New City Grower 3.5 - Our Perpetual Grow - Continued

Yeah, thats what im after, priceless knowledge gained from others..
Only problem is time and the lack of it. Think i have 10subscriptions to A+ member journals, each with well over 100pages.(both #of subs, and pages are increasing exponentially) So much to read and learn! Someone make an app thatll read journals to me while i sleep,please? hypnopedia..

My personal take, as someone who maintains a journal on steroids: there is indeed a wealth of information in those pages, and given the time, reading through them is like finding hidden treasure.

However, 420 has supplied us with an excellent search machine for this site and you can track down much information by subject matter. It has its challenges, like any search engine, but it's certainly usable if you're seeking say, B A R's work with clones, for example.

With a perpetual everything's going to get covered again at some future point. You can always ask and the journalist will happily answer. B A R has been known to go to incredible extremes to answer those questions, many of which inspire him to conduct another experiment. Every time this happens we learn that much more. I think it's more valuable to join in the current conversation and run with it going forward.

I got a little wordy there guys. You should be used to that by now. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Very pretty. You are killing it with these updates! I have a WW x Big Bud going right now in the flower tent. I hope it comes out looking anything like your Double WWx BB!

man that big bud sure is pretty! here i am only running 2 strains at once.. ill need to ask you be my consultant one day when i get my medical op going cause you all the work you do with so many plants is kick ass
With a perpetual everything's going to get covered again at some future point. You can always ask and the journalist will happily answer. B A R has been known to go to incredible extremes to answer those questions, many of which inspire him to conduct another experiment. Every time this happens we learn that much more. I think it's more valuable to join in the current conversation and run with it going forward.
No doubt Sue, just paying it forward. The same way older members helped me;

Rico Suavay aka Richard Richardson, Spimp the Spimpster, Coke 420, Fishcake, KJC aka King John C, Relaxed Lest aka Lester Freeman, Cronic, BeemerBill, Donpaul P, Backpackin420, WildRosebud, Professor Flux aka Light Addict, Alex801, Josh 223, The Original Trichomes & also the latter one, CA215, Rosebud, Colorado High, Crawdaddy, Crazycarl, Curso, Jimmy6000, Maccamoo, Graytail, Rainstacks, Shotta, Skybound, Buckshot... and the list goes on.

Especially you Coke420 where ever you are... The first one to reach out to me.

Nov 14, 2015​











The reason I keep track of the Jack Herer generations is there's an on going experiment of whether or not clones lose their potency with each new generation. That experiment will probably last a few years, still keeping a bud from the original plant to compare with in the future.
No doubt Sue, just paying it forward. The same way older members helped me;

Rico Suavay aka Richard Richardson, Spimp the Spimpster, Coke 420, Fishcake, KJC aka King John C, Relaxed Lest aka Lester Freeman, Cronic, BeemerBill, Donpaul P, Backpackin420, WildRosebud, Professor Flux aka Light Addict, Alex801, Josh 223, The Original Trichomes & also the latter one, CA215, Rosebud, Colorado High, Crawdaddy, Crazycarl, Curso, Jimmy6000, Maccamoo, Graytail, Rainstacks, Shotta, Skybound, Buckshot... and the list goes on.

Especially you Coke420 where ever you are... The first one to reach out to me.

That is an awesome list! Good for you to mention all those great folks. Remember XLR8 and Pinky Green too! So many incredible growers have been here on :420:


that pic is "on the cover of the Rolling Stone" worthy.... BEAUTIFUL

you really got deep tent city going on, BAR.....
That is a pretty pic of that bud my friend. Man if she smokes as good as she looks you best have kept a cut going... Looks like you got a pretty good set up to keep the flips going. Nice Keepem Green

I'm not entirely sure what's taken me so long to stumble through your garden. I've walked passed it time and time again. In fact, I'm pretty sure Dennise caught me looking over the fence once or twice.
We share a very similar story here at 420 magazine. It was your story of Laverne and you that inspired me to create a corner of the magazine to call my own.
I actually once joined your journal many moons ago when I was still such a rookie that I was intimidated by the size of your journal and knowledge that gets passed around in here. Well now it's way past due and I'm late.

So please, forgive me, I thought it only fair to bring you a bouquet of flowers. I heard your favorite is Jack Herer so, I brought you some. I just watered them so they just need a little love. :love:


I'm not entirely sure what's taken me so long to stumble through your garden. I've walked passed it time and time again. In fact, I'm pretty sure Dennise caught me looking over the fence once or twice.
We share a very similar story here at 420 magazine. It was your story of Laverne and you that inspired me to create a corner of the magazine to call my own.
I actually once joined your journal many moons ago when I was still such a rookie that I was intimidated by the size of your journal and knowledge that gets passed around in here. Well now it's way past due and I'm late.

So please, forgive me, I thought it only fair to bring you a bouquet of flowers. I heard your favorite is Jack Herer so, I brought you some. I just watered them so they just need a little love. :love:


brilliant pidgeons......:goodjob:

Hey Reg. Been a while bruh. Sorry for not peepin in for so long man. Its looking great anyway dude, i really love your veg tent ^^ Hows the lamb quarters doing in there? I have a dream i can grow herbs for my food alongside with my clones once i get that far. So how is it reacting to the cannabis grow area? it looks a little bit yellow towards to top.. Anyway awesome idea. Hope stuff is good in your world man :peace:
I'm really liking the way you're doing the group pictures Reg. I need to adapt to something like that when I start up again. Very clean and well-labeled. Need to find an app that'll let me label like that on the iPad.

A yawn! Maybe now I can sleep. :laughtwo:

Have a great day Reg. I'm done. Glad I stopped here. :circle-of-love:


That is an awesome list! Good for you to mention all those great folks. Remember XLR8 and Pinky Green too! So many incredible growers have been here on :420:

Ah man Bob, I could've gone on and on for a week mentioning members who've helped me. That was just a few from the top of my head who pulled me up by the bootstraps here when I was an absolute complete growing virgin! They were patient & gentle though... :laughtwo:

That is a pretty pic of that bud my friend. Man if she smokes as good as she looks you best have kept a cut going... Looks like you got a pretty good set up to keep the flips going. Nice Keepem Green
Most definitely Woody! That's one of my two keepers so far;
Jack Herer & White Widow X Big Bud...

I thought it only fair to bring you a bouquet of flowers. I heard your favorite is Jack Herer so, I brought you some. I just watered them so they just need a little love. :love:

:thanks: Piegons; you know the way to a man's cerebral cortex and yes, so far Jack is my all-time favorite of our garden.

Hey Reg. Been a while bruh. Sorry for not peepin in for so long man. Its looking great anyway dude, i really love your veg tent ^^ Hows the lamb quarters doing in there? I have a dream i can grow herbs for my food alongside with my clones once i get that far. So how is it reacting to the cannabis grow area? it looks a little bit yellow towards to top.. Anyway awesome idea. Hope stuff is good in your world man :peace:
It's all good Away, you know anytime is a good time to jump in on our perpetual grows as they seem to never end.

As far as the Lamb's Quarters go I won't be using them as soil purifiers anymore since I'm phasing out the 2lt Never Ending Harvest. With these 3gal Smart Pots I'm using PJ's Soil Mix so recycled soil isn't on the menu anymore.
But we'll still keep growing LQs; we both love the taste of them sauteed with any type of seafood.

Passing through. Nothing to see? How's tricks Reg?
Everything's good Mr. Amazing, thanxx for asking.

Nov 18, 2015​




Simply put, she's another keeper. This strain smells, taste, and has the same uppity high as traditional Haze but has a nice lemony lime flavor to it. Also it hits you a lot faster but still last as long as traditional Haze. I give it an 8.
You may remember I only chopped the top half of her but after smoking a joint I've decided to re-veg the bottom half as a mother and then transplant it into a 3gal Smart Pot; need to keep this one going...



BAGSEED Day 110 / Day 69 under 12/12 & 11/13

I'm guessing some of these bagseed strains were sensitive to the switch from 12/12 to 11/13; this makes the 2nd hermie in the Big Tent. Good thing we did a full tent inspection today.




Hermie City... Looks like a banana tree.


Now that there's space we moved two 3gal Pots into the Big Tent; The 2nd round of The Never Ending Harvest is starting to take shape.





And I know patience is a virtue but I just have to see what Dale's Blue Blood is like, chopped the top cola off of one branch.

you are a real peach, BAR :circle-of-love:
Hiya reg... Damn that girl went " eddie izzard" big style.... Nitemare...

Good job you still have loads other ladies in your " harem ". :laughtwo::laughtwo:

On the subject of the Auto topping... It appears they do love it... Just like yours, " the beast's", topped autos are growing fasterrhan un topped.... The old myth is getting smashed to pieces... I love it....

I hope all is well with you n yours BAR...

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