HPS - LED - CFL- AIS - Air Injection System - BB - WW - C99

Re: HPS - LED - CFL - AIS (Air Injection Soil) BB - WW - C99

hold on bro. How much cloudy? 50%-70%? if not wait. patience.

I couldn't agree with DC420 more. Give her about 50-70% cloudy. You'll still get your enegitic high as long as she's not showing amber. That's what I'm looking for when picking test buds. I see the answer to my popcorn bud question. I'm glad to know I was wrong. I can test the popcorn buds and leave my top cola buds alone for harvest.
Re: HPS - LED - CFL - AIS (Air Injection Soil) BB - WW - C99

Props to everyone that can do that. I'm subbed to something like 4 journals and about 3 other threads and I can't keep up with that...
Re: HPS - LED - CFL - AIS (Air Injection Soil) BB - WW - C99

I hear ya, I'm in 5 plus doing my own. Having a tough time keeping up. If I get too far behind I just look at pics lol
Re: HPS - LED - CFL - AIS (Air Injection Soil) BB - WW - C99

Since after about the first month on this site my subbed threads have always been around or over the 100 mark lol. Im finding it harder now as just had a smart phone to do 420 for a few months now! It does take me ages to get round them all but I just about manage to pop in on my subs about once a week to get caught up.
Anyway caught up here now and liking your set up! :) best of buds!!
Re: HPS - LED - CFL - AIS (Air Injection Soil) BB - WW - C99

some people are fast readers. i bet BAR is one. Man i was so high last night. wow smoking the BB and eating edibles. Some how i managed to smoke a chicken on the grill turned out excellent. well i think when one is super high the taste buds really come alive. i so have to start getting ready for work. i do not like mondays.
Re: HPS - LED - CFL - AIS (Air Injection Soil) BB - WW - C99

I go through my subs while listening to baseball games on the radio. Baseball is one of the sports that I really enjoy, and when you have a good announcer radio games can be as good a tv but you can do other things while listening. It takes almost the whole game for me to get through my subscriptions. On days I don't go through them, some posts have went through 10 pages. Fortunately most posts are "Good update","Nice buds". I just like them to mark my place in the journal and move on, until I see pictures of some extensive writing, then I slow down to absorb them.
Re: HPS - LED - CFL - AIS (Air Injection Soil) BB - WW - C99

You know Tryshard, if you click on the little green circle in your sub list, it remembers where you left off.

That only works the first time, sometimes I don't have time to go through 100 posts, so I go back later.
Re: HPS - LED - CFL - AIS (Air Injection Soil) BB - WW - C99

God I hate trying to catch up and replying to an earlier post only to find out that it has been discussed at length.

Sorry DC420...lol.
It's never too late to reply to a quote if you're adding something that hasn't been said.

How the hell does B A R read over 100 journals?
Like this...

Re: HPS - LED - CFL- AIS (Air Injection System) - BB - WW - C99

Good morning all. I was banned and now i am back. I am not gonna say anything bad about the mods 1 is gonna help me get it resolved. i will have to take and upload 1-2 pics of my C99 you have to see her. i cant get all of her into 1 pic i will have to place a mark somewhere with something so i can take 2 pics and you can see the size of her. over 5' wide x 2' long with so many tops not oven funny. I have to head to work will cya all later.
Re: HPS - LED - CFL- AIS (Air Injection System) - BB - WW - C99

thank you bro, This c99 is nto gonna have super cola's with so many tops (over 60) i expect the biggest to be grenades at best. I figure if i can get 1/4 oz from each branch that is right at a lb. so if i get say 14 grams a branch omg. This grow is my first indoor grow of my own. I have grown allot outdoors i mean allot. right now i know how to grow i need to adjust to the indoor way. I talked wiht a good friend and i am not gonna get the led's but gonna get 4 400 watt CMH lights so i will run 8 months a year and blow my hot air under my house which will cut my heat bill down huge in the winter time. i will upgrade my 6" vent fan to a 600 cfm. With those lights i can get uvb. and i can get each light for around $240 each. so i will be able to grow 15 plants in flower. i want a perfect 5 oz from each plant and i do think i have it figured out. I did switch nute line and i am not liking it. I have to go back to my original to finish my c99 better. my focus next grow around sept will be quality. yield is nice but give me quality.
Re: HPS - LED - CFL- AIS (Air Injection System) - BB - WW - C99

wow i am so high. okay i had 8 oz of BB that I would let go of. well 5 hrs today and puff its gone. BB is a strain that we all love. I kept a jar for me. that is 1.5 oz now i have my last BB hanging this one got to finish longer. so she will be potent. I will keep 1/2 of her she should yield 3 oz on the money. then its c99 time. i know i need to take pics. I had a few issues. patients need a good viable product. if you are not getting the quality/Yield you want then talk to me. PM me or hit me up on my thread. Its a weed all and there really is only 5 things needed to get a great harvest. now curing and drying is another story. in this grow i have had to move my plants 2 times from a FIRE. Had nothing to do with what i was doing. It stressed the plants in diff ways. so out of 6 plants this is what happened.
plant 1 23 grams
plant 2 21 grams
plant 3 59 grams
plant 4 10 1/2 oz
plant 5 hanging should be 2-3 oz
plant 6 (c99) yeah right how do i even guess a 60-80 branch plant. yes she is insane i went nuts in veg 72 days. (AIS) is like hydro. so I could have 1 lb or 3 lb's dry. who knows. So this grow is viod to me. Moving plants and stressing them has diff results. I cannot complain i got to help a patent with free meds. yes pay it forward all. this lady has to carry a oxygen tank around. her Chron's is way out there. my goal is to make sure this lady gets meds, she cant smoke it her lungs are to painful for her. she has to have it in edibles. this is why i am doing this. i hope all of you who are part of this thread does the same. dont go into god's world with out helping others. Find 1 who needs it and help them. then once that one is better find another. lets all help those who need it. Me myself i dont need it. I do enjoy it but i am not doing this for me. Okay lets do the math in the last year so far i am down $500 still. so i do believe after the c99 i wll break even and should be able to get another light or 2. I am not in this to make money. i want to find and help more as i expand. yes i am saying money means nothing to me. Helping a few at time is why i do this. sure i get the bonus of excellent smoke without paying.
We as growers know the time it takes. Again if you need help on anything ask. i have 3 decades of outdoor growing. Indoors i have a few things to learn yet. Okay i know i am super high and am gonna shut up. good night all
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