Flower Child Puts Seeds In The Soil Again 2013

Ooh its gonna get all kinds of nice in here!, lovin it so far and looking forward to the rest of the journey. Great going simply keep it up.
Thanks LA! They aren't as pretty as your girl but these plants are surprising me every day with all the new growth. And I'm so glad I left the carbon filter attached- within the last 3 days they have all started smelling- a lot. Each strain has enough variation that I think I can tell them apart simply by scent.
Love growing these plants!
Have a great weedend:ciao:
Thanks Henman I'm keeping an eye on more than one leaf this morning unfortunately. I just got back from doing an emergency watering. When I checked the tent after breakfast I found some of the girls had a bit of wilt and a couple of them have leaves like this-(the edges are crispy)

All of them looking a bit sad.

I'm hoping they will snap out of it with the food and drink they just got.
I looked at the disease pictoral but nothing resembled the blotchy leaves so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Any suggestions or ideas will be greatly appreciated as I am rather worried about them.:peace:
Hm, might be either a nitrogen or magnesium def as far as I can tell. But I'm again in nowhere close to an expert :cheesygrinsmiley:
Other than the bleached spots your plants are looking really healthy to me really.

I might be way off here, but could it be nutes splashed on the leafs? Just a thought :blunt:
Hm, might be either a nitrogen or magnesium def as far as I can tell. But I'm again in nowhere close to an expert :cheesygrinsmiley:
Other than the bleached spots your plants are looking really healthy to me really.

I might be way off here, but could it be nutes splashed on the leafs? Just a thought :blunt:
Thanks henman. I don't think the leaves are burned because I've tried to be careful and not splash much water. I'm hoping its N def and that the feeding I gave them will help. They are all a bit wilty and the worst leaves are on the 2 fastest growing girls- Charity the cheese and Martha the mazar/white rhino.
My other fear is that its my water. I use PH down and let the chlorine dissipate, but there was an epic 1000 year flood here a couple months ago and the tap water, although ok to drink, still has turbidity and smells like mildew due to the reservoirs being stirred up. I'm wondering if the city is adding a lot more chemicals to the water. Although I would have expected that to have been an issue a few weeks ago when the water issues started.
Anyway, I am anxiously waiting for the lights to come back on so I can check them again- only 3 more hours........
Thanks Henman. I do test the PH (its well over 8) and take it down to a 7 with ph down. What I'm not sure about is what other chemicals the city is adding right now to deal with this bad water. And unfortunately bottled water isn't really a good option for me cause I'm getting too old to drag water up the flight of stairs to the grow room.:straightface:
I'm really praying for good news when the lites come on.
Hm yeah you're right about the chems. What if they're the ones causing the bleach spots and that's why we can't really identify the issue?
Too bad water purifiers are so expensive
Yes I wish it was a cheaper way to go. I sure appreciate all the ideas on these plants henman.
I think I'm going to call the city water dept. on monday and ask what extras they are adding to the water right now.

The lights just came on and theres good news and ok news. Thankfully the issue of wilting is gone. Everyone looks perky again.

The fan leaves on Martha and Charity are neither better nor worse. They are going to lose a couple fan leaves each- sure wish I knew for certain why. Heres a few pics of a leaf I cut off.

The middle of the leaf is discolored but still supple. The edges of the leaf are dry and crisp dark green. It all happened in less than a day.:straightface:
Well I'm going to go vape a bowl and do some more research.:peace:
Hey my friend a cheap option would be getting a Britta filter jug. I use it to run all my water through. It aint the best filter I know but if your worried about your water its a cheap option. You might need a couple and filters every month but they are pretty cheap. Just a thought.
Best of bouncing back bounty laden beauties to you!

Thanks LA! That's a great idea I could easily do that for a few weeks. And hopefully the tap water will get back to normal as the reservoirs freeze over.
I'm just glad to help Flower! It's a lovely community here at 420mag, and I just love to give back to it! :circle-of-love:
My five cents is that it's def the chems in the water causing this. If it happened over a day and right after the flood, I don't see why not.
LA's idea is great! Not only will it help now, but there's no reason not to use it once water is back to normal :cheesygrinsmiley:
Enjoy the vape and best of bud to you :peace:
here is a nutrient availability chart


here is a cannabis leaf deficiency chart


the pH of the water you are feeding is too high and you are locking out micro nutrients. you want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil. what is the pH of the first runoff when you water?
Darn- I didnt test the runoff- only the water beforehand. Its the same water and brand (ffof) soil as last time- I'd add ph down to get it to 7 and the runoff was 6.5 then. I will test it again at the next watering. I am also switching to a britta filter in hopes of filtering out any extra chemicals the water company is using. Thanks for the help KingJohn!
Good news- only 3 plants have affected leaves and no progression since the spots were noticed. I have a Brita pitcher on its way and my daughter offered to get a couple gallons of distilled water till it arrives. I made a mistake when I watered them on saturday. I gave the 2 stragglers the same ferts as the big girls (10 days too soon). Blossum decided to claw a single leaf to show her displeasure so they handled the mistake well.
Since they were all looking healthy, I decided to get a bit more agressive with their LST last night. The tallest girls were towering at 12" and they are all down to about 5" again.

Charity is spreading out nicely.

They have some very open centers now.

Flicka fainted dead away when she saw what I did to them!

The chaos when I was done.

And all of them recovering nicely this morning.

They are rapidly running out of horizontal room so I plan on flipping them to 12-12 some time this week. I can't wait to see how much they stretch.:blushsmile:
Nice to hear your problems are disappearing! Love the way you're training them, it's nice with the above shots you took where we can see the very open center. You're going to get a really nice harvest from that!
I would suggest flipping them soon, or you'll end up either needing more space or the dreaded pruning ;) At least vertically wise. Still having trouble myself realizing how really much my diesel stretched after the flip hehe
Now i have only read speculations on this but maybe this could work. Try reducing your light an hour of so a night until you get to 12. I have read that they stretch so much because of the big difference between our light schedule. So if it is done slowly maybe it won't be so drastic. ????? Any thoughts on this. I can't remember (no surprise) who of wear I read that.
Nice to hear your problems are disappearing! Love the way you're training them, it's nice with the above shots you took where we can see the very open center. You're going to get a really nice harvest from that!
I would suggest flipping them soon, or you'll end up either needing more space or the dreaded pruning ;) At least vertically wise. Still having trouble myself realizing how really much my diesel stretched after the flip hehe
Thanks Henman, I'm only waiting till they fill in a bit of their centers again before the flip. I have a vacation coming up for a few days in early December which is another incentive to flip now- hopefully they will do most of their stretching before I have to leave them.
They can stretch about 3 feet before they run out of headroom so I'm just hoping to contain them with more LST and some scary supercropping.
Now i have only read speculations on this but maybe this could work. Try reducing your light an hour of so a night until you get to 12. I have read that they stretch so much because of the big difference between our light schedule. So if it is done slowly maybe it won't be so drastic. ????? Any thoughts on this. I can't remember (no surprise) who of wear I read that.
Sounds interesting- after all in nature they do it gradually!
I might be completely wrong on this, but wouldn't that mean a slower stretch. Not necessarily less stretch, but a slower one?
Think I'm going to experiment with the idea. I'm going to start with an hour more dark today and by the end of the week they should be eased into it. Let the stretching commence!!!:cheesygrinsmiley:
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