OG's Hi Brix Organic: LEDs, Perpetual Harvest

I have no cold temps day is 28c night is 25c.
I will try the rescue drench then. On all three? That happens before the second cat drench?

That's 82f day and 77f night. Not cold here until winter.

Your roots aren't happy for some reason. Were these plants in the small pots? You mention alternating between GE and Trans....but is there any water between?

Are they on a cold slab, or in contact with a poor insulator on a cold slab?

If you're already into the Cat Drench cycle, go ahead and do the second Cat Drench very light.....THEN rescue drench in the following manner:

1. Flush a lot of pure water through the pots WHEN THEY ARE DRY
2. Chase that flush with the Rescue Drench 1 gallon per seven gallons of soil.

Something happened to these plants that either did not allow for proper root development or something is inhibiting the roots to function correctly.

Does any of this make sense?
No I have not been giving plain water just alternating ge and trans. Should it actually be ge then plain water then trans then plain water? No not on a cold slab, noting cold here now.

They have not been in too small pots for at least 5 weeks. Were all green when started in bloom in the 10 gallon pots.
Ok guys thanks for the tips. I will add the water in between. Takes a while as it takes at least 4 days to dry out the giant 10 gallon pots...

I don't let my pots dry out once they hit flower, Ithink Doc suggested letting them dry out once after transplant to force the roots to go searching, and I let them dry out in their final pots while in veg, but once I hit flower they stay moist. Lately that means 3 days between waterings (7 gal and 10 gal.)

That said, I get good roots in the 1 gallon pots, but don't have the best root development in my final pots. I'm working on it!
Hey OG! The 3 big ones are looking pretty good and am sure they will thrive once you do the rescue and then add in the straight water between drenches. What are the ratios of drench you are using? I use 1ml of drench per gallon of soil and am in 10's too so 10mls. Tea is .1 ml per gallon of soil so about 1 ml. I do the drench in about 1.5 gallons of water per plant (I have 2) and then somewhere between 1/2-1 gallon of water for the tea, 2mls, let sit for about 15 minutes and then split that between the 2 plants.

I also do 1ml per gallon of soil for drenches.
Are you saying you water the drench and the tea seperate? Is it ok if I add the drench to my jug then RO water and stir, then add the tea to the same water? Or two waterings every time?
I also do 1ml per gallon of soil for drenches.
Are you saying you water the drench and the tea seperate? Is it ok if I add the drench to my jug then RO water and stir, then add the tea to the same water? Or two waterings every time?

you can add Tea to drench(GE, Trans) water. stir and let sit a few minutes before feeding.
I have NEVER let anything "sit" before watering, just mix up and pour. What is the point of that?

I add the tea to the drench water first, and wait 15-20 mins. Then add the GE or TP, mix up and feed to the plants. Doc has stated that doing the tea first and waiting, lets the beneficials "wake up" in the tea.
lol...I guess that's a carryover from the old hydro days. I drop an air stone and a little fish tank aerator (about $7 at wally world) in the bucket to oxygenate the water. I like to think the movement and oxygen help things out a little. Actually, I usually drop the stone in there the night before, then in the morning I add the tea and let it bubble for 10 mins or so, then the drench liquid then apply to plants.
lol...I guess that's a carryover from the old hydro days. I drop an air stone and a little fish tank aerator (about $7 at wally world) in the bucket to oxygenate the water. I like to think the movement and oxygen help things out a little. Actually, I usually drop the stone in there the night before, then in the morning I add the tea and let it bubble for 10 mins or so, then the drench liquid then apply to plants.

OK Cool, I was thinking I must of missed another step.

BTW I also keep a 45 gal res of RO at room temp and it has
an air stone and pump to help keep it moving as well so it
should be well aerated when used.

I will however take the time in the future to add the TEA first, mix
and wait before adding the rest of the mix.

Thanks for bringing that up DopyLemontree, much appreciated.
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