PeeJay's Neophyte Breeding Adventure

Canna, you can mix the castings right into soil mix. I'm about 15% castings by volume in my mix but less is fine. More might be overkill.

Lots of people like them for tea as you know. I don't mess with teas figuring that I can feed the microbes directly in the soil and they will thrive just fine. For top dressing I mix them with an equal amount of new soil and a handful of Yum-Yum. If you make the mix a day or two ahead and make it slightly damp it will get very bioactive. Then I scratch the mix into the top couple of inches of soil and water it in.

Thanks PeeJay. I'll mix some into the soil in the bin.
When winter sets in I won't be able to get the castings outdoors, so I figure it will be good to use the "tea" that I will get from the indoor bin. I've always wanted to try the teas, and I have a bubbler that can keep them from going anaerobic on me if not used immediately.

Your plants are looking awesome and I can't wait for the seeds to begin! :cheer:
Took a few photos while on morning greenhouse inspection:










How do you deal with RH PJ, in that GH? I think I read before you have an exhaust/can fan? Run that all night our on a timer? What is an acceptable level, mid flower for you? Leave them in day and night?

Thank you!

I know you're across the country from me, weather is a bit different. Just curious. Great plants, as always....
You have a great eye for the detail PeeJay, and it makes visiting your garden an extra pleasure. Lovely coloration showing there. :thumb:
How do you deal with RH PJ, in that GH? I think I read before you have an exhaust/can fan? Run that all night our on a timer? What is an acceptable level, mid flower for you? Leave them in day and night?

Thank you!

I know you're across the country from me, weather is a bit different. Just curious. Great plants, as always....

Medman, if I have humidity issues here they are low humidity issues. This is a dry climate. September is one of the kinder months. Weather data shows that the average high RH is in the high 60's with the average low being about 25% so pretty much ideal. The fan runs all the time mostly for odor control but it is also moving air through and preventing humidity or condensation issues in there. Dew points range from about 50 down to the low 30s. High temps through September will be the mid to low 80's with lows 60-65.

We had some light rain overnight and at 8:30 this morning it is 64 degrees and 76% humidity in there. Should be 85 and 30 by noon.
Thank you, PJ. Enjoy finishing them up!!
You're going to have color wheel selection in there. Love the pinks and light lavenders going on already. Purty buds!

Who is holding the cup with the pollen in it? Looks like a nasty owie on the finger on the right side of the pic. :(

Waiting on those bean sprouts now!

No owies. That is just crap all over my fingers from tying up the Sage 'n Sour. :goof:
A couple of posts back I stated that if I have humdity problems here they are usually low humidity issues. Indoors with a swamp cooler running almost all the time... Not so much. When there are lots of heavy dense colas in close proximity like with the Cheese on the left...


Bud rot can bite ya.


Noticed this Monday morning and spent labor day working with the scissors. Cheese came down on day 62 of flower, day 67 of 12/12. Based on a nice test nug I took last Wednsday it was pretty much ready. I was going to cut it on Thursday this week so it didn't really end up chopped early but I did end up losing about 25% of the harvest as I found some rot in several of the large colas. I still got a decent amount of nice nugs and two gallon sized ziplocks of popcorn and sugar leaves after very carefully getting rid of anything that might spread the rot during the dry and cure. Hopefully I was careful enough that there won't be any problems. Everything got a good washing. I didn't take a wet weight. I'll get a dry weight in about a week, probably around a quarter pound of top shelf nugs. No signs of rot on the DarkStar. When I get in the tent and rearrange her later today I'll have another chance to inspect carefully. I really don't want to have to chop it yet.







Congrats on the chop PJ.
Not bad getting a QP after having to cut out 25%... sorry about the bud rot but really glad you caught it before it took your whole harvest...:high-five:....:circle-of-love:

Yup. I was worried about it being so crowded in there. I never intended to have a tent that crowded... The two indoor girls were moved in from outside. The buds are dense as all get out. I was surprised how much of the rot was invisible until I started trimming. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the dry and cure go well!
IndoorDarkstar Update

I got in the tent and rearranged the DarkStar. I didn't find any signs of rot. She is a gangling mess with buds growing in all directions. If anything the buds are more dense than the Cheese, if that's possible. Everything looks good. The fan leaves are definitely loosing their enthusiasm. Ten days - two weeks and she's done. I hope she enjoys having a room of her own. I know from the samples I took last week that the DarkStar is the stronger of the two strains. Hang in there DarkStar! Don't go rotten on me!





Congratulations on your cheese harvest.

Do you do anything with your trim?

Yup Rado. I almost get more excited about good trim than I do about good nugs. I already have a jar full with veg glycerin that will sit in a cool dark place for three months or so (shaken every day or two.) I'll decarb the sealed jar in a pressure cooker after it gets nicely infused, let it sit for another week and then strain it out. This is tasty stuff. May I suggest 2pt rye whiskey, 1pt cannabis tincture. Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a Morello Cherry. I donate lots of tincture to a friend who has carcinoma in his hip and has bad pain. He hates opiates. I was invited over for a cocktail and that is what he gave me. By the evening he is pretty uncomfortable and he likes the cocktail to unwind - relive pain. Very tasty. We call it the Cannhatten. One is plenty. ;)


I'm also going to do a big wax run (big for me anyway) as I collect up more material because I want to make some mint flavored wax candies for someone who is on medications that leave a permanent bad taste in their mouth and all their food tastes funny.
Greenhouse Update

Not much to say really. This weeks treat was a top dressing of 1 part worm castings, 1 part fresh soil, 1/2 part Yum Yum, a little crab meal and a little glacial rock flour. Each pot got about a quart scratched into the top couple of inches of soil. They are growing. Climate is nice.







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