Lady G Seedsman Sponsored Journal, Medical Vitamin Weed

Would you use Cannabis if you found out you had Dementia, Alzheimer's, PTSD or Depression?

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We can often be our own biggest critics. I do it too. Just know you have our love and support. I cant speak for others so I probably shouldn't anyways...

Penny that lab was a beast! And I see seeds in there! What was the cross again?
Boy got skill right :popcorn:
Yea Rich is still posting some, just really busy these days.
True he is a very smart man , can only imagine what he is up to ?

@Preston9mm @Lowded118

You guys still interested in joining our oil path to providing the nutrients we need to better brain health. ?

Together we can grow and master the art and maybe even help grow discover new and better oil? The more of us who stand up and say “I” to help with depression and anxiety and other perks . I understand change is scary but if it is to help us be better humans and enjoy our life’s more with some sense of calming feeling and uplifting .. then come try it . Remeber this isn’t a high high this is a non euphoric high true medicine .

It’s a path , a life style choice , but it’s your life ✊ so let’s take charge and try to get us some relief ?

On the real talk low and Prest , think about it and let us know . First we will need to get you some ingredients and a mb2 machine . Not sure of it can be done without one depending on level of education or how much memory your brian holds compared to others ... lol

Anyways Only if your ready for this path I ask you brotha and sistas to join us .

This is good stuff again true medicine.
probably won my motm through sympathy

Really not true my G :love: All your generosity of spirit, and research and sharing information, and humour, and healing... and general 420 canna champion-ness (like @TheMadDabber said) is what led to that ... know it G :high-five:

It was my best looking plant to date, can't wait to run it again

It’s beautiful PW! I can see why you’re keen to run the again. Sometimes I feel bad that I don’t get to your journal much (I do peek in every now and then)... but then, we Are always crossing paths around the place and I enjoy that :) Nice to bear that was grown out under QB Lights, makes me excited about mine. What spectrum is that one?

Really not true my G :love: All your generosity of spirit, and research and sharing information, and humour, and healing... and general 420 canna champion-ness (like

Let's be real shall we Amy G? (Devils advocate, I looove this saying)

Don't be cross with me if I say, you and I both know this ain't no place for a lady, or the underdog. This is a game of survival of the fittest if you play the game right. Transparent is, as transparent does. Real is, as real does. We are surrounded by players with unclear intentions.

Don't believe the hype, sometimes words are just as empty as the people writing them. I used to believe, but I don't anymore. Where do the rejects hang out that don't measure up or conform, please sign me up?

OR, Just ignore me I'm not part of the popular crowd. I'm insignificant here. How can I be heard if I have no voice...

What matters is real life, real actions, real eyes are wide open...unconditional compassion is what this journal is about and I think you already know that cause you're trying to cheer me up when you really know what time it is...Thanks for hearing me out, appreciate it. Flava Flav, over and out. :Namaste:

----------------------- hard feelings :peace: just tired of not fitting in when I think I have so much love to give.
Well you fit in around here so far as I see, and many of us hear and love, and value your voice - but it’s a jungle out there you’re right about that.

Interesting though, I dont draw the difference between real and not - here and the real world. Platforms like this are a fundamental part of our modernity so at some level they’re as real as the physical worlds we inhabit. It can bring joy and pain in just the same way and our personas here are as much a version of ourselves as the many manifestations we make daily in our regular lives. Online life is becoming intrinsic and its the kind of thing through which society changes and evolves over time, for better or worse... usually both ;)

I really agree with you too that we have to be careful, and often as women more careful, and that’s relevant to every part of the world I have inhabited, virtual or otherwise. Careful who we trust, and careful with our engagements.

But like-spirited folk are drawn together like magnets G, and from those meeting places great things can happen and great friendships are forged. Doesn’t mean everyone gets on all the time or that we’re not still surrounded by “players with unclear intentions” as you so insightfully put it :thumb:. I’ve no doubt we are! :hug::hug: So many folks are here for you, and with you, in earnest though, truly ...

Ha Flava Flav! Nice one

Oh and Plastique Bertrand was a French disco sensation in the very early 80s... Ca Plane Pour Moi Maybe I’ll drop the big global hit tune in the lounge to check out for some entertainment, and a giggle at early 80s culture.

What you toking on tonight G? Oh, it’s the middle of the night there, well it’ll be good morning then. Hope your trip out today is a good one and that it involves seeing the horses :love:

I won't post in your thread anymore Lady G because I get the vibe that I'm freaking you out.

There cannot be a promise that I won't still sneak in here to admire your photography.
Well you fit in around here so far as I see, and many of us hear and love, and value your voice - but it’s a jungle out there you’re right about that.

Interesting though, I dont draw the difference between real and not - here and the real world. Platforms like this are a fundamental part of our modernity so at some level they’re as real as the physical worlds we inhabit. It can bring joy and pain in just the same way and our personas here are as much a version of ourselves as the many manifestations we make daily in our regular lives. Online life is becoming intrinsic and its the kind of thing through which society changes and evolves over time, for better or worse... usually both ;)

I really agree with you too that we have to be careful, and often as women more careful, and that’s relevant to every part of the world I have inhabited, virtual or otherwise. Careful who we trust, and careful with our engagements.

But like-spirited folk are drawn together like magnets G, and from those meeting places great things can happen and great friendships are forged. Doesn’t mean everyone gets on all the time or that we’re not still surrounded by “players with unclear intentions” as you so insightfully put it :thumb:. I’ve no doubt we are! :hug::hug: So many folks are here for you, and with you, in earnest though, truly ...

Ha Flava Flav! Nice one

Oh and Plastique Bertrand was a French disco sensation in the very early 80s... Ca Plane Pour Moi Maybe I’ll drop the big global hit tune in the lounge to check out for some entertainment, and a giggle at early 80s culture.

What you toking on tonight G? Oh, it’s the middle of the night there, well it’ll be good morning then. Hope your trip out today is a good one and that it involves seeing the horses :love:


*:nomo::popcorn:That was a very diplomatic response, thank you. That wasn't easy to address, so I'm gonna let it go and move on. I wish I was shhhmokin' J's. But I'm back on the vape trying to be a good girl.

I won't post in your thread anymore Lady G because I get the vibe that I'm freaking you out.

There cannot be a promise that I won't still sneak in here to admire your photography.

* @LadyAshwynn Whaaaat? No no, it's not you at all. Please if you want to stay , stay, it's one of my episodes cause it's hard to trust around here. That's all, just real life problems adapting to a virtual community. I try not to apologize for my episodes because it's not my fault, but I'll be the first to call it out. This place can trigger my trust issues, and this is unfortunately one way I deal with them. So this is nooooooothing to do with you. This is my avalanche to clean up, not yours. It's all part of the disease, peeps help me here to deal with them and give me logic, when my logic is not working. If you want to leave I can't make you stay, but all I can say is that you wouldn't be the first and I apologize if I scared you. This is just me. Lil MissStakes with half a brain and a HUUUGE heart. My brain filters are wonky so I don't hold back, but I'm just as genuine and fun as I am quirky. I'm just a terminal brain patient who is scared.

Oh yeah, well then what time is it ????? LOL .. Do you live next to a Burger King ???? LMAO....

*Good morning to you too?

Hi Family,
Got up early and went to see the horses again. They pooped, farted and drooled, back to regular business at the ranch for me. Thanks for supporting me during tough times. I wish I could say it won't happen again, but I'm working on it. Even with my oil, medicine, the pressure gets to me cause sometimes I don't know what is real. The blindness in my brain, blindsides me when triggered. If we were all animals I would know where I stand because animals tell you what's up. But people are weird sometimes, it's like their words don't match their actions and that isn't logical to me. So I ask questions and that takes me down the rabbit hole.

Go ask Alice, when she's 10 feet tall.

I'm still moving on and doing my best to deal with the fog that is my reality.

I got a special email last night that put my mind at ease and I was able to sleep. To that person, I owe you the world.
Thank you sooooo much.
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