ChemDawg D BX 3

This ounce-on-a-stick reveg is almost a goner:


I'll let it go to the end, but I cut way too much off of it. I puffed hard on that stuff I cut off, though :) Here's a nug off the next original clone that's gonna chop in about 4 weeks:


Here's a clone from one of the plants in the breeding project (the last group of plants that I did). I'm stretching it out under this small SCROG:


I have a few clones of it in this mess. I'll reveg the next chop if they don't take:


Thanks for the good thoughts but it looks like I'll be pulling it today, along with a GDP reveg and clone (my GDP S1 project worked so I don't need them). This breeding project I'm doing tosses out enough keepers I don't have to worry. I'm keeping the seeds from the last 2 generations, so I may get lucky and get another one like it if I decide to replant any of them.
Notes: The next CDDBX3 clone I'll be chopping is around 3 to 3-1/2 weeks to chop. I took a clone from it today (it's late for this plant but I want to have another backup). Two I took previously aren't doing well, a reveg I have isn't doing well either, and the only thing I have left of the original is the clone soon to chop. I think the one I just took a few days ago is about a 40% chance. The one I took about a month ago is like 30%. I did this clone by the book, but if it looks rough in a few days I'll take another clone off that same plant then chop it early for reveg.
I got about 1/2 of a quart jar of the original left; maybe I'll pic some nugs of it today.
The breeding plants are mostly doing okay; I'll get pics of them up tonight when the light cycle comes on. Seven of the nine look okay, but the other two are culls. I just haven't done it yet because I need to make sure I get a male and female first. The seven look for the most part similar in structure so far. No signs of flower on any of them that I've seen yet.
And the last plants are ones I cloned from this breeding project I'm doing. One is doing rough just like the clones from the original (same small size too), and the other is spreading out under the round SCROG but getting clustered I'll have to train it some more before it hardens off. I'll gt a pic of it up soon too; it's starting to get decent bud formation.



I watered these last night (the one in the back on the right side really needed it). I also took the runt out and put it back into veg. If it doesn't pick up, it's officially a cull. The other weak plant picked up but still isn't strong. I'll take some bud pics soon.....

Thanks b.real. I think I did it, to be honest. Sometimes a plant is just too small to repot and doesn't have the roots to hold the growing medium together. When I turn them upside down to repot, I feel the soil break apart if I'm not extra careful.
Most of these seem to be keeping similar in appearance, but I'll be able to tell more after about 4 weeks into flower. If these all chop looking mostly the same, these seeds I'm doing will be the last run before I start with the second strain I'm going to stabilize. I'll IBL this until I get the other Chem D cross stable. Man it's gonna be nice to have something stable enough to be disease and pest resistant. I'm starting to wonder if working with overbred stock contributes to those two problems. Oh and speaking of that, there's no triple-node crap on these plants yet :) My Charlotte's Web grow has at least 2 plants that are showing that ugly trait :(
Thanks guys they got some weight to them too. And I still got about 3 weeks they're gonna put on a little more. I need to chart the specifics somewhat in order to have an exact time frame for the clones of this pheno. If I remember, the buds keep getting bigger until the last ten days to one week. Hairs keep growing after it looks done for quite a while. And under the yellow light it's hard to see when the hairs brown 'cause they're light brown when they do so. This original hybrid is dependable as Hell, though :)
I think I'll probably not deal with anymore stubborn growing plants myself Chimp. After harvesting my Honey Haze mutant and getting a 3 on the smoke report leaves a lot to be desired with slow growers as far as I'm concerned.
Finally got around to doing it before I smoked it all :) here's those Chemdawg D BX 3 buds:



Sorry PC but these beautiful buds need to show their awesomeness, I had to do it


edit --

what did I do?

removed blue color cast
adjusted lighting levels, a lot on the low end, little at the top and brought the middle down a tad
boosted saturation slightly
unsharp mask 68% radius 0.7 threshold 0

2 minutes and voila!

PS is this what they really look like?

end edit--
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