Icemud's Organic SCROG! Grow 3.0

Hey Ice!

Did you mineralize your soil?
What did you add?

Hey Doc, thanks for stopping on over :)

I did somewhat mineralize my soil, but when I mixed up my soil I didn't have gypsom and rock phosphate so I made due with what I had, the Bioroot and earthjuice bloom I have both have soft rock phosphate added so I was planning on using the bloom since the ratio was pretty on with the ones from aglabs... eventually I am going to do a mild topcoat of gypsum but only if its really needed, it will be in the mix for when I transplant for sure.. I also plan on getting some fish hydroslate, was looking at the neptune one cause it was a 2-3-1 which seemed also with the right range..

But what I did at was the following, copy and pasted from earlier because I couldn't remember the exact

2.5 pots of happy frog
2.5 pots of Fox Farm Ocean forrest
1 pot of perlite
1 pot of Ancient Forest Humus
1 pot of worm casings with volcanic rock and kelp added

There is my 8 pots of soil...

Now the amendments blended in...

Greensand... 2 cups total (16oz)
humboldt nutrients mycos maximum 1 cup (8oz)
espom salt... 3/4 a cup (6 oz)
Mexican Bat guano 2 cups (16oz)
Peruvian Seabird guano, 2 cups (16oz)
garden lime... 10 oz,

I figure with the greensand, and volcanic rock I hopefully will be covered with the remineralization along with the garden lime for Ca and Mg (even though not in right ratio, I also have enzymaticly digested cal/mag at a 5:1 liquid as well) I was light on the epsom salt because I had already added Mg with the lime, however I wanted the slight S from the epsom as well.
Tonight I also got my microbrew going....There is very little added N-P-K to this besides what is in the pre-mixed soil as well as a very very low dose of earthjuice bloom, because of the soft rock phosphates included...the goal of this tea was to create a blooming micropopulation to add to my soil and jump start this rock eating process :)

4 gallons of 0ppm R/O D/I water

added a nylon stocking full of my base soil mixture(posted directly above this one)

To add sugars carbs for the microbs to get energy I added about 1 tbsp of unsulfured molasses and 5ml of Advanced Nutrients liquid carboload *just sugars

I wanted to add a little extra calcium/magnesium to the mix so I added 1tsp of garden lime, along with 3tsp of General Organics Cal/Mag (5:1, with fermented sugar cane and molasses, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate)

To assist with the level of phosphorus as well as to add some soft rock sulfate to the mix I added a very low dose of Earthjuice Bloom at 1/4 dose. 5ml per 4 gallons..

And to improve the nutrient uptake as well as provide organic matter for the microbes, I added 8% humic acid to the tea...

And to add some digestive enzymes to aid in breaking down the organic materials, I added a very light dose of hygrozyme.

This mix, just about an hour after bubbling is already caked with foam on top of the bucket...really going to give a healthy kick to my soil...and improve my micropopulations :)


This blend of micro tea will also be used for foliar feeding at a more watered down ratio, I am thinking probably a 5:1 or so, right now it is reading about 500ppm, which is a little high for foliar feeding so I have read in the past...
Just curious but does anyone know what gas that is forming on the top of the mix... O2 ? CO2?
not sure the exact chemical that is being put out, all I know is foam = microbe activity and you have quite a bit of life happening in that bucket. Your plants are going to love it.. So your main base ingredient for the tea is the base soil mix? I never though to use dirt, I typically just use EWC and compost, but using the soil mix could help it go further, and it's clearly evident you have a nice amount of microbe activity
Hey Icemud, have you studied up on emissivity to get your thermometer calibrated properly. I don't know what it would be for green leaves, I use mine a quite a bit higher temperatures...... Also be sure you understand about the "cone of measurement", looks like you may be a bit far away to get a good reading. You are probably measuring leaves, dirt, pot and floor temp when you are more than a couple inches away.
Well helllo Ice long time no talk to brother see you got another grow log going awesome ladies as always are looking great cant wait to see the turn out on this one, I see there's some platinum Bubba :thumb: great strain to grow...I'm subbed as for me growing I've taken a break for awhile till my living situation is stable anyways nice work
not sure the exact chemical that is being put out, all I know is foam = microbe activity and you have quite a bit of life happening in that bucket. Your plants are going to love it.. So your main base ingredient for the tea is the base soil mix? I never though to use dirt, I typically just use EWC and compost, but using the soil mix could help it go further, and it's clearly evident you have a nice amount of microbe activity

I wasn't too sure either, Was hoping it was CO2 so that my babies are getting a lil extra in the air... :) Yea i mixed up extra soil when I was potting my plants so that I had some mineralized supersoil to use for the teas... The happy frog has added mycos and guano's so I figured it wouldnt hurt to add it to the teas, and the FFOF has lots of sea goodies that also probably would benefit the tea :) I couldn't believe how fast the mix started foaming...amazing :)
Hey Icemud, have you studied up on emissivity to get your thermometer calibrated properly. I don't know what it would be for green leaves, I use mine a quite a bit higher temperatures...... Also be sure you understand about the "cone of measurement", looks like you may be a bit far away to get a good reading. You are probably measuring leaves, dirt, pot and floor temp when you are more than a couple inches away.

Good point OG, I was looking at the IR gun and looks like from that distance I was shooting from, your probably right, the description of the "cone of measurement" is a bit confusing on this model, but good suggestion, will have to take readings much closer next time.. :)
Well helllo Ice long time no talk to brother see you got another grow log going awesome ladies as always are looking great cant wait to see the turn out on this one, I see there's some platinum Bubba :thumb: great strain to grow...I'm subbed as for me growing I've taken a break for awhile till my living situation is stable anyways nice work

Holy Cow, what up Crower, glad to have you back on the site!! Yeah I was considering my living situation as well which is what took me so long to get this grow started, but decided right now that where I'm located is best for the time being.... happy you could make it for this round :) :thumb:
Holy Cow, what up Crower, glad to have you back on the site!! Yeah I was considering my living situation as well which is what took me so long to get this grow started, but decided right now that where I'm located is best for the time being.... happy you could make it for this round :) :thumb:

No worries glad to hear your doing good man since we both were always having the same grow cycle side to side comparison hahha miss growing man love seeing everyone's results on here. I'm moving at the end of April so hopefully I'll be up and running by end of May maybe sooner, but I will definitely stay posted and be back soon or later with Fem. pineapple chunk :love::love: an running hydro setup
Hey Ice Im in for this too. I learned a ton reading your other very informative journals. Appreciate the detail! When I get my stuff I'm going to get the same tent and do ScOG too so I enjoy your journals!

This is going to be fun to watch. What is the high brix method?
Well never mind. Just read a Doc Bud post and understand high brix.....thus the refractometer.

This site is so awesome. Looking forward to learning more through your successful grow Ice!!
No worries glad to hear your doing good man since we both were always having the same grow cycle side to side comparison hahha miss growing man love seeing everyone's results on here. I'm moving at the end of April so hopefully I'll be up and running by end of May maybe sooner, but I will definitely stay posted and be back soon or later with Fem. pineapple chunk :love::love: an running hydro setup

Can't wait to see Crower's Jungle 3.0!!! good luck with the move and stay posted cause I think this one might be my best one yet.. fingers crossed :)
Hey Ice Im in for this too. I learned a ton reading your other very informative journals. Appreciate the detail! When I get my stuff I'm going to get the same tent and do ScOG too so I enjoy your journals!

This is going to be fun to watch. What is the high brix method?

Well never mind. Just read a Doc Bud post and understand high brix.....thus the refractometer.

This site is so awesome. Looking forward to learning more through your successful grow Ice!!

Hey TX !! Glad to have ya along for the ride and very much appreciate the compliments on the journal. I learned from other's journals here at 420Magazine and so I try to share my knowledge to others as well :) The more info we share, the better our meds get :) :smokin::party:

Glad that you visited DocBuds journal, he is the one that introduced the High Brix Method to all of us and he has ton's of very good information. :thanks: I also posted a lot about High Brix that I had learned from multiple sources on page 2 i believe of my journal, however there is still much more to learn :)

Can't wait to see how everything turns out, I didn't get a soil analysis done before my grow, which actually would have set me more in tune with the high brix method, but I tried the best I could to replicate the ratio's so we will see :)
Hey everyone... well the tea is still bubbling, checked the ph just for Hits and Grins and its sitting right around 6.0PH, so I know tomorrow It should be sitting right were I want it at 6.4PH which I read is the best for getting the most out of your soil micropopulations. If it's not right on key, no big deal because it's close enough not to throw things out of wack, but I am going to give it until light's on to feed the ladies, as well as bottle some up for a foliar spray...

Well tonight I remembered an old article I read about using different forms of energy to stimulate plant growth.... some were audible (around 4-5khz, played for 3 hour increments) is supposed to stimulate growth. Another type was using magnetoculture to assist germination ratio's in seeds, stimulate plant growth and and increase plant nutrient levels and health....

But the one I found most intriguing was electroculture where it seems that for hundreds of years people have been trying different experiments using electricity to stimulate plant growth, and many have shown positive results. Now I am just at the beginning of looking into this idea, so I will just share with you so far what I have learned...

A great place to start is look up "earth battery". This will give you a good understanding of how soil/mud can create an electric charge, a living battery. I am looking into getting a semi decent multimeter before I attempt anything, but I read an experiment online that a guy was able to generate enough electricity out of a few soil pots, that it illuminated an LED light.

Now that you understand that there is "energy" being produced in the soil, and with the goal in mind of High Brix is produced by how healthy and abundant your soil food web is, when a microbe eats a rock (in simple terms) it releases energy, along with other bi products which the plant uses, the healthier the soil, I would assume, the more energy that is produced that could be read as voltage with the "earth battery" idea... Now...

Lets say that the soil is reading about 1 volt by using the earth battery idea... Would it be possible to up this voltage and therefore increase the overall health of the soil, the plant and increase nutrient value and growth... well it seems there is a way.. :)

Would we be able to see our soil health as a voltage ? like if we add a perfect ratio mixture of tea to the soil, will the voltage go up...? (besides the fact of adding water)

I haven't read enough into it yet to know exactly how this is done, but it is very interesting and makes a ton of sense....lots of questions, and still haven't found the answers..
I'm really getting off on all the knowledge transfer going on about soil chemistry. Great stuff!:thanks:
just a question doesnt acidity produce voltage?
like a lemon or orange i remember some kinda experiment on some tv show where they tried to power things with lemons and such something about the acid, im not sure tho so im just wondering................mighta been mythbusters not sure tho

Cronichemphog's 2nd Grow Started Medi Bomb #1 and White Widow

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I wish I could tell ya more about it but I am still learning... I was reading a ton of information and from what it was talking about, the voltage can be measured when you place two different metals in the soil, one being a anode and the other a cathode. Another article was saying that the soil generally carries a negative charge which would be the abundance of -H in the soil (acidity) and the air supposedly has a positive charge. I will sort my thoughts and read more though because I don't quite understand it all.. very new to me.. :)
I'm really getting off on all the knowledge transfer going on about soil chemistry. Great stuff!:thanks:

Thanks 70's grower!! yeah its really interesting and facinating about how much is involved in the process of growing a plant... I mean all the different systems and different chemical and electrical processes that go on is just amazing... and there has to be a way that we can alter it for our benefit :)
Today is day 7 of Veg... March 30th, the day of the huge lottery drawing :) hope everyone got there tickets :)

The girls now have been in the soil for 1 week and they are growing pretty fast and looking really healthy at this point, I don't remember my last 2 grows them taking off this fast, but I will have to look back in my other journals... So far, the Gas Lamp Routine is working perfectly, and my electric bill will definitely be lighter because of it :)

Today was feeding day for the girls, my soil/worm/poop tea was given to the girls today, I checked the ph just out of curiosity and it actually had gone up faster than I expected, it was sitting right around 6.8PH when I fed the girls, not to bad because the soil should help it lean to more to the acidic side once the N is converted..

I also mixed up a 1:3 ratio foliar spray of the compost tea and R/O D/I water. I gave the girls a good spray both top and bottom of the leaves right as the lights were coming on, and then hit them again about 6 hours later with a very light misting.. They seemed to love the tea and are a very healthy dark forest green right now :)

Other than that, not much else has changed with the on to the photo's


Blackberry Kush

Platinum Bubba

Sour Bubble

Platinum Bubba

Silverback OG

Holy Grail OG

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