InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks scott! They're photos, which is all I grow now. I found that autos don't like my variable outside environment.
Outside auto's never sense to me me but will give it an indoor try.

My present grow is photos but takes about 6 months to harvest. Fine for the out-door but.....I bellieve I can harvest more with 3 plants over the same period.

Keep up the good grow, bro!

Thank you Ms Green! That's a lot better than the California rules which hold me to 6 plants total. I'll bet land prices are more reasonable up by you as well. :thumb:
Yes indeed they are. Typical land in the country can go for less than $1K / acre. I have met several successful California dwellers who have been able to cash out their equity in the Golden State in order to buy a nice piece of Missouri land with a nice house, that they can pay for outright in the move. All you got to do is give up earthquakes for tornadoes. :hmmmm:
Yes indeed they are. Typical land in the country can go for less than $1K / acre. I have met several successful California dwellers who have been able to cash out their equity in the Golden State in order to buy a nice piece of Missouri land with a nice house, that they can pay for outright in the move. All you got to do is give up earthquakes for tornadoes. :hmmmm:
No tornadoes in Colorado or Michigan but I’m sure there’s pro’s and con’s anywhere.
The District of Columbia is nice for grow regs, but it's not west of the South.

Here, if you're 21 years of age you can grow six plants at a time, three of which can be mature, without any type of license.

Oddly, the law stipulates that one can possess up to 2 ounces of weed. So I guess that means grow small plants?

Well no, because the law also says that you can:
  • Transfer one ounce or less of marijuana to another person who is at least 21 years old, so long as there is no payment made or any other type of exchange of goods or services;
So grow them as big as you want, just be prepared to give most of it away!

In addition, the cost-of-living is ridiculous, the traffic sucks, the summers are awful and the city may be near the top of most of our adversaries bomb-target lists.

Hmm. Why am I still here? 😬
Check into Missouri. Our cultivation laws are some of the most relaxed in the nation. With just one cultivation license I can legally have 6 plants in seedling/clone stage, 6 plants in advanced veg, and 6 plants in bloom for a total of 18 plants. We operate under 2 cultivation licenses, so double all of those numbers.

That’s great, so far ahead from our legislation. I wish Canada had more flexible micro licensing options. To me a micro grow is anything under 50 plants… hopefully one day we can upgrade.
Outside auto's never sense to me me but will give it an indoor try.
My present grow is photos but takes about 6 months to harvest. Fine for the out-door but.....I bellieve I can harvest more with 3 plants over the same period.
Keep up the good grow, bro!
My photos all end up about the same size and tend to produce between 8 and 12 ounces, which is way more than I need. And the biggest outside autos I've seen were vegged inside and then put in the sun once they were in flower. But I've given away my auto seeds to someone in need!
That purple urkle is stellar! Looking good all around.
Thanks for checking in Tim!
Yes indeed they are. Typical land in the country can go for less than $1K / acre. I have met several successful California dwellers who have been able to cash out their equity in the Golden State in order to buy a nice piece of Missouri land with a nice house, that they can pay for outright in the move. All you got to do is give up earthquakes for tornadoes.
Wherever you live it's always something! After living in cold winters for 30 years I can't see going back to that in my old age, even for a huge plot of land and a custom-built house. I love my year-round outside growing too much. :)
No tornadoes in Colorado or Michigan but I’m sure there’s pro’s and con’s anywhere.
Colorado's thin air? Pant pant pant! Both are too cold for my constitution.
Here, if you're 21 years of age you can grow six plants at a time, three of which can be mature, without any type of license.
Oddly, the law stipulates that one can possess up to 2 ounces of weed. So I guess that means grow small plants?
Here in California the law says:

"Adults 21 or older can legally possess up to 28.5 grams of marijuana, as well as up to 8 grams of cannabis concentrate. You can have up to six live marijuana plants."

I might be a bit over the possession limit. :nervous-guy:

But my son has a med card for another 6 months so I guess it's okay for now, because:

"Adults between the ages of 18 and 20 years old can legally purchase and possess up to 8 ounces of marijuana and 12 live plants if they have a medical marijuana license obtained through a doctor’s recommendation."

Nah, I'm still a tad over...
So grow them as big as you want, just be prepared to give most of it away!
Or make oils?
In addition, the cost-of-living is ridiculous, the traffic sucks, the summers are awful and the city may be near the top of most of our adversaries bomb-target lists. Hmm. Why am I still here?
Because of the basement grow space?
I hope you’re doing well Shed. Some stellar plants as always. Peace!
Thanks Grandpa, and I wish you a speedy recovery! :hug:
That’s great, so far ahead from our legislation. I wish Canada had more flexible micro licensing options. To me a micro grow is anything under 50 plants… hopefully one day we can upgrade.
My favorite part of Canada's cannabis laws are that you can send flower and edibles all around the country! I'd have a lot less in storage if we could do that legally here.
Adults between the ages of 18 and 20 years old can legally purchase and possess up to 8 ounces of marijuana and 12 live plants if they have a medical marijuana license obtained through a doctor’s recommendation."
Adults 21 or older can legally possess up to 28.5 grams of marijuana, as well as up to 8 grams of cannabis concentrate. You can have up to six live marijuana plants."
Am I reading that right, under 21 can posses more? Wth ha, it's the adults who are tax payers ha

Because of the basement grow space?
Basement grows are great!! My next house will need one too ;)
Yup, I’ve traveled with an Oz no problem. No need to explain anything up to an oz. Anything after that need a prescription if it’s medical.
I've traveled with a couple of jars when bringing my kids to school, but I don't worry because I'm white. ;)
Am I reading that right, under 21 can posses more? Wth ha, it's the adults who are tax payers ha
Good question! It makes it read like only those under 21 can get med cards and everyone else has to buy recreational. Might just be the way that website wrote it though...
Basement grows are great!! My next house will need one too
If I tear down and rebuild my house it will have a basement, with seashell wallpaper! Yours will need a sub-basement. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Nah, I'm still a tad over...
Judge: You have 22 pounds of marijuana stored in your house.

Shed: Yes, your Honor. I'm a tad over the limit. :rofl:
The District of Columbia is nice for grow regs, but it's not west of the South.

Here, if you're 21 years of age you can grow six plants at a time, three of which can be mature, without any type of license.

Oddly, the law stipulates that one can possess up to 2 ounces of weed. So I guess that means grow small plants?

Well no, because the law also says that you can:
  • Transfer one ounce or less of marijuana to another person who is at least 21 years old, so long as there is no payment made or any other type of exchange of goods or services;
So grow them as big as you want, just be prepared to give most of it away!

In addition, the cost-of-living is ridiculous, the traffic sucks, the summers are awful and the city may be near the top of most of our adversaries bomb-target lists.

Hmm. Why am I still here? 😬
I can vouch for your traffic, you want to avoid rush hour a.m. + p.m. like the plague.
Tuesday update!

Sorry to keep posting pics of the Summer Grow pair but that's all I have other than the Candida mother and offspring.

So I thought I'd let you see how the plants look (both on flip day 28) after the H2O2 and the SNS 209, starting with the Trainwreck:

Lowers (I haven't removed anything but a few have fallen off):

It doesn't seem to be spreading like it was, so that's good!

There is still some yellow in the middle:

And the tips of some of the tops:

Here is the Purple Urkle, which is about the same as the TW:

I'll be bumping them up to 5.5g/gallon since they're about halfway into flower. I also never had a chance to do a post-stretch thin so that will happen this weekend.

The only other thing I have for you is this pic of the roots on the new Candida mother plant. It was a perlite clone that got planted 9 days ago:

You know how folks always say to bury the stem and it will grow new roots further up? Well this will be a good test of that. On all my perlite clones the roots come from the very bottom, and you can see in the pic above that the roots start about halfway down. So let's see if I get new roots starting above that rather than just growing up into the space...if I can tell them apart!

I hope you're all well, and thanks for the visit. :)


You're a doll Otter!

I hope you can find somewhere you want to live with both cheap land and legal cultivation/use Schnookie! Happily the area at the center of that Venn diagram is getting bigger all the time. :thumb:
Beautiful girls 😍 how tall are they?
Am I reading that right, under 21 can posses more? Wth ha, it's the adults who are tax payers ha

Basement grows are great!! My next house will need one too ;)
I was thinking about a basement grow but it has very little sunlight and it’s always kind of damp +cool. Would that create problems?
Judge: You have 22 pounds of marijuana stored in your house.
Shed: Yes, your Honor. I'm a tad over the limit.
I'll mention that defense to my attorney. :cheesygrinsmiley:
We have no limit to what we grow and keep in MA but 6 grams of concentrate max. I'm appalled at 6 grams since the press came and carts started getting filled. Had to slow my roll there.
Oh it had nothing to do with Mrs Otter then?
I can vouch for your traffic, you want to avoid rush hour a.m. + p.m. like the plague.
Or avoid Los Angeles between 5am and midnight.
Beautiful girls 😍 how tall are they?
Thanks Captain! They're both about 41" off the soil and 36" wide.
I was thinking about a basement grow but it has very little sunlight and it’s always kind of damp +cool. Would that create problems?
Not sure if you're serious or joking! Basement grows in rooms/tents are fine unless you can't control the environment (like damp and cool), but if you're relying on sunlight it would the wrong part of the house. Outside it would definitely be better!
I'll mention that defense to my attorney. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Oh it had nothing to do with Mrs Otter then?

Or avoid Los Angeles between 5am and midnight.

Thanks Captain! They're both about 41" off the soil and 36" wide.

Not sure if you're serious or joking! Basement grows in rooms/tents are fine unless you can't control the environment (like damp and cool), but if you're relying on sunlight it would the wrong part of the house. Outside it would definitely be better!
Hehe. She hasn't ever had to "put her foot down" for anything I've done. She also isn't afraid to tell me she "thinks"I'm this or that to begin a conversation. So, maybe, I can't tell! I'm like a circus bear by now I suspect to her. Not quite trained 🐻 but worth watching on the little trike.
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