Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

How have the worms been treating you? Ours are still doing well. They hang out in the garage. It stays above 55°F in there

They are doing very well. I see lots of babies in there now. I've been feeding them cukes and tomatoes left over in the garden that have been gnawed on by bugs. Cannot believe how many tomatoes I still have to harvest!
They like the coffee grounds and eggshells too. I keep all the food to one end and I can see them crawling around in it.

My garage will get well below that during the winter, so the house is really the best place to keep them alive.

How deep is the "soil" in yours? I have corrugated cardboard laid over the top and keep it damp, they seem to like that too.

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

They are doing very well. I see lots of babies in there now. I've been feeding them cukes and tomatoes left over in the garden that have been gnawed on by bugs. Cannot believe how many tomatoes I still have to harvest!
They like the coffee grounds and eggshells too. I keep all the food to one end and I can see them crawling around in it.

My garage will get well below that during the winter, so the house is really the best place to keep them alive.

How deep is the "soil" in yours? I have corrugated cardboard laid over the top and keep it damp, they seem to like that too.

Mine is trays that stack together. The worms will stay in the bottom tray until the food there is used, then they move up to the next tray. I take the bottom tray and put it on top under a light to force the remaining worms down. Then I put it in a bin next to the composter for storage. I stir it every so often to make sure it's not molding.
The trays are probably 6" deep. So about 5" of soil per tray.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Mine is trays that stack together. The worms will stay in the bottom tray until the food there is used, then they move up to the next tray. I take the bottom tray and put it on top under a light to force the remaining worms down. Then I put it in a bin next to the composter for storage. I stir it every so often to make sure it's not molding.
The trays are probably 6" deep. So about 5" of soil per tray.

That sounds like a nice system. :) It rained here for a little bit yesterday, so I'll be heading out to the leaf pile to see if I can get some more cocoons and add some more leaf for them to burrow in.

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

All of the flowering girls got a good mixture of Cal/Mag, SNS Perfect Mix "Bloom", and some General Hydroponics "Floralicious Plus". The Floralicious has molasses in it, not hard to tell. It smells and looks like molasses, just thinner.

Let's see if they get healthier on those leaves now.

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Finally able to get back online. :yahoo: Canna, your plants look great. Love that F&V X MK. Can't wait for the smoke review. My Bubblegum Auto should be ready for harvest this weekend. Ran lights at 4 on 20 off for the first month, accidentally. Been 20 - 4 for two months, a month longer than 00 Seeds says. The way the flowers are, I might try it again next grow just to see if it makes the colas as fat as these are.

Hope you are getting ready for the cold. My barn/shed is finished, but I haven't been able to move basement stuff into it. Next week maybe. Need help. I'm getting too feeble the son says. Haven't run electric to it yet. I might get electric company to run wiring to it and put up a meter. Welding equipment, sand blaster and wood working power tools need power. Some need 220V. I can't do the work any more, so I hope the electric company doesn't charge me an arm and a leg.

Hello to all and much :love: :circle-of-love:

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Finally able to get back online. :yahoo: Canna, your plants look great. Love that F&V X MK. Can't wait for the smoke review. My Bubblegum Auto should be ready for harvest this weekend. Ran lights at 4 on 20 off for the first month, accidentally. Been 20 - 4 for two months, a month longer than 00 Seeds says. The way the flowers are, I might try it again next grow just to see if it makes the colas as fat as these are.

Hope you are getting ready for the cold. My barn/shed is finished, but I haven't been able to move basement stuff into it. Next week maybe. Need help. I'm getting too feeble the son says. Haven't run electric to it yet. I might get electric company to run wiring to it and put up a meter. Welding equipment, sand blaster and wood working power tools need power. Some need 220V. I can't do the work any more, so I hope the electric company doesn't charge me an arm and a leg.

Hello to all and much :love: :circle-of-love:


HI Wild Man! So good to see you and I am always relieved when I see you post. I worry.....:)

Sometimes it seems like I spend my entire summer getting ready for winter. :laugh: Still two leaks on my back porch I have to figure out, pretty sure I know where the problem is, but the rain and wind here this week have kept me off the roof. I'm hoping on a dryer day today so I can get up there and do some final patching.

I love that FV x MK too, seriously considering quick drying a bud today just to give a try. The smell is still out of my liking, but that will get better with cure I'm sure.

We would love to see a pic of that Bubble Gum if you can! Interesting on the light "accident". So many great things happen as a result of "accidents", hopefully this works out and it can be proven a producer of bigger, denser buds. :cheer:

The power company here is a killer when you have to hire them for work. I sure hope you don't get squeezed too much. Would it be cheaper to find a qualified electrician other than using the actual power company? It's been a long time since I've had to run lines, so I'm not sure what the going prices are anymore.

Once you get power, it's going to make things so much easier for you. Love that you finally have that building done!

Take care and keep popping in my friend. With pics too! :laugh: We're addicted to pictures 'round here for sure.
Say Hi to the Mrs. and much Love to you both!

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

This Pineapple Chunk kid is growing weird:

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

White Cookies was born on 7-28, so she's been vegging a little over two months now. I'm going to throw her into flower in a few days.

There's room in the basement, and then I can clear out the bathroom in the back from grow stuff.

This seems to be a circle game I play every year. :laugh:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

The H2o2 experiment I will call closed. I saw no significant stunting of the sprouts either in size or growth with the Hemp seeds. Both the H2o2 and rain water seeds sprouted healthy, other than the one that the seed opened in the opposite direction. That one could not shed the shell, I had to pry it open and it doesn't look like it will open the cotyledons. That is not the fault of the H2o2, it was the seed. It probably had a crack in it to start with and the pressure forced it to go that way.

All three of the H2o2 seeds sprouted, one of the rain water seeds never did. There were three of each.

There was, in my opinion a significant difference in the speed of cracking open and the growth of the taproot. The H2o2 seeds clearly developed those tap roots much quicker, and the shells cracked open faster..almost by a full day ahead of the rain water seeds.

So, if I have tough seeds again in the future I will not hesitate to give the H2o2 a go.

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