ProfessorFlora Presents: The Flowering Inferno

Hey 420.

It's been a busy week with lots going on and I've managed to get a couple harvest's done.

Firstly we had another incident or two. Both Cakes went mouldy so I pulled them early rather than hope that some of them make it to maturity.
The Birthday Cake as we all knew was dropping off by a top flower every few days. Well it ran out of tops and started going mouldy on lower buds so I pulled it. Easy decision.
The Wedding Cake in the other tent had a little bit of liquid rot on a leaf which dripped onto a flower and spread like wildfire. I probably lost a few ounces or more. As it erupted so quickly I decided to pull it and it was another easy decision. So that was both of the Indica hybrids taken out by rot but what of the Sativa hybrids? They were all fine and I decided to just pull the rest later that week at week 9.
It's been crazy but I'm glad to get this round out of the ways it's 100% Rh again and it's like the tropics in the grow room.
I actually took some pics of the two cakes being harvested but I seem to have lost them lol. Oh well. You are spared the giant slimy flower pics.

Here's what happend to the surviving three. First up, the small tent....

The Double D's and Lemon Bubble both made it and smell awesome. Their flowers are quite small and leafy though which is disappointing but maybe that is why they didn't go mouldy. It's just the light which I believe is a little underpowered.

Double D's....

Lemon Bubble....

Meanwhile, over in the other tent.

I can't believe this thing didn't fall down lol. She did however erupt with bananas right at the end which is another great reason to pull her from the tent. Don't want my Girl Scout Cookies getting pollinated....

I forgot about the outdoor plants which seem to be flowering now. I haven't been close up though so I still don't know what genders we have.

Here's the third Double D's....

And here is the landrace and the bag seed pot. They are slowly making their way up to the garden....

And this is my little stubby. A tiny Afghan clone which I was going to keep until I realised I would be moving home. Now there will be no space for it so it's been set free....

That's some of what has been going on lol. Hope everyone is good and staying out of trouble.
Happy growing everyone.
Damn on that mold and the big losses, but I'm pretty sure 100% humidity is nowhere in the Grower's Bible. What are you gonna do. 🤷

Maybe your new place will have room for a dehuey?

The DDs and LB didn't get huge but they got really frosty, so that's a win. And that huge beast is going to be so much fun to trim it's a good thing you now have two kids to help. ;)

Are the outside plants going to make it to harvest before the weather changes there?
Damn on that mold and the big losses, but I'm pretty sure 100% humidity is nowhere in the Grower's Bible. What are you gonna do. 🤷
Ok, I was exaggerating a little bit....

Maybe your new place will have room for a dehuey?
My new place is above ground which should help massively. Where we are at the moment, the back of the house, which is where the grow room is, is built into the hillside and is quite damp. It's the best and worst location for growing cannabis.
The DDs and LB didn't get huge but they got really frosty, so that's a win. And that huge beast is going to be so much fun to trim it's a good thing you now have two kids to help. ;)
Those two smell the best as well. The Lemon Bubble is pretty funky but the DD's wins again. Shame I can't take her with me however I did find 5 seeds on the last one. I'm not sure what pollinated her though. It could have been one of the Sour Strawberries as I found an open pollen sack when harvesting the last round. If I weren't moving then I would have already planted them lol.

That Orangesicle has been trimmed. My word! We are gonna have one hell of a hash round coming up.

Are the outside plants going to make it to harvest before the weather changes there?
I doubt it lol. But they've cost me next to nothing so even if I get and ounce from all of them then that's something. We are doing much better than last year already. We are using MC though and not "liquid everything" as a nutrient source so maybe they will be stronger and last longer this time.
Hey 420.

The previous harvest is getting closer to being dry. I have actually just removed the buds from the stems but my fingers were too stick to operate the camera. This is the Double D's (right), Lemon Bubble (bottom left) and the best of the Orangesicle....

Here is the Wedding Cake, Birthday Cake and the bottom part of the Orangesicle. This has also been removed from the stems and most of it has gone into the hash pot after checking for anymore rot. I have saved the best tops though....

A bit of the Orangesicle! Biggest plant I've ever grown but it won't be the highest yielding. That title is still held by the Phantom OG....

And some of the trim. Making use of Wilma....

So, after that lot has finished drying I'll get some pics and that's that. Another one bites the dust.

So we have reached the finale which has been a long time in the making. It is finally time to get out the disposable chef hats!....

You won't be seeing just one of these babies in action. No, no. We will be seeing a whopping 8 (only 7 pictured as 1 was on my head) of these doing their thing.

Just look at the quality!....

What is that? Spider webs? Candy floss? I'm not sure....

They WILL definitely not fall apart....

And just in case you can't imagine what these beauts will look like filled (almost) to the brim with warm, crumbly soil. Here's one I prepared earlier....

Well, that's it. Hope you are all as excited as I am for for this final grow lol.

That's how for now.
Happy growing everyone.
Cheers DD!

I didn't tell you that I lost my Dynavap lol. I dropped it in some long grass and now I can't find it anywhere. I bought a new one straight away though I did look at metal detectors first lol.
Congrats on your harvest, Prof!
Congrats on the harvest, Professor!

At least you'll get to use everything for "something." :ganjamon:
Congrats on the harvest, Professor!

At least you'll get to use everything for "something." :ganjamon:
Cheers ,GDB.

Tonight is hash making night!

I'll actually document it this time.
Nice harvest mate noticed the wilma do you use/like them?
Thanks, Ljb1.

The Wilma is a great bit of kit that can make life quite easy going once it's all set up and running properly. It does come with some downsides though like plants being a bit too close together and cleaning it after each round. But it does grow some really nice plants and can be used with clay pebble, coco or soil.
Congrats on the harvests, only to be outshined by the reappearance of the chef's hats!
Lol. The hats have taken people by surprise so much so that no one has asked what's going to be grown in them.

Here is the answer to that....

I'm finishing with a classic Prof grow. 8 plants in a 60cm x 120cm.

The plants in this round include.

4 X Purple Urkle's from WSE (bottom row)

3 X Orange Cane's from Black Farm Genetix (top 3 from the left)

1 X Double D's (top right)

It's going to be a colourful, frosty and smelly end the the show lol. As you can probably see. Things have changed from my previous plans but oh well. I need to send off the DD's and the OC's have been staring at me for a while. The Purple Urkle's are what it's all about for me in this round though. I'm hunting that purple grape flavour profile and I think these could be carrying it.
Dang. I missed a lot.
Sorry about the humidity issues.

They acquired the nickname because they pretty much use me to grow their cannabis but are surprisingly unappreciative and even go as far as to punish and even threaten me if I do what they would consider to be a bad job. So fuck em.
Didn't realize that they were threatening you.
Sound like really classy folks.
Glad that you won't have to deal with their insanity anymore.

Double D's often get damp in the crease under the big buds, so good to keep an eye out.
Lol. Do they ever!
Double D's being all sweaty and hairy.
Sounds sexy. :laughtwo:

Hope you and the family are doing well.
Hey VG!

Dang. I missed a lot.
Sorry about the humidity issues
Lol, don't worry. Humidity issues are just another day at the office.
Didn't realize that they were threatening you.
Sound like really classy folks.
Glad that you won't have to deal with their insanity anymore.
I'd say that It's more like psychological bullying and can certainly be taken as threatening. Threatening to throw us out with children seems threatening to me for example. We have just told them that we are moving. I don't think that it's quite sunk in yet.
Sounds sexy. :laughtwo:
Whatever floats your boat.
Hope you and the family are doing well.
We're good. Busy as hell but you know how it is.

Hope you and yours are good too, VG.

And at least the RH should be a bit under 99% when these go into flower!
Since clearing out the flower room and moving the chunky Girl Scout Cookies into a more sensible tent, the Rh has dropped considerably. It's now at 60%!
I thought it was upside down.

Edit. The hydrometer that is. Not the tent or the plants being upside down. That would be silly.
Hey 420.

Time for a Bubble Hash tutorial.

@HashGirl I thought I'd tag you for this one to let you know that I have not forgotten.

So I tried to make some bubble the night before but the supermarket delivery forgot to include my ice which would have made things pretty difficult. So we had to wait to get some more ice which I did last night. I used all the Sativa trim which is from the Double D's, Lemon Bubble and the Orangesicle and decided against using any from the Cakes as I didn't want to contaminate the mix with any mould. I might use it in the future or a may just chuck it out. I haven't decided yet.
Here is what we did with the good trim though.

First off, here is almost all of what we needed to make the hash....

Bubble Bags
2 X plastic tubs
Metal spoons
Glass cup
25 micron sheet

I am only using 2 bubble bags just to save on time. You could go wild and have up to 8 bags and have all different grades of hash to marvel at. It takes a long time though and the conditions weren't right for hanging about last night. It was too warm so we needed to move as quickly as possible.
I have just used the 220 micron bag for catching the material and the 25 micron bag for catching all of the hash.

The next thing we need is something to turn into hash. I'm using this trim which is almost dry. You can run trim wet or dry and there is a bit of debate about which is better but that's a topic for another time.
It is recommended to not run large amounts and use around 3 ounces at a time. I don't have the heart to be doing multiple runs and I didn't weight how much trim we have for this. It's over 3 ounces though....

So that is what we are working with. Here's what we do with it.
I put the 220 micron bag inside the 25 micron bag and then fold over the tops. This is to stop any debris getting into the 25m bag. That one needs to stay clean at all times. I then put both bags in to one of the plastic tubs....

Next I put all of the material into the bags. You don't have to do it this way and can mix the material in a bucket without the bags and then pour it through the bags. I have done it several ways and prefer this way....

Now we need to fill the bucket and bag with ice cold water. So first I put one bag of ice into the bubble bags and then I pour a second bag of ice in the tub around the bubble bags....

Then we pour in some cold water so that it covers the material but don't add to much as it'll be messy to stir later and also it'll heat up more quickly. Running the cold tap until it is really cold is advisable....

Now we must leave it for 10 minutes. Time for a quick coffee and a vape.

We leave it to sit to give the trichs a chance to freeze which makes them brittle and fall off more easily. Make sure not to leave it somewhere too warm like in direct sunlight or on any underfloor heating....

Now that the preparation is out of the way it is time for the hard part. Now we need something to stir our mix with. I use a wooden spoon (something which wasn't included in the first pic) which works just fine....

We need to stir the mix well but not too violently. The first stir I find the easiest but it can still be very physical. You can get a washing machine which does all of the hard part for you which I would highly recommend. The mix should be stirred for about 10 minutes and will look something like this....

Then there is another little break. This time I had a 5 minute rest and another go on the vape. After that we stir the mix again for a couple of minutes. The mix should look something like this....

Now it is time to pull the bags from the mix and allow the water to drain from them. Now the second tub comes into play and I use it to set down the bags somewhere clean if I need to. After the bags have begun to stop dripping it is time to pull the 2 bags apart....

The 220 micron bag may never stop dripping as it will have melting ice inside so you will have to decided when you think that most of it has gone through. It's a bit of guess work but don't worry too much as we will be running it again in little while....

Now the next bit can be fiddly and a bit awkward and everyone seems to do it differently but it involves removing the hash from the bottom of the 25 micron bag. What I do is put my hand on the bottom of the bag, grab the hash paste through the mesh and then push my hand up through the bag which turns the bag inside out. As you can imagine, there was no way I could do that and take a pic at the same time lol.
One thing you will need us clean and cold tools. Here is how I keep the spoons....

Here are the bags after I got the hash out....

And here is some hashy water collected in the second bucket. This get thrown back into the mix after the bags have been reset....

I really must apologize as there was quite an important part there which I couldn't take any pics of as my hands were both busy and you have to be really quick with scrapping the hash off of the bags. It sets very quickly and you can lose a lot if you hang around. What we ended up with on the first mix though was this....

Now we put this into the 25 micron sheet with a tea towel underneath to soak up any moisture. Fold over the sheet and towel and press lightly to squeeze out some of the water. It only need to be done lightly....

And once it has been pressed it looks like this....

Ok, not too bad. Now we put the bags back together without making any mess. We want to keep the bottom of the 220 micron bag as clean as possibly so never put it down anywhere that isn't clean otherwise the hash will be full of dirt.
Once the bags are together and back in the bucket we can mix again. This time it can be more vigorous. I pretty much repeat the process but do it for slightly longer.
The next result looks like this....

A bit smaller but very nice still. Guess what we do now? Yep. Everything again. This time the result looks like this....

It still looks nice but has gotten a bit smaller again. By this point I am getting tired and impatient. We do it again but this time it's like an angry cave man....

It's getting smaller and I'm considering giving up. I know that there is more to be had though. We try one more time....

After this one I decide to call it quits and shut up shop for the night. It is now that I am wishing I had that washing machine as I know I could probably get more if I tried but it has been several hours since starting and my arms are knackered lol.

Today I weighed it and it comes in at 27 grams so that is an ounce of bubble hash. Definitely worth the effort but it is hard work.

I did my best to explain everything but if you have any questions then feel free to ask. I'm sure I've forgotten something.

Have a great day and happy growing everyone.
I just went and checked on how well the hash is drying and all is good. It's useable now so before we indulge in a little tester I thought we could take a look at how it has changed over night.
Here is all of it....

The good....

The bad ( the reject stuff lol)....

The ugly....

All is good in my eyes so let's try it out.
First we need to make a bed of salad for the hash to rest on....

After stuffing some of that in there we can put some hash in. Here's some of the little scrapings....

The cap it off with some more salad....

Now before we tuck into that I thought we could look at some of the hash from the last round which I still have left. Look at the difference between the 2 types I have here....

Crazy! Now it's time for a vape and a well deserved break. First I had best set my alarm....

Look! My first Jif. Thanks @Rexer lol
Awesome job, and wicked write up! Bubble bags are on my someday list, for now all my trim gets made into butter/edibles.
Have you ever tried a buddies box? That's how I collect my kief right now.

That's a cool Gif as well, much better then my dizzy time-lapse ones, easy peasy eh?
Awesome job, and wicked write up! Bubble bags are on my someday list, for now all my trim gets made into butter/edibles.
Have you ever tried a buddies box? That's how I collect my kief right now.

That's a cool Gif as well, much better then my dizzy time-lapse ones, easy peasy eh?
Cheers Rex.

Not tried a buddies box but I did just go and check them out. They look pretty cool. I could have done with one of those in the past. Now I find that getting it all out of the way in one punishing sitting is working the best for me lol.

I've been using vaporized weed to make edibles with and it works quite well. It's like hashcake-lite. Not the full experience but enough to take the edge off.

lol, I thought I'd try a Gif. Seemed like a good opportunity and it was easier than I imagined. No editorial skills required!
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