Bush survival trick, you can chew/ swallow charcoal to neutralize the acids. I have acid reflux badly, all I will say is your smile after ain't quite pearly white!

And now as a true Canadian, I will politely back back out of the conversation :reading420magazine:

A Canadian versus a New Zealander in a battle of politeness, who would win?


Thanks for the tip!!! The symptoms appeared immediately after the exercise concluded, so thankfully I didn't have to deal with it in the field. But that's really good to know.
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