The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Morning my Dearest!

How much herb do you use per batch? (Save a guy from searching) :dreamy:

If you're using fresh harvested, the ratio is 400 grams of plant material to 500 ml of oil, either olive or coconut. If you're using dry material you'll need 100 grams of buds per 500 ml of oil.

I did this extraction today using freshly harvested buds and ended up with this


It's so green it looks black. Isn't it beautiful? Smells great too. This ones made with the Med GOM 1.0 I harvested today. The post on this extraction is at the study hall.

Fresh Harvest Olive Oil Extraction

It's awesome ive been saving plants left right and centre love it.

Sweetyyyy! Niiice Harvest ,she yielded well then, budwashing I see too, excellent ,thankyou for sharing a bit of arm too haha stage's feet duggs legs my guts your arms and grizzs head hahaha we could make a collage haha

:rofl: Thanks for that image. :laughtwo:

Nice harvest!!! So wonderful of you to make a batch for a friend :)

I can't stand by and watch him in pain without helping if I can.

That doesn't surprise me! :blunt:........:)

ME neither :)

Awwww..... Guys...... :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Grats on your harvest Sue :slide:

Well thank you HappyParadox. So good to meet you. Welcome to our joyful little journey. I hope your finding everything to your liking in our virtual paradise. If there's anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to ask. Make yourself at home and join in the conversation. I look forward to getting to know you better. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Beautiful harvest! I like your method of hanging! Stick of bamboo through the kitchen cabinet handles. I'm currently using paper bags, so I can gently shake them or turn them during the day.

Thank AKgramma. I hang them there to drip dry, then they get hung in the hallway.


They hang there for 3-4 days and then I jar them up.

Awesome harvest Sue!

Thank you Canna. I kinda lost the day to the oil production, and I'm still needing to get Callanetics in. It's been a busier-than-anticipated day. Maybe I should blow off Callanetics and allow myself to just get righteously buzzed and celebrate another successful oil run.

That sounds like an excellent idea. Let me get the update done first and then chill for the evening.
Daily Update: Sunday, August 28, 2016

Good evening... wow! Didn't realize it was so late. I got really lost in that project, didn't I? I've been going at it all day, starting with the harvest.

Lets take a stroll before I get blazed. How's about we begin with the Carnival Twins? They're all of 33 days old now. It's time for a drench.



I took the Carnivals out for a TransWater drench and decided to go ahead and top them now.





#2 This one's so much bushier than #1.


The auto tent.


Dark Devil Auto 3 (Day 5) Look at her looking so proud and tall. :battingeyelashes: :love:


Dark Devil Auto (Day 69)


Getting close.


Dark Devil Auto 2 (Day 15). Still not doing much of anything, but she's got a promising energy and really good color, so I'm waiting her out. Watch her end up the monster big yielder. Hahaha!



What a beautifully colorful plant. I can't wait to convert her into some sweet THC capsules. :laughtwo:



Over in the tiny closet the Dark Devil Auto 4 is praying to the light that now belongs only to her. :battingeyelashes: :love:


Thats the brood for today. A few more days and the Dark Devil Auto comes down. It's time to decide on another plant for the auto tent. I'm sure I can get another in, just have to choose the winner. I'm thinking I better get another CBD strain going ASAP.

Its been a satisfying day. A bountiful harvest processed into good pain meds for a friend make for a load of joy overflowing. Now I'm tired. Let me grab a bite and hit the virtual streets. Thanks for stopping to check out the garden and visit. You make this all worthwhile and I appreciate the support.

Spread that joy now. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:


Nice! Sue said "righteously buzzed" :thumb:.

Can I ask what you know about an effective way to treat migraine/cluster headaches without vaping or combustion?

Any ideas would be accepted with absolute graciousness.


Gosh Fire, I can so help you with this. Get yourself a 1:1 ratio strain and process it into capsules. Use the formula I posted for Pigeons, 100 grams dried plant material to 500 ml oil (I suggest olive oil for this). I posted the process using wet buds in the study hall. If you use dry buds the process is essentially the same. If you have any questions ask me at the study hall. I like to try to keep things organized, though I'm not anal about it at all.

My daughter has had migraines most of her life. Since starting with these capsules she's had only one in the past two months. She takes four capsules a day. It's the CBD that stops the migraines and it's being on a regular schedule that made it all click. I highly recommend you give the capsules a try.
Sue, I have a question. My experience with auto's is null. Watching your grow has me excited!I have some DD auto's coming, my question is can they be grown in hydro? I'm not set up with soil or the KIT I've been reading about.:rofl: I feel silly asking such, however inquiring minds want to know:thumb:

BTW hello to all.....

I believe Kushtie grows in hydro. Not my style so you should seek him out.

Dark Devil Auto - A Community Grow Record

Well....that link is supposed to take you to post #801 . Bugs
Sue, I have a question. My experience with auto's is null. Watching your grow has me excited!I have some DD auto's coming, my question is can they be grown in hydro? I'm not set up with soil or the KIT I've been reading about.:rofl: I feel silly asking such, however inquiring minds want to know:thumb:
BTW hello to all.....
Hi and welcome to 420mag:welcome:
Yes you can grow autos in hydro
We have a few members doing just that..
HI SweetS
HI to all of you. :circle-of-love:

Hello Birdie. :hug: :love:

Sue, I have a question. My experience with auto's is null. Watching your grow has me excited!I have some DD auto's coming, my question is can they be grown in hydro? I'm not set up with soil or the KIT I've been reading about.:rofl: I feel silly asking such, however inquiring minds want to know:thumb:

BTW hello to all.....

Hello right back at you Rooster. :hug: Links have been supplied, so enjoy the jaunt through the journals. Both Kushtie and rifleman hit it out of the park in hydro. Yours will surpass mine easily.

Yes... pretty little thing.

How's your upper moisture level? When you wiggle your finger in as far as you can, do you feel moisture?

Yes I do, and that fact, coupled with her robust color suggest she's just building roots and we should be patient with her. I'd like to figure out how to make autos work with this system. Although I may not stick with it permanently I can see great potential for someone with issues about hauling around big pots of soil or someone severely limited in space.

She's being coy with us Tead. You should stop and give her a charming talking to. :laughtwo: Maybe I should show her pictures of your girls so she can see what she's supposed to be doing. Lol!

I believe Kushtie grows in hydro. Not my style so you should seek him out.

Dark Devil Auto - A Community Grow Record

Well....that link is supposed to take you to post #801 . Bugs

Thank you Jim. His does an amazing job of them. I love those pictures he posts asking "Can you guess which one is the DDA?" Lol!

Hi and welcome to 420mag:welcome:
Yes you can grow autos in hydro
We have a few members doing just that..
Right now I can't remember who but you have some reading material here :

Always the helpful one Birdie. :circle-of-love: You realize the boys have dubbed you Birdie and it's going to stick? If that's not ok, you need to let us know soon so we can self-correct.
Congrat's on the harvest! +REPS!

You can shoot one of those "cola arrows" at me anytime! :)

Send me coordinates. Hahaha!

Rifleman has grown dark devil in hydro. I don't have a link handy to his grow though.

Thanks who I couldn't remember. I have that link. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Dark Devil Auto - A Community Grow Record

Kushtie was the one who grew the plant that dripped sap all over his floor when he harvested. The most amazing and inspiring thing I ever saw. :battingeyelashes:

Good morning everyone. :love:. How are we all this new and glorious day? I'm up, energized by qi gong, fortified with steel-cut oats and healthy additions and roaring to get into another day of spreading joy. I'm hoping you'll all join me in making the world a better place one joyful moment at a time.

I have some capsules to get made and that elusive Callanetics session to slot in, so let me get at the business of another busy day.

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