Finally Doing A Journal

Scrubby knows how to use the kit. I've never seen nicer plants! You've totally got it dialed in.....have I told you about the "Super Drench" technique yet?

You might want to try it. What many of us have found is that the plants look perfect, and then they get Cat Drenched and they go crazy with resin and they look even better....and then about 10 days after that things go just a tad flat. Not crash and burn, not crispy....just a few leaves that aren't quite right, fan leaves dying off, etc.

Well, the fan leaves should still come off, perhaps 10 days later, but here's what happens:

The combination of the Cat Drench and foliar sprays put the plant into a furious state of bloom and the small container of soil can't quite keep up with the plant's new metabolism. The Super Drench deals with this issue. I've used it on all the plants in my garden this round and it has worked very well so far.

5 gallons of water, 4-8 oz. Transplant and 10 mils Tea.

It's super concentrated and I only give each plant a gallon of that solution, but it doesn't burn....maybe a leaf tip or two....and if you get the claw it will be temporary but make a note to go lighter next time. Start at 6 oz, adjust up or down from there. 10 mils of Tea no matter what.

This will give them a huge boost and help get into the ripening phase with good soil energy. Plain water after the Super Drench and then go back to regular drenches, especially Growth Energy.
Scrubby knows how to use the kit. I've never seen nicer plants! You've totally got it dialed in.....have I told you about the "Super Drench" technique yet?

You might want to try it. What many of us have found is that the plants look perfect, and then they get Cat Drenched and they go crazy with resin and they look even better....and then about 10 days after that things go just a tad flat. Not crash and burn, not crispy....just a few leaves that aren't quite right, fan leaves dying off, etc.

Well, the fan leaves should still come off, perhaps 10 days later, but here's what happens:

The combination of the Cat Drench and foliar sprays put the plant into a furious state of bloom and the small container of soil can't quite keep up with the plant's new metabolism. The Super Drench deals with this issue. I've used it on all the plants in my garden this round and it has worked very well so far.

5 gallons of water, 4-8 oz. Transplant and 10 mils Tea.

It's super concentrated and I only give each plant a gallon of that solution, but it doesn't burn....maybe a leaf tip or two....and if you get the claw it will be temporary but make a note to go lighter next time. Start at 6 oz, adjust up or down from there. 10 mils of Tea no matter what.

This will give them a huge boost and help get into the ripening phase with good soil energy. Plain water after the Super Drench and then go back to regular drenches, especially Growth Energy.

Ill do the math and feed exactly that to my girls. Done!
Thanks Doc! :)
Added to my notes!
The way my Pitbull and Ace of Spades are growing, I can tell 25 gal. is way too small for outside. I'm not sure what I can do to compensate, if anything. Will stronger drenches help throughout veg?
Well, iI have 2 female rare darkness...still waiting on the 3rd to show me some legI lol
I've decided that if the 3rd is a fem im gonna do kind of a mini scrog in my cabinet...let's hope! :)
Dayum, Scrubby!!!!! :thedoubletake:

Top o' the game, man ... top o' the game! :bravo:

F'n Amazing!!!

First journal. (cough) You been holding out on us, scrub. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks man, I wish it was all me but I'm really not that good...yet. This is all Doc and Curso's doing. Gotta give credit where credit is due. I do love them a whole lot though, that's gotta count for something.

Dude I talk to Curso every day...hes been coaching me for the last year and a half...lmao!!! Hes a great dude :)
Yes he is. I see you got some OPP, lucky dude you are. He promised me some seeds of his new strain. I hope to finally meet him if he goes to the MI cannabis cup.

Dude, I have Lanikea, opp, toxic waltz and fruit punch skunk :)
Im gonna do a journal featuring his gear soon :)

Lanikea by Curso Fourtwenty :)
Id just like to take this time to say thank you to all my brothers and sister who paid the ultimate sacrifice for this country. Remember folks, this weekend is about those who gave all. I myself spent 8 years in the Marine Corps and 2 years in the Army. Luckily I made it back with all my parts...alot werent so lucky. Semper Fidelis :)
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