No not yet. I'm not too technologically adept.... sounds like a good plan though! It's just a lot of clicks at the moment. Nothing I can't handle, but ease of use is helpful when it comes to me uploading lots of pics daily.
Easy peasy my friend

Get yourself to the last stage before you add the pics:)

Then create a bookmark, the star on an Android, or Add to Home screen like I did. I have the link on the front page on my phone, and bookmark on my PC

Odviously iPhone is different but is the same concept

One click and yer uploading pics

I learned something else today

when you go into your Gallery to select Pics, It will actualy post them in the order you select them


I was doing a post for the MODS about some issues to address and Found out it works like it did on the old system


Say you tag pics 1,7,3 and 2
They will then Post in that order in your POST....

Fun Fun Fun
Thanks Chris. I had realized that they uploaded in order also. That's very very helpful! And that I can press and hold the first photo in the upload then click multiple afterwards so I need not go back and forth and upload one at a time.

Will the sacs give me any warning that they're ready to burst???

And they typically open how many weeks after flip to flower
Id be sure and Pull him/her if yer not sure, meaning segregate to another tent

Hate for ya ta have what Ive done... all the Bitches in the Tent Pregnant :eek::(:hmmmm:

Id be sure and Pull him/her if yer not sure, meaning segregate to another tent

Hate for ya ta have what Ive done... all the Bitches in the Tent Pregnant :eek::(:hmmmm:


I wouldn't mind too much to be totally honest Chris. I can just make some extracts. But segregation isn't an option so I'll do a bag on her... his head.
Bragging on your spewfest hey Chris?
Yes he is..... I'd love to have all the crosses he does.... #lifegoals
Way to manage in there Dabbs! I am impressed by how you've kept seeds, light projects and still growing what looks to be some fire the freaking bath tub! It just dawned on me that you've become a real boss since I started following you. One day you're trying to figure out your nutes, the next your light and suddenly some months have gone by. Each step just seemed like a step but when you sum those steps into one, I see a MadGrower who happens to Dab. :welldone:
Way to manage in there Dabbs! I am impressed by how you've kept seeds, light projects and still growing what looks to be some fire the freaking bath tub! It just dawned on me that you've become a real boss since I started following you. One day you're trying to figure out your nutes, the next your light and suddenly some months have gone by. Each step just seemed like a step but when you sum those steps into one, I see a MadGrower who happens to Dab. :welldone:
I had a partial grow under my belt before I started the last. And made some newb errors to start out.

My motivating factors are 2 fold.

1. I'm totally addicted to growing. Every single part aboout it! As some of you know I'm a semi recovered addict. I obviously smoke and drink but no hard drugs for dabber ever again.... but I'm happy to have a obsession that calms me, teaches me about the science of nature, and may be equally therapeutic in some ways as the amazing medicine it produces.

But I also get bored. So I always like to have an on going project. A in the works, if you will. As a stay at home dad and college educated construction worker it suits me. I love building things and conceptualizing.

2. (And this kind of ties back into being bored easily). I have to improve things at all times. Even if the project is complete I'll re evaluate hownis could have made it easier and or have done it better. And more so growing on a public platform where my failures or successes are so transparent.

Sorry kinda just high and rambling maybe...

But my freshman science teacher had an interesting quote on her wall that said:

“We Learn . . .
10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
50% of what we see and hear
70% of what we discuss
80% of what we experience
95% of what we teach others.”

William Glasser

May not be 100% or even scientifically accurate at all but the last part is important, and I feel it is true. Or at least for me. But really it's about helping others not make mistakes, and giving back. There have been so many people here that have contributed to make me the grower I am now. So I'm trying to pay that forward and help whoever I can where ever I can.

Thanks for the kind words. I'm just a man on a mission to spread the one thing that is more valuable than all, knowledge.
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