Sponsored Grow: Krip Keepers Frost Fest Featuring Mars SP-250 In Mars 4' x 4' Tent


Again, apologies for the delays on the update but have really been busy with visitors and end of year type stuff. :sorry:

I just haven't had time for everything going on so a few things just didn't get done. One of the things that didn't get done is that I didn't get my bonsai/clones watered in time in the veg tent and basically lost everything in there.

I knew it was going to happen and did make a conscious decision to let it happen since, again, I couldn't get everything done and, even though I had a couple of phenos I really wanted to keep (the Dolato and Platinum Cake), with all the other strains I have in the arsenal right now, I knew it would be well over a year before I got back to them. And, since I have more seeds of all the strains, I just decided to scrap everything and re-start with some new strains.

So, I just planted a Chem '91 and a Dark Ghost Train after soaking for about 18 hours and will get some clones of those two strains ready for the next round.

For some more bad luck, the one Platinum Cake I had in the 4' x 4' tent with the four White Strawberries had something "funky" going on, so I pulled and replaced it with a Pineapple Express.

The Platinum Cake was doing OK, but when I was doing an LST, one of the main branches snapped right at the base where it attaches to the trunk. I wasn't being harsh, at all, the branch just snapped. I was able to leave it attached and it did heal up, but several days later when I moved the plant to do a feeding, the same thing happened to another branch and that one couldn't be saved. Then, on the next feeding, I reached for one of the plants behind it and a third branch snapped the same way! :thedoubletake:

In all cases I don't believe I was being "harsh" on the plant and they all broke off right where the branch attaches at the base to the trunk. Once that third branch snapped, I felt it wasn't worth keeping and just replaced it with the PE.

The girls are all looking good, though, and here's the pics...

Group shots under the Mars SP-250's with the four White Strawberries in the corners and the Pineapple Express in the middle:

Here are the four White Strawberries under natural lighting:

And, here's the Pineapple Express:

You can see they're all still quite small since this round was started so young. Usually, I'm putting in some pretty mature bonsais that just need a few weeks of veg time.

Since the last round ended unexpectedly and this round started prematurely, it took a few weeks just for the plants to be mature enough to top. They should be ready to up-pot in a few weeks but I expect it will be about another six weeks of veg before they're ready to flip. :morenutes:

Happy Harvests!


Again, apologies for the delays on the update but have really been busy with visitors and end of year type stuff. :sorry:

I just haven't had time for everything going on so a few things just didn't get done. One of the things that didn't get done is that I didn't get my bonsai/clones watered in time in the veg tent and basically lost everything in there.

I knew it was going to happen and did make a conscious decision to let it happen since, again, I couldn't get everything done and, even though I had a couple of phenos I really wanted to keep (the Dolato and Platinum Cake), with all the other strains I have in the arsenal right now, I knew it would be well over a year before I got back to them. And, since I have more seeds of all the strains, I just decided to scrap everything and re-start with some new strains.

So, I just planted a Chem '91 and a Dark Ghost Train after soaking for about 18 hours and will get some clones of those two strains ready for the next round.

For some more bad luck, the one Platinum Cake I had in the 4' x 4' tent with the four White Strawberries had something "funky" going on, so I pulled and replaced it with a Pineapple Express.

The Platinum Cake was doing OK, but when I was doing an LST, one of the main branches snapped right at the base where it attaches to the trunk. I wasn't being harsh, at all, the branch just snapped. I was able to leave it attached and it did heal up, but several days later when I moved the plant to do a feeding, the same thing happened to another branch and that one couldn't be saved. Then, on the next feeding, I reached for one of the plants behind it and a third branch snapped the same way! :thedoubletake:

In all cases I don't believe I was being "harsh" on the plant and they all broke off right where the branch attaches at the base to the trunk. Once that third branch snapped, I felt it wasn't worth keeping and just replaced it with the PE.

The girls are all looking good, though, and here's the pics...

Group shots under the Mars SP-250's with the four White Strawberries in the corners and the Pineapple Express in the middle:

Here are the four White Strawberries under natural lighting:

And, here's the Pineapple Express:

You can see they're all still quite small since this round was started so young. Usually, I'm putting in some pretty mature bonsais that just need a few weeks of veg time.

Since the last round ended unexpectedly and this round started prematurely, it took a few weeks just for the plants to be mature enough to top. They should be ready to up-pot in a few weeks but I expect it will be about another six weeks of veg before they're ready to flip. :morenutes:

Happy Harvests!


Excellent update ... and a bit of bad luck is not a big deal ...

BTW, I really like your choice of Chem '91 and Pinapple express.

I am just finishing up an HSO Chemdawg ... with okay results ... so do this round proud ... lots of trichomes and frost rails please ...

ttyl amigo
Sorry about the drying of bad luck. Girls are looking Brixy! :yummy: :high-five:

Update when you can, we'll be here.....

Excellent update ... and a bit of bad luck is not a big deal ...

BTW, I really like your choice of Chem '91 and Pinapple express.

I am just finishing up an HSO Chemdawg ... with okay results ... so do this round proud ... lots of trichomes and frost rails please ...

ttyl amigo
Merry Christmas @Mr. Krip !!!
Merry Christmas
Good morning and a very Merry Christmas to you Krip. Enjoy the holidays with your peeps bud, cheers eh. :high-five:

Thanks, everyone! I hope you all had a great day celebrating the 40th Birthday of my '79 Christmas Bud! :rofl:
Hope ya had a Great Christmas there Mister @Mr. Krip

Keepem Green

It's been long overdue for an update. Things are going great with me, but it seems everyone around me is falling apart and I've been trying to help them all "pick up the pieces" which has really made life crazy here and kept me from even logging in over the last few weeks.

It seems I've reached that age where either my friends, their siblings, or parents are all having serious health problems. :rolleyes:

And, speaking of health problems, I had another incident a couple of weeks ago where I watered the girls on a Thursday (I think it was? :hmmmm:) and everything was fine, and when I went to check them Saturday morning, two of the four White Strawberries had completely wilted. This was pretty much exactly what happened on the last round and there's definitely something going on, I just can't tell what it is. They were all healthy two days earlier and, the watering was just water with 1/4 strength Transplant.

So, I had to make some more change-ups...

I moved the other Pineapple Express and the Platinum Cake that I had culled from the large tent due to its branches snapping off, back into the large tent, so I'm back up to five plants in there.

They're not the healthiest and some are showing some yellowing on a few select leaves and one of the White Strawberries is showing some brown splotches on a few leaves.

It will probably be another ten days, or so, before I up-pot to their final containers.

Since the small tent was empty, I decided to throw a couple of Dark Devil Autos in #5 containers in there.

Here are the two baby DDA's which are under a Mars Reflector 144 in the 2' x 4':

Here are some random pics of the main tent with some taken under the SP-250's and some in natural light. You should spot the issues I was describing:

They will get a couple more weeks of veg time after I up-pot and, while they're not terrible, I'm really hoping they start looking better when I get them into some fresh soil.

Also, so far, I've been unsuccessful at two attempts to germinate some Dark Ghost Train seeds. All of the DGT seeds are abnormally small and I just figured it was the strain, but starting to think I got sent some inferior seeds. I may try again in a couple/few weeks or may try popping something else, but the Chem '91 I popped a few weeks ago is doing fine:

I hope everyone had a great New Years!

Happy Harvests!

Hey Krip.....see wat you mean...Some pics look good.....some just ok......and some not good.
I understand and see your concern.
First few pics show seriously stressed plants with burnt tips...stressed leaves and poor posture.....way too early to see these signs.
Sumpin is going on and u NEED to get to the bottom of it.
I suggest going over EVERY limiting factor closely and thourally.
Sumpin is doing this .. ..:(
Hey Krip.....see wat you mean...Some pics look good.....some just ok......and some not good.
I understand and see your concern.
First few pics show seriously stressed plants with burnt tips...stressed leaves and poor posture.....way too early to see these signs.
Sumpin is going on and u NEED to get to the bottom of it.
I suggest going over EVERY limiting factor closely and thourally.
Sumpin is doing this .. ..:(

Yep. I'd take everything from the bottom off, leaving the top 3 nodes intact.

then, I suggest testing your water. Something ain't right!

Lastly, I seem to remember that you were experimenting with high doses of Tea. I've not actually done that myself, so I wonder if that could be a problem?

either way, the sudden death after a watering screams for a water analysis.

I had a friend visiting for the last week and took some time off for a couple of road trips touring some wineries and hitting some theme parks, so I didn't get a chance to post last week but I'll get some pics up later today.

I lost another White Strawberries to whatever was killing the others and, based on timing and everything else I've seen, I think Brother @Doc Bud is 420% correct that it's something going on with my water supply.

I've been using filtered tap water for the last ten years, including running hydro (never did the R/O) but something must have changed in the last few months.

While I haven't tested the tap water, I have changed to using some purified bottled water to see if that helps.

In the mean time, the girls are still in #1's and I'm going to try to up-pot them sometime this week.

The two Dark Devil Autos in the small tent seem to be doing great, and the Chem '91 seedling is ready to be topped & cloned. I'm also gonna take clones of the Pineapple Express and White Strawberries in the main tent since I need to re-build the clone supply. :D

Happy Harvests!

Cheers brother! Stop in to my place if you get a chance. I can get you caught up right here. I got a 5x5 which has 4 kitchenhawk clones in flower, just started, Boptang pheno 2 & 3, mimosa and Dosido. Then in my 4x4 I have 4 autos, 3 blueberry and 1 diesel, so far not a fan but we'll see, and 2 Killer A5 haze and 2 BCP's, one of which I'll be quadlining. Those 4 are pretty small. There, you're caught up!


I had planned on posting this update a few days ago but, as things would have it, I had another good friend of 35+ years pass away very unexpectedly. :rip:

He was on a ski vacation with his family. They were sledding down the lower part of the mountain at night on those saucer-sleds that basically have no steering, anyways, and he crashed into what sounds like some snow-making equipment. He was only 54 years old and has two kids and, the fact that it happened while on vacation with his family and in-front of his family makes it all the more tragic. He was a great guy and very devoted to his wife and kids and he'll be missed. :(

With all the people and plants dying around me, I'm starting to feel jinxed! :rolleyes:

I haven't lost anymore plants since that last White Strawberries, so the main tent is down to one White Strawberries, two Pineapple Express, and the Platinum Cake I had originally culled because it wasn't healthy.

They're still not looking great, but I just up-potted them into the #10's and hoping that, with the new water source, they start perking up quickly. The roots looked good on all of them with no signs of any pests, and the environmentals are all "in-check" so the issues have to be due to the water.

Here's what they look like today:

The two Pineapple Express are on the left:

On the right is the Platinum Cake up-front and the White Strawberries in the back:

Here are the two PE's:

White Strawberries:

Platinum Cake:

In the small tent, the two Dark Devil Autos look healthy but are both in flower and both are only around 2' tall so I'm not planning on a huge haul from those but, it's now been a while since the last harvests so anything is welcome, at this point! :rolleyes:

Here are the two DDA's:

Here's a better shot of the pistil development:

I really need to get things back on-track with my grow. I'm not used to having all these issues! I wouldn't mind losing a few more plants if my friends would all stay healthy, though! :circle-of-love:

Happy Harvests!

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