The Hexapus's Garden

I've chatted to her regarding exactly what she means and she seems to think that I am a lot more lively but also quite aggressive with the way I speak or portray myself. Maybe it does have a beer like effect on me, as it seems that I swear more whilst on it and seem to have no time to put up with bs, whereas I'm pretty placid and tend not to care on an indica. Possibly it has an extra effect on me due to my never really smoking strains like that, much like a person that has never drunk before then is suddenly overly sloshed at a party, that really is all that I can think of. But like I say, I don't even notice it personally, definitely a strange one for sure. Well, as I'm all out of Indica until my recent chop is at least dry, preferably cured I will be partaking of it again tonight, the wife is working tonight though so I will remain blissfully ignorant of any bad traits :rofl:
I'm thinking the same thing, as far as I know she doesn't work for the government, although I have interpreted some secret code during my time spent with her. Apparently 'girlfriend' means 'girl who is a friend' whereas 'wife' means 'enemy of man' ;)

It's almost time for me to be blissfully ignorant of my failings and happy in myself :passitleft:
~ Solo Cups~


After the N attack that the White Widow had earlier on, I reduced their N to near zero, using N-less bloom booster nutes at 420 ppm for the last 2 weeks or more. The only N should be from the CalMag, which I understand has some in it.
Hmmm... 'N-less' - has possibilities for a brand name- like 'N-less bud' or 'N-less flowering', or something...
Anyway, I think they could have used a little more N than they've been getting- judging by the trashed leaves.
I'm going to drop the feed to - mmmm -let's say about 200 ppm with the regular flowering slop which has N. Then maybe I can harvest them in a week or something. I'm not going to do the water only thing, since they don't have much foliage left to draw nutes from and I think they need a little something, to finish with.

Lemon Skunk - I haven't posted much about her. I was hoping she might develop some interesting character of some sort. But at the moment she is still just a big heavy lump of a thing. She smells mostly like gasoline, with rotten meat overtones, along with perhaps a slight bouquet of fresh excrement.

Ace 1 - Not the greatest photos. Her toasted leaves are the main inspiration for thinking the plants needed more N.


White Widow - All white pistils still. She's so busy being complainy that she's forgetting to grow flowers. She's very grumpy.
She can do whatever she wants though that's fine -she's just a potted plant.
Actually, in my spare time, I'm working on a type of ray gun which will turn people into potted plants. I already have a couple people in mind. I'm only at the early prototype stage though so I'll keep you posted.
Unless of course it all gets too much and I shoot myself with it first. Zap! HHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (crazy laughter)

Ace 2 So graceful. True queen of the solo cup princesses, this majestic embodiment of feminine beauty best deserves to wear the royal crown.
Or so she thinks, and- suddenly- she grew the golden crown - in only a couple days



Shining from the top of her head- like a beacon for lost and confused stoners. Hark, here come some now...found at last.
Will their confusion end when they arrive here? I cannot say, for sure.




Cheesy. She's so great.
I ❤️ you Cheesy.

Here is the Hexapus taken apart. It's a little electric water pump- 185 gallons per hour I think, a pipe, and a manifold- which splits the water flow into a maximum possible eight 1/4" lines. The manifold also has flow rate control valves but they're too finicky to regulate things well- so I just leave them wide open, except for the two unused ones which I turned off.
Oops, three now, I mean. It's actually a pentapus. Whatever...
The manifold was part of a cheapo watering system kit that came from a big box store. It has threads to fit the male end of a garden hose (as does the pump)
I couldn't find a proper hose so I used this white pipe. It's part of the frame of a broken children's toy that was laying around somewhere. I whittled away at the ends enough to be able to jam them into the pump and the manifold. They leak a little but it just runs back into the tote.



Here it is in its tote. The watering tube Hexapus legs swivel around- so I can easily tilt them up to get them out of the way of the plants when I remove the plywood tray which the plants sit on.
I put a few screws into the plywood next to the containers to hold them loosely from falling off. When I reconfigure the arrangement of the plants, I redo some the screws, and may have to lengthen (replace) or shorten (cut) some of the tubes. I have some rolls of it, it's cheap -like everything else involved.



I slide the plywood off with the plants on it, and easily move it around wherever I like. I've been taking them into the veg room to try and get better photos. The Hortilux bulbs account for the weird pinkish tinge. I can't get very good photos now that I have the new bulbs, using my current crappy camera.
Lookin good. On the fly, and on the cheap!
I couldn't find a proper hose so I used this white pipe. It's part of the frame of a broken children's toy that was laying around somewhere. I whittled away at the ends enough to be able to jam them into the pump and the manifold. They leak a little but it just runs back into the tote.

I believe the proper phrase for that may be "Jackleg engineering" (credits to RM).
Well done!
I use that same manifold in my outdoor garden irrigation system... happen to have a spare one hanging around. Handy!
I've been looking forward to setting up a Hexa/Penta/Octo/whatever 'pus of some sort. I doubt I'll use child toy parts, but one never knows!
heya weaseley,, cheers agin for yer solo grow,, amazing plants, indeed,,:bravo:

i will now, and forever, use this term i am about to type,,

'weaselhead hash'


to refer to hash made with your ice method,, me buddy duddy looking a bit happier than normal,, cheers to you friend,, for 2.6 grams of weaselhead hash,,

made from a hermied afghani reg plant,, last freaking afghani i will ever grow,, i have never had one not hermie,, no wonder they give em away by the billions,, crap,, plant about three weeks early too, so, hash quality suffering proportionately

but fun and so darn easy,, and the colour,, could not be more golden,, :high-five:
heya weaseley,, cheers agin for yer solo grow,, amazing plants, indeed,,:bravo:

i will now, and forever, use this term i am about to type,,

'weaselhead hash'


to refer to hash made with your ice method,, me buddy duddy looking a bit happier than normal,, cheers to you friend,, for 2.6 grams of weaselhead hash,,

made from a hermied afghani reg plant,, last freaking afghani i will ever grow,, i have never had one not hermie,, no wonder they give em away by the billions,, crap,, plant about three weeks early too, so, hash quality suffering proportionately

but fun and so darn easy,, and the colour,, could not be more golden,, :high-five:

WC, I'm looking for the post where you described your ice method of making hash. Where is it?
Nice to hear from both of you. Has been getting a bit echoey in here... I was starting to wonder if I hadn't managed to scare everyone off by now. But no, just most of them, apparently. Or maybe it's some surge of early spring busy-ness that has hit, like the one that so rudely hit me.
I know the term Tead. I don't know who RM is, but a quick google anyway brought up this definition. " Half assed or unprofessional. Not authorised or done while drunk. Someone who does a jack-leg job is called a jack." Sounds about right, lol. Just call me Jack.
I'm glad that hash method is working for you. Someday Nivek I mean to try and see if there's much difference in hash yield between doing it that way, or the usual way of running it through a bubble bag.
I've been thinking about something lately. The usual description of the bubble hash making principle is as I described. Cold trichomes are brittle, and break off from thrashing around in the icy water, and sink. Makes sense I suppose.
But any time I look at my trimmed buds under a microscope I just see a sticky mess of ruptured resin glands. It's hard to even find one that hasn't been destroyed. By the time those trimmings are trimmed and shuffled around a few times it seems like most of the trichomes must be flattened and smeared around. So I'm not sure... Either there's a lot of waste and some other extraction process would work much better, or the resin is still managing to detach itself and sink somehow, and/or there are just a lot of unmangled trichomes hiding somewhere in there still, waiting patiently for their fragile stalks to be broken off.
It's atrociously late for me here, I have a hospital appointment at 4pm so no doubt I'll only get sleepy around 3pm. I've been smoking some Sativa dominant strains recently (Dark Devil Auto, Paradise Nebula and a strain bought from someone which I'm guessing is Sativa due to it livening me up), but the wife seems to think they don't agree with me. I feel great on them and get up, out and about and do way more than I would when smoking my nice almost opiated Indicas that I grow. She says that I get a bit aggressive (not physically of course) on them and I can't understand why, I usually feel in a happy mood on them and it's not like I'm out picking fights. It's strange how ones perceptions can differ from someone on the outside so to speak, or maybe she is too used to me being semi sedated and doesn't like the idea of my being out and about possibly getting into mischief lol. Hence the reason that I usually stick to Indicas, plus the fact that I tire of sleeping with one eye open ;)

Have you ever come across this? I never even thought of cannabis as something that can cause trouble, there's plenty of beers that can do that trick. Your Malawi sounds really tempting though so I think I'll really have to try it in the future. I'll say goodnight in case you have drifted to that place we call sleep, and as ever I will wish you all the best

Hahaha! Kraise, my daughter tells me the same kinda stuff about me on sativas. A couple times she's taken it upon herself to ask if I'm certain this is the choice I should be making? I told to get used to it, and then I started mindful breathing to slow the manic part down, because I feel normal on my sativas and I don't intend to quit. :laughtwo:

Afternoon Weaselcracker :hug: Sorry I've been such a stranger. The study hall's been up two weeks now and I'm beginning to find some sort of balance, so instead of looking longingly at your door as I dash by I'll be stopping and enjoying the delightful companionship of your yard. Can't have any echoing going on here :circle-of-love:
I'm glad to hear it's not only me SweetSue, not that I've stopped smoking the sativa either lol.

Hey Weasel, some great informative posts up there and I love the photographs of the golden crown. Those solo cups probably yield more than one of my full grows :) Still here and starting a new journal very soon in case you fancy a laugh at my shoddy gardening. I've got a bigger tent on the way so I can give plants a bit of vegging time instead of struggling for space, plus I'm using some new lights by a Canadian manufacturer so you may be interested in seeing some of your country's own produce.

Remember the poorly LSD? It didn't turn out so bad after all, here are a couple of buddies that I rescued from her:


I hope everything is fantastic over there, all the best :thumb:
Hey hey Weasel. Been off the forum for a while; I've got loads of new posts to get through, which serves me right for staying away! Lookin great again. I love your solo cups... I have a couple plants at the moment that were stunted; one tried to grow downwards and took a week before I dug it out to see what happened.. The other I dropped during upcan.. Both have been flowering for about 3 weeks and will be 'bud-on-a-stick' but are looking nice and frosty already. I was worried til I saw your solo cups! Just checking the solo cup comp thread now; I wish I had been able to enter but technically they both had a couple week veg (plus I didn't know at the time they would be stunted to solo-size....).
I love the 'dogfence' training.. Does that mean that the scrog screen is just a temporary thing and the plants just hold the shape after X days/weeks? That plant looks like it grew on the side of a windswept cliff..
I am also considering Docs hibrix kit.... The brixers all have stunning results, from what seems like no more prep than what I'm doing now with LOS. I want couple "successful" grows under my belt before I try but the frostiness is all I need to convince me...
Hope you are well, brother. Heard from UnkyHerb? I miss him and I'm a bit worried.. It's been a while even for him.
Sue; I will get over to your thread when I catch up with everything.. I only knew it was there about a month ago; I feel guilty for not subbing up yet and need to clear a bit of backlog before I can catch up with yours.. It was funny; I noticed your "perpetual" thread was shut down only cos I finally noticed (3-4 weeks ago) I wasn't getting notifications about it... Never occurred to me til then you had a new one.. Hope you, too, are well and happy.

Thanks Santb. Nice to hear from you, and I'm very sorry this reply is like- a month late. I have tried so many times to reply to your post, and then get waylaid by something. So much unfinished business...
There's at least one more solo cup competition starting up now, or some variation on it. There are plenty of mutterings on the solo cup thread about having various sized ongoing grow 'competitions' like this one. Because there are no prizes- it's a very laid back atmosphere. Amazing what a difference it makes to attitudes when there are no prizes. It's been a lot of fun.
I can't really detect any harm to the plants from growing in those small containers. They seem fine, and proportionally about the right size -just doing their thing, and no more screwed up looking overall than they would be if I grew them in larger pots.
Re the dogfence, I'm thinking I may cut my Malawi plants out of the scrog screens when they're done the stretch. The jute string I'm using is starting to wear out a bit anyway and it's time I replaced it before I get buds full of jute fiber. For me mainly it's just so I can see the plants without a wood and string contraption trapping them. It gets claustrophobic.
It's clear that the high-Brix method grows some amazing plants. I'll probably grow my way over in that direction some day. I have mixed feelings about getting involved in the HB thing. When I was first feeling it out, well... maybe I just caught Dr. Bud when he was having a bad week at the bud clinic or something.
I don't feel too worried for Uncle C. I think he's just busy - got the feeling he was being pulled away by work and whatnot. I sense there's a lot more to that guy than meets the eye, under that paper bag over his head in his profile pic. I'm thinking maybe he has important things going on. Might be king of some small tropical island nation and have a lot of responsibilities overseeing the coconut crop and the dance choreography of the annual spring festival of fruit maidens, and such. Mainly I just worry that he won't resurface and we won't get to hang out with him more. I have a feeling he's fine though.
All the best Santb and apologies again for not getting back to this one sooner. It's been hectic around here, though I'm starting to feel like a parrot saying that.
Thanks for coming by Sue, and Kriaze. Yes I know, our main cheerleader got a real job... It's annoying but what can we do? Probably some sort of thinly veiled excuse to grow more herb than you actually need, I'm guessing. Hey, that's ok, I relate to that. As they say, people who live in stoned houses shouldn't throw glasses. Especially full ones, that would be a waste. Hic...
And definitely not the ones off your face or you'll have an even harder time seeing.

Yes Kriaze start that journal soon. Funny how this forum, or my perception of it, seems to change from week to week, mainly depending on my mood perhaps? Sometimes it seems empty and full of new strangers- then suddenly friends blink back into existence, and you find new people, and it's humming again. What is this place, is it just a bunch of electricity? Can't put my finger on it...
And posts like that one are why I love following you Weaselcracker. :laughtwo:

santb, good to see you about again. Missed you bud. :hug: I missed that post here too, so thanks Weaselcracker for pulling it up. Man, talk about timing. Remember when you stop that I don't expect you to read all 100+ pages. Go straight to real time. Daily updates will catch you up quickly.
Thanks. You've missed a few things Sue- including possibly some pics of my Ace2 from a couple updates ago, which reminded me of you, for some reason! I know how it is... I do a flyby of your journal now and then. Getting my head around the oil thing, slowly. I've been thinking of starting a thread on - 'too many subscriptions? -how to cope and still have fun like you did when you first joined'. Or something. Once I figure out how. Working on it.
One last piece of unfinished business, which is this post

. ... Ya gotta p.m. me some info on the self feeder thingy you used. I have hose, fittings, timers.. Pretty much all id need to get one goin.. ( Im lookin to get a set up that can feed 10-12 2litre plants.. Every day it seems a wrench gets tossed into my operation so now I have a 3x4 tent open with a 430 watt hid. Right now it has 64 clones in it but after may 10th it will be empty and Id like to do a 2l sog. I have a 15 gal res. This should suffice for a set it and forget it for a week cycle?

The solo cup thing is my first time growing hydro, Stihl, and so it's hard for me to answer that. I go through about 5 gallons a week with just these little cups in about a 2x3 space. So I'm thinking you'll need 15 gallons minimum. Here's a thread I started a year ago when I was dreaming of hydro at one point. I think it will answer the question. Need help with reservoir size
I know the term Tead. I don't know who RM is

Rifleman... I believe you're familiar with him and Rosco. I had put together something crazy (I forget what... I do alot of Jackleg engineering) and he used that term on the product of my engineering efforts.
I'd run across the term before, but wasn't in my lexicon of frequently used phrases. He helped me edit that lexicon.
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