PeeJay's Neophyte Breeding Adventure

Just for fun, here's a picture of the Chitral that was left in the small pot of seedling soil in the shade sitting between the two unsexed Chitrals that got potted up. I grow in Bronze Standard soil evidently, but growth in it has been explosive to say the least.



I've always considered your soil to be one of the top producers PeeJay. Bronze doesn't begin to come close.
Indoor Update:

The plants in the indoor are about 38 days into flower. I anticipate that the Cheese will go 60-70 days and the DarkStar will go 70-80. I'm getting killed on environment. Needing to be away for 3-4 days at a time is a killer. The room the tent is in has it's own swamp cooler. It is not controlled by a thermostat. It is on low, or it is on high. When I am gone I leave it on low all the time. It does a good job of keeping the humidity up in my dry climate. I have little control over things. When I'm home I can assume that If I am comfortable working at my desk in the same room as the plants are in and am comfortable all is good. The plants may enjoy slightly warmer temperatures than I do but the lights in the tent accommodate that. When I'm home if it gets too hot I can kick the swamper onto high. I do that often. When I'm away I can't do that. The plants could use more frequent less deep watering in flower but I have to do what I can by drenching the crap out of them before I leave and hoping that they aren't wilted to heck when I get back... It's been very hot here with record or near record high temperatures all week. Mother Nature is a stern governess. All that aside, things ain't horrible.

Whole tent. DarkStar on the right, Dinafem Cheese on the left.


Around halfway through flower I'm not ashamed to use a beer can for size comparison purposes. I don't think I'll ever get to the point with this grow where I can use a half-gallon milk jug... Hats off to those who can! Cheese first.





The Cheese is looking good. I really like the easy going, readily branching nature of this stink-to-high heaven strain. Nice trichomes for slightly more than half-way to goal.



DarkStar is starting to add bulk, the pokey brat. It is going to out-yield the Cheese in the end. This is the one that I will be able to swap with the other local grow-your-own Med patients with ease. They all want some even if it will never be an everyday smoker. If I do a good job with this I won't be lacking for variety even though I'm not trying to grow 15 strains at once in a 4x4.






Simply beautiful PJ.
Think of how the world will change when we all have the freedom to barter and exchange our harvests. I had a flash of gardeners who specialize in particular strains they have an affinity for and regular swap meets.

Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?
ROFL! I use a bic lighter next to my buds to show size.....this guy uses a BEER CAN and they measure up to it!
Puts me right to shame, it does. :laughtwo:

Beautiful stickyness Peejay.

I sure hope the weather gives you a break soon.


We need to fix that fer ya, Canna. The Cheese is getting really heavy. If the colas double in bulk in the next three weeks... I spent some time pulling branches up to the middle with string this morning because I fear rot where they touch the side of the tent.

Breeders update:

Well, the little shady Chitral I moved into the greenhouse last week in hopes that she was a shady lady turned out to be a shady dude - off to all boys school!


I guess I have just two female Chitral. Not sure if I will reverse one. I might just make regular seeds from both. They are growing well - the biggest is 3' tall. Fan leaves are huge! I supercropped both of them because I want to push some node branches up to cloning size before they go into hard flower and run at least one clone in the indoor once the big girls are done. Excuse the dirty gardner's fingers please. I scratched some topdressing into all the big plants right before taking the photos and didn't bother to wash my mits.






As far as I can tell all four of the Panama are female... We'll know for sure by the end of the week.



That leaves me lots to work with. I will reverse one of the Panama and make female pollen and can make Panama x Chitral fem seeds as well as Panama x Panama fems. I'm just not going to get Chitral x Chitral fem this time. Maybe I will reverse a Chitral... Not sure yet. So many options in the breeding labyrinth..
Greenhouse monsters update:

The weather has continued to be very hot with highs in the upper 90's everyday pushing temps inside over 100 for a few hours every day. We are supposed to get some relief starting tomorrow. Things are mostly good though...


Sage 'n Sour is showing a little nitrogen deficency. The strain has a reputation for being a heavy feeder and has been in the ten gallon pot for a long time... I added a little 10-1-1 guano to the topdressing I gave it this morning along with an extra couple of handfulls of yum-yum - so, guano, yum-yum, castings, a little glacial rock dust, and some pj v2.01. The colas are stacking beautifully!






The DarkStar is also stacking nicely. It is in 15 gallons and is showing no signs of needing anything extra but got a heavy topdressing of the same formula anyway.





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