Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures & Photos From The Garden - 2012

Hey x, I want to thank you for doing what you do. Your journal sets a high standard. They've all been a pleasure to read. After having read hundreds of pages on here (your journals, omm's, 12/12's) I feel like I've read the marijuana encyclopedia. Once I'm ever able to start my own grow, years from now, I hope to be able to share with everyone here as you do. Hopefully my future journal will come at least close to the standard you've set.

:thanks: Smurph!

Most of how I journal and interact here, are modeled after my good friend, OMM.

I learned nearly everything about growing from this site and the members here, many of whom aren't here anymore, unfortunately. Some, like Mr Smith or Doc Bud, continue to really advance growing techniques and finding new ways to do things. I shouldn't mention names at all, because there are so many good, helpful, smart growers here that I've learned much from.

I felt so fortunate to have had this resource when I started growing, yet I never really gave much back to it. Once I started to learn and gain confidence, I made a conscious effort to try to share my learnings, help other people out if I could, and give back a little to other people trying to figure things out. It makes me really happy if somehow I've helped someone grow their own medicine or figure something out, etc.

Thanks for the very kind words! When you finally dive in, let me know -- I'd love to follow what you do. Once you get it all figured out, share what you learn and continue the cycle, k? :)
Hey there A1 -

As far as ideas, this is the best one I've seen for hydro moms affordably:

Check out this thread by Mr Smith. My set-up for my hydro moms uses smaller DIY containers (little rubbermaid tubs) but uses the exact same principles as Mr Smith uses. The only difference is, instead of mine draining completely, they keep a small reservoir of their own after each flood cycle which has an airstone - allowing it to function as DWC between floods. Otherwise, this is how I would do it (did it) if I didn't want to invest in a controller/system. You just need to be able to keep the moms short enough so that they are able to live above the reservoir, as gravity essentially takes the place of the return pump. Because you only need a pump for floods in this set-up, it can be put on a regular $10 timer. The rest is just buckets, fittings, and tubing.

DIY gravity drain multibucket controller

Recently, he updated his hydro mom area, and this info is in another recent journal he did (and I just now found!):

Starting Over - Learning From Mistakes Or Making Them - Ramblings Of A Stoner

If I had the space, like I think you do or will have, I'd probably do something just like Mr Smith. What I made works on same principles only smaller containers, etc. I think Jandre's system works about the same, too.

Yes, the downside to hydro moms is that they grow fast, requiring more frequent trimming of leaves/branches/roots. I'm still betting on it being easier to manage for my situation though (I hope!)

What I think I may do is buy a flo n gro controller and then purchase a food grade 55 gallon drum. I have heard they are as cheap as 10 bucks used. I have pumps already that I can use and already have 100 ft of 3/4 hose. Hmmmmm pretty easy to expand or lessen a flo n gro system. I have a lot of time to decide what I'm going to do as I have so many other projects in the works. Just be one less thing I have to worry about if I get this done though.
Do it, do it, do it A1!!!!!!!!!!! You will not regret it. Especially if the 55 G is only 10 bucks up there. They are $18 here, IF you buy multiples, $20 if not. Seriously, having a big res it is a key factor in my success, stress (work load) level and peace of mind. And the results of a system like that speak for themselves.
Do it, do it, do it A1!!!!!!!!!!! You will not regret it. Especially if the 55 G is only 10 bucks up there. They are $18 here, IF you buy multiples, $20 if not. Seriously, having a big res it is a key factor in my success, stress (work load) level and peace of mind. And the results of a system like that speak for themselves.

I already have 3 flo n gro systems.....what the hell is one more right?
What I think I may do is buy a flo n gro controller and then purchase a food grade 55 gallon drum. I have heard they are as cheap as 10 bucks used. I have pumps already that I can use and already have 100 ft of 3/4 hose. Hmmmmm pretty easy to expand or lessen a flo n gro system. I have a lot of time to decide what I'm going to do as I have so many other projects in the works. Just be one less thing I have to worry about if I get this done though.

I sure like the Flo n Gro, and if I had the space and money, I'd keep moms in one too. :)
Do it, do it, do it A1!!!!!!!!!!! You will not regret it. Especially if the 55 G is only 10 bucks up there. They are $18 here, IF you buy multiples, $20 if not. Seriously, having a big res it is a key factor in my success, stress (work load) level and peace of mind. And the results of a system like that speak for themselves.

I see them sold on Craigslist sometimes, and I know around here they're available other places for around $20 or so last time I checked...
Switching to flower! :yahoo:

Tomorrow evening will start day 1 of bloom lighting phase in the Flo n Gro. I'll keep the MH bulb in for the first 14 days or so (seems to help limit stretch).

They are getting 24+ hours darkness right now. I could let them veg longer, but yield isn't as important to me right now as manageability. They are looking really great - growing vigorously, sprouting per-flowers... I can't wait for them to start building buds!! :)

Oh, some great nominees in the MOTM contest, and I have my SLH nug entered in the NOTM. If you think its worthy, please give me a vote! Lots of other really nice nugs and plants too - so go exercise your 420 voting rights in the monthly contests (there is a link in my signature, too).

Hope you are all having an awesome weekend!
Here's the Super Lemon Haze nug I entered in the Nug of the Month contest (shameless plug!). These nugs are loaded with trichomes... I'll definitely grow this plant again.


More Super Lemon Haze nugs... Their "Lemonheads" candy taste/smell is really something I never get sick of. I really love this stuff! :yummy:

Now go vote for your favorite - mine or not. There are some beauts!

A quick drive by to drop love...Got my vote with that SLH too, my friend, beautiful!:Namaste:

Hey Quix! Great to see you brother - thanks man. :)

let flowering commence then, cant wait to see how these turn out x, you always get amazing results

Thank you DonP! It should be fun watching these flower - I have no idea how they'll turn out. I love the mystery of it. :)
never seen his DIY setup.

I may end up with a FEW extra flo n gro buckets after all my new grow rooms are set up.Just won't know for sure until it's all said and done. I like the idea though of setting up hydro to take care of the moms. i would suspect at some point just like soil you'd have to prune back the root system and then there is the issue of keeping the plants short and bushy. i'd be a pruning MOFO lol
I bet I could also get away with only changing the res every two weeks and keep them on a lighter feeding schedule.
I think this is something I'd seriously like to look into...........want to bang heads together to come up with something? Shoot me a PM with your ideas.

Hey, I have my Maternity Ward on a top drip system 3x/day Blue Planet Nutrients - Monster Growth. They grow like mad, but that lets me take lots of clones and select the best ones for each run... I have different veg times, but in a SOG style, you don't really want a lot of veg time, anyway, and there's a tiny bit of training to do to get them to grow straight up.

As far as root pruning, I do that about every 4 months, when I also thoroughly wash the Hydrotone. Not too bad of a setup, if you want more, I could PM you the specs.
Hey, X! On the NOTM, it looks like we both might lose to the Chernobyl. Oh well, it's fun to enter anyway, huh? Lets us get a little feedback on how well our little nugs look to others.

Best of luck in the polls!

We have a couple of weeks left of voting - I'm not ready to concede yet! ;)
Flo N Gro update - Bloom phase (day 1 completed)

The plants just completed their 24 hour dark period, and now first day of reduced hours for flowering. Instead of the traditional 12/12 light cycle, I'm going to flower them with 11.5 hours "on" and 12.5 "off" (11.5/12.5). Again, I'm growing primarily sativa hybrids. This is the same light cycle I used for my last round, and I was pleased with the results.

Group picture from above, immediately after coming out of their dark period. They look yellowish in the pictures, but in person the new growth is a healthy, almost "electric" green.

Top: Pineapple Express, Deadhead Ripper. Bottom: Jack the Ripper mom, OG Ripper, Deadhead Ripper

I'm really happy with how healthy they are. right side:

Left side

Jack the Ripper mom that I'm flowering (airpot with coco coir). Believe it or not, she was just thinned recently and I'd guess I removed nearly half of her foliage. This pheno is insanely tight noded and needs a lot of thinning:

I put together a list of everything I do now to prevent pests/bugs from getting to my plants for another grower here. It's a lot of info I gleaned from many sources (much from people here) and I thought maybe others would find it valuable too. If you're curious, I've added it to my blog, here:

Tips for ongoing pest prevention aka keeping out the bugs!

As I've mentioned before, I like to keep some of the best (or most requested) tips/ideas etc. for growing in my blog - so be sure to check out some of the other posts if you haven't. There are tips from other growers, too. Everything from DIY Co2 generators, to understanding PH and PPMs better. Even recipes to help you make your own flushing agent like "Clearex" or your own version of "Zone" root conditioner. Additionally, I have info there explaining how I clone, and how I like to start seeds.

If you haven't done so... check it out!
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