Hortishorti Runs A Clone - 10Gal Fabric Pot - Roots Organic & TLC

yeah shorti safe trips girl and enjoy them yummy looking buds:volcano-smiley:

thank you so much Joe!!
Hope to see you at my DWC journal in mid january too!!
Maybe in the spring when you get back to work, just takes 5 gallon buckets, pvc, a water pump, air pump and net pots for the 5 gallon buckets

So what is the difference between rdwc on dwc which would you recommend I go with bud. What is the difference between buckets and totes?
Rdwc == recirculating deep water culture
Dwc = Deep water culture
Dwc is basically a 5 gallon bucket with an air pump feed an air stone.
Rdwc is multiple buckets that are tied to each other with pvc pipe. Water is run through a pump circulating it through out your system
Rdwc == recirculating deep water culture
Dwc = Deep water culture
Dwc is basically a 5 gallon bucket with an air pump feed an air stone.
Rdwc is multiple buckets that are tied to each other with pvc pipe. Water is run through a pump circulating it through out your system

Aww I see and out as note in screen ..

Thanks penny

How you been bud?
Hello everyone :)
It's dark out and I'm pretty tired, on day 2 of my Poland trip!
I'm currently in Warsaw but will be taking a train to Krakow in the AM for a performance & lecture at the sat. campus of Chopin institute!

Things are going very well but I really miss my 420family, and as predicted, I miss having a plant to take care of.. I actually went to the bar and drank alcohol for the first time in 8 months last night and I feel really guilty.. the unavailability of MJ is devastating.

I want to cry.
but it will all be over soon!

I love everyone & 420magazine!
Horti! Totally missed your traveling day but safe travels!

I understand the feeling we Did not drink for about the same time and I know it would be hard to say No with No mj around. That Said Its poland and I guess the drinking habits are like the bulgarians... there is always something to celebrate...

Stay strong girl, you got this.

The good thing about traveling is that you appreciate home even more. "See" ya soon.
Guess who's home! Chloe bud smoke report and pics coming tomorrow. Just popped an Xmas cookie seed in paper towel - new journal coming asap!
Guess who's home! Chloe bud smoke report and pics coming tomorrow. Just popped an Xmas cookie seed in paper towel - new journal coming asap!

Welcome back shorti phone almost dead

How was the break ..
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