2nd Inside Grow

ok...now i'm down to one plant in the ground..a complete waste of time..this one has no flowers yet...a 60+ day finisher..she'll have icesicles and no amber..got her tied down and tied down she will stay..
i got ft longs...in the pot and in the cloner...
can you clone a flowering plant...sure can..
going for it!! I hope she beats the frost
hello my friend,
did them clones die because the humidity was to low with the dome on, a short power outage shouldnt make them wilt over like that, it looks more like the humidity wasnt high enough, i had this problem when i left the dome off my clones for to long,

tell them pesky neighbours the lights from their car are causing you problems sleeping as it keeps lighting the whole god damn place up and its making you ill, mention something about lawyers and start yelling and shouting like your going mad, that should stop them disturbing the plants, tell them youve not slept in weeks as your a very light sleeper,

that should work,
going for it!! I hope she beats the frost
no way...the only thing may save her is...if climate change kicks in and raises the temp..i don't see that happening..we're having low night temps now...i got back-up..that dumb hash plant..that don't know its time to amber up B*tc$...and my bagseed growing in Sunshine Pro Mix...they claim you don't have to feed your plants until you flower them..they didn't mention veg time...do yall feel an experiment fixin to jump off...
..oh yeah...also growing in Pro Mix...all the way from...the cloner next door :cheesygrinsmiley:..man...i;m ducked up on some pineapple express...yall better catchup..all the way from the cloner..Little PE...3rd generation...
took her out of that cloner straight to the pot..cloned a branch off her mother and cut it in half making two clones...shes the one closest to the main stem..a little late out of the gate..but shes moving now...her mama...with her big ass..just because shes a reveg,,she thinks shes something special...along with miss tagalong 2046...also a reveg...just starting to flower...
..this is the largest PH in the pots...going to be huge...just starting flowering...
...getting to be fall like out..i think i'll release some more LBs..thought i saw some webs..could be big spiders..idk..but i got to schedual a raid...focus..
Happy THCursday miwa:)
you still got time with the inground girl I hope.
stau focus
Happy THCursday miwa:)
you still got time with the inground girl I hope.
stau focus
GOOD THCursday Fish...i was thinking about that..you may be right..i need 60 days..all of sept and oct...if i can make it until the end of oct..i should be good...
Happy Friedday miwa:)
stay focus
very nice miwa, teach them bugs a lesson, im not very keen on spiders so do what you like to teach them a lesson lead by example.

the reveg is speacial, you chopped her to pieces and bought her back to life, remember most plants die after doing their duty, but not this one, its got a second chance,
very nice miwa, teach them bugs a lesson, im not very keen on spiders so do what you like to teach them a lesson lead by example.

the reveg is speacial, you chopped her to pieces and bought her back to life, remember most plants die after doing their duty, but not this one, its got a second chance,

I am glad my revegs didnt die, I would have a empty garden lol.

Serious though leave the spiders alone they your friends!!!
speaking of spiders...i took about 50 shots of this spider..he was like a squirrel going around a tree..every time i tried to get a micro shot..he would move...
..out of all those shots..maybe i could have used the zoom..stupid me:hmmmm:..but it was a spider..with dots on it ass....it was eating something...could have been spider mites..jt was the size of a LB...and this...dammit..now i don't know which
one it was..i'll find it...
Miwa is 3 days of molasses flush then 2 days of flush enough or will shit be too harsh?

I just had a huge colas break off...
..thats a good flush..you just got to remember..its not how many times you flush..its how much you run through when you flush...you got a 30 gal pot...at least 60 gal of flushing..at one time...makes a smooth smoke :thumb:
Well I decided to just trim it up and normal dry/cure

It might be a tad harsh but I did a lot of reading and it seems there is a lot of people out there that grow organically that dont even flush. I guess if its harsh, well then its harsh lol. Its only like 20 grams at the most anyways.
Happy Sativaday miwa:)
Have you thought of some kind of offering to the Indians. maybe some Maze and a buffalo skin?
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