Gelato & Super Lemon & Gorilla Glue, Feminized

Moved all the Gelato that were strong, into the veg room. The last few I kept under the softer light. Couple more days.
I will move the Super Lemon into the veg room hopefully tomorrow.
I think I should be able to move some of this 3's into bloom otherwise I will clones them but I may keep one plant of each strain in case seed purchasing becomes a hard to get item like my Mega Crop. I still don't know if I have any coming or not. I hope it will. I will run out by next month is my guess.
They seem pretty happy I fed yesterday 30g and they are acting like they are starving. Should I go higher?
Define acting like they are hungry? Do you mean they are drinking the water as fast as you are putting it in? If so then increasing the food will not help that. If they are acting like they are hungry then feed them more often or more water with the same amount of Megacrop. The plants don't look like they need more food so I'm assuming you mean they are drinking fast.
I have never had spider mites before. I didn't see any webbing but I think its them? Am I right? I sprayed Jakes All in one Plant Spray. It is in my Bud room. Thankfully only on 1 shiva that was showing this spotting so I pulled her and the ones around her (4) and today those too now have speckling. I looked on the under side and saw these monsters. I think SM.
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