The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

So... this seems a bit less than optimal....

Normal for this strain?

So I went back and pulled pictures, and no, this is not normal.

My previous Carnival at the same stage of development.


I'll check in at Doc's lab and see what they suggest.
Dark Devil Auto 2, In The Jar



What I kept out for myself. :blunt:

Think I'll indulge for a while. Later. :ciao:

So I went back and pulled pictures, and no, this is not normal.

My previous Carnival at the same stage of development.


I'll check in at Doc's lab and see what they suggest.

I just realized that the one I'm running now is a different pheno from the first one I ran. The clones I've taken from Carn 1 more closely resemble my first Carnival. This may well be a strain trait.

Graytail, you've grown more Carnival than the rest of us. Have you seen this in any of your own? Have you any thoughts here?

I've posted over at Doc's, so maybe someone there will have some ideas. This is one of those moments when the vast experience of the wider community becomes so valuable. My own inexperience, left on my own, might hinder what this plant is meant to do. She's destined to be an amazing harvest. I can feel it, and I'm pretty certain some of you can feel it too. Whatever this glitch is, we're gonna find it and fix it and get her to her harvest looking like a champ.

I'm nothing if not relentless and hardheaded, but in the sweetest way I can find. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Don't you love this obsessive hobby? :laughtwo:
Sue , I'm almost certain the curling is a strain related thing but....that being said , here's what I would do OK! let her dry out pretty good and give her a drink of straight water and see how she responds. Everything else is proper it has to be a strain thing. Your enviro , soil , and practices are good so.....a mystery. it's bugging me now SS!
This is what I'm doing for the next couple days.


Arguably the best DDA I've grown. Good enough that, for the first time, I'm taking a couple days to explore this strain in depth. Hits smoooooth. Very surprising, considering how fresh it still is.

I was over at Doc's thread, crying as I read Stage's kind response to my impassioned plea for help when I realized I was in the throes of the classic sativa emotional overdrive. It stopped me in my tracks. I was getting this reaction to my DDA2, my hempy girl, the one grown with bottled nutrients. I was getting my best euphoric and emotional reactions from a plant that I grew with bottled nutrients, and mismanaged nutrients at that. This was the third medium I've grown this strain in, and by this experience, the most effective. Hmmmmmm.......

That sealed it. I'm taking a couple days to enjoy this buzz exclusively, because it's f'n incredible and because I can. I'll deal with the implications later.

She burns white every time. Bud, leaf, bits of stem, right down to white ash. Every hit.
It's not a strain thing, sorry. :straightface:

This plant has been a little limp like this for awhile, actually. I thought it might be from the training stress, and I was expecting to see it come around, but now we have claw, too. :hmmmm: It looks like wet feet to me, but Sue's a pretty experienced grower, so I hesitate to pin it on something so simple. My instinct is to give it a strong shot of Transplant/Tea, but it may just require a good dryout.

The soil bots ain' happy. When did it last get Brixed? That might help boost metabolism, too.
She's due for a Brix in the morning.

How strong a Transplant/Tea do you suggest? She just had a drench yesterday. I could coax a bit more in today. Carefully applied, of course.
Nope, you're better off waiting for it to dry now. The recent drench explains the increased droop, so that's a bit of a relief. :Namaste:

We'll watch it for a few days, and try to get it really dry this time. My 6 gallon pots go 4 days between soaks. It might be wise to just top water next time, and let the perched soil aerate a bit better.

Dunno. You have a few days to contemplate the next move. It'll look better from here, but I want to see those upper fans lift.

Whadya think, Duggs?
I was going to suggest nitro toxicity..

At first glance that would appear to be the case. You're the first one to say it right out loud. That shouldn't be a concern with the kit, but at 62 I've learned to expect the unexpected.

Duggan suggests I keep breathing and let nature take its course. He has the experience and I should trust him. I'll let her dry out really well and we'll keep an eye on her.

Thank you Graytail. Sometimes it's necessary to let them go really dry. I haven't done that to her for quite a while. I'll watch her closely. Her next drench is just water, and your suggestion of a top watering it sound. I'll trust in her resilience.
Could wet feet resemble nitrogen claw this closely?
It's weird but it looks like nitrogen claw to me if not the wet feet that Graytail mentioned. lol I'm so out of it that it took me 30 minutes to post. 9070organics said the same thing.

Yup. And the color would also suggest too much N. The new growth doesn't have the bright lime green shade. I wonder how N uptake is affected by wet soil. :hmmmm: The two usually have a similar look. But in this soil, N regulation isn't an issue.
The immediate solution is to let her dry out. She's in 10 gallons of soil and she went a week between drenches last time. Let's see how long she goes. At this stage of flowering I don't want to push her too far. Thankfully she's right here next to me, literally feet away from my workspace.
Sue, what are the particulars on this pot of soil? Is it second run? Any EWC, amendment, recharge? And forgive me for not going back to look, but the last drench was GE?
Daily Update: Carnival #2 (Day 91)

First off, looking back it appears I lost a day. :laughtwo: She really is at Day 91, 11 days into her flip.



The little ones, catching up.





She sure is a pretty one. :laughtwo: All this fuss and she just keeps on going. Lol! Ok, I'll take a breath guys and trust Mother Nature. By all appearances her primary concern is overwatering. Let's see if that's true. It's the easiest approach, and we all know the easiest way, the simplest way, is usually the best way. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Sue, what are the particulars on this pot of soil? Is it second run? Any EWC, amendment, recharge? And forgive me for not going back to look, but the last drench was GE?

No need to apologize Graytail.

Second run soil, no amendment added in transition - this was part of the emergency tear-down - and I just added the lrecharge and accompanying EWC yesterday with the Trans/Tea drench. Her previous three drenches were an Energy, followed by two consecutive Trans/Water.
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