Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

"Fighting Weight". Who you trying to kid old man. Just kidding GT says the old fast guy. Nice hard work getting to where you are and hope the best of luck to where you want to finish.
He's gotta fight his way to the yeah its his fighting weight!
@stoneotter the neem is working on the gnats. I’ve given two treatments of 1tsp per gallon and there seems to be very few left already. Thanks! :kiss:
Awesome! Man who wrote the book I'm growing from actually said in small numbers they are beneficial in full organic grows. I still don't like em(or believe it) and probably won't use barnyard shit in my soil mix in the future. I'd much prefer following my cottontails around the yard. If you want/need to get another level up go for the Safers dust as well. I'm on that every 15 days. I still have em though. Curse them B's! I have to go dream of wetting some DDA seeds now. Then visit my next door neighbor for some bbq. Happy Sunday!
He's gotta fight his way to the yeah its his fighting weight!

I run like my skivvies are already around my ankles anyway...put that .jpeg in your head for awhile. :rofl:
Thanks GT you now have me checkin into Rosin presses from what I understand so far is you need a hydraulic press (question here what tonnage?) and some temperature controlled heat plates. I could put one together for about $800 or so
Thanks GT you now have me checkin into Rosin presses from what I understand so far is you need a hydraulic press (question here what tonnage?) and some temperature controlled heat plates. I could put one together for about $800 or so

I just picked up a 6 ton press from Harbor Freight for $85.

A set of heated plates cost about $200-$300.

Look around, i hope you can find similar deals.

(question here what tonnage?)

That depends on how much you want to press at once. A three ton press with three inch (75mm) square plates is plenty for a 7gm 30mm round puck. The six ton unit with 3" X 5" plates is good for two of those pucks, or a single 14gm, 40mm diameter puck. The 10 ton unit will handle two of the 14gm, 40mm diameter pucks, letting you squeeze an ounce at a time. I find the 2-1/2" wide bags are a little too small to easily put a 40mm diameter puck into, so I stick to the 30mm diameter pucks. The nice part is that the bags can be cut in half, so they go twice as far.
I like everything DabPress has to offer in the way of presses and plates. Not that they are the only ones. Smashing weed is fun for the entire family!

I like everything DabPress has to offer in the way of presses and plates. Not that they are the only ones. Smashing weed is fun for the entire family!

Is it done yet?

What about now?

Hurry up and finish will ya!

It looks delicious! I can't wait for you to squish it.
I’m thinking end of this month. The buds are starting to fill in nicely and fatten a little. I gave her a good soak with RO and Molasses this morning. We are expecting really nice sunny weather for the next week or two. I’m going to take advantage of any last bit of summer sun to hopefully fatten her up a little.

I grabbed the top kola and gave her a squeeze for the first time. Yes ma’am!
Thanks GT you now have me checkin into Rosin presses from what I understand so far is you need a hydraulic press (question here what tonnage?) and some temperature controlled heat plates. I could put one together for about $800 or so
I bought the same one OldSalt has , got it yesterday. I have 8 runs on Grandpa Tokin’s click here if you like Rosin . GT has all the help you need to get started . Dabpress $719 total cost
Workout complete. Thunderstorms expected here today. I just took two capsules I made from the purple oil. I took two yesterday evening and it lasted a strong 6 hours. I’m hoping for the same thing today. Have a nice day!

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