I had a partial grow under my belt before I started the last. And made some newb errors to start out.

My motivating factors are 2 fold.

1. I'm totally addicted to growing. Every single part aboout it! As some of you know I'm a semi recovered addict. I obviously smoke and drink but no hard drugs for dabber ever again.... but I'm happy to have a obsession that calms me, teaches me about the science of nature, and may be equally therapeutic in some ways as the amazing medicine it produces.

But I also get bored. So I always like to have an on going project. A in the works, if you will. As a stay at home dad and college educated construction worker it suits me. I love building things and conceptualizing.

2. (And this kind of ties back into being bored easily). I have to improve things at all times. Even if the project is complete I'll re evaluate hownis could have made it easier and or have done it better. And more so growing on a public platform where my failures or successes are so transparent.

Sorry kinda just high and rambling maybe...

But my freshman science teacher had an interesting quote on her wall that said:

“We Learn . . .
10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
50% of what we see and hear
70% of what we discuss
80% of what we experience
95% of what we teach others.”
William Glasser

May not be 100% or even scientifically accurate at all but the last part is important, and I feel it is true. Or at least for me. But really it's about helping others not make mistakes, and giving back. There have been so many people here that have contributed to make me the grower I am now. So I'm trying to pay that forward and help whoever I can where ever I can.

Thanks for the kind words. I'm just a man on a mission to spread the one thing that is more valuable than all, knowledge.
F'in brilliant. First post I read this morning and it's f'in brilliant. Could be the start of a good day!
I'm just a man on a mission to spread the one thing that is more valuable than all, knowledge.

Just that alone is the epitome of Buddhism. Not to get philosophical.

No matter what your beliefs, I believe you have the right idea.:thumb:
Is that like an athletic cup??
....yes? More along the lines of a cond....condiment wrapper?

F'in brilliant. First post I read this morning and it's f'in brilliant. Could be the start of a good day!

Well I do hope it is my friend!!!

Brilliant is quite the compliment, thank you my good sir.
Just that alone is the epitome of Buddhism. Not to get philosophical.

No matter what your beliefs, I believe you have the right idea.:thumb:
Glad you commented on this. I was going to rant earlier but will now....

I do believe this to be very true. Reason and truth are hard to come by these days and emotion plays far to large of a role in people's decision making. Compassion is good, but a choice made out of emotion is more of a reaction than a decision at all. Or that's how I feel.

Did you know student debt is the only debt you can't file for bankruptcy for? College tuition prices are through the roof. I don't think it's a coincidence that the cost of education is so high. It's the easiest way enslave us. Tell us we can't succeed without a college education. Then lend us the money we as kids can't afford to pay back, all while falling into debt themselves with the world bank's or the elite 1%.

One day we as a nation and as people of this country will have our debts called upon, and then what? How will we be forced to pay?

Or even worse, they use the debt of our country to do their bidding and their will.

Makes me wonder sometimes is all I guess. And no one else is asking these questions? Like wtf. @InTheShed your a finance dude No? Thoughts?
Didn't mean to go "conspiracy theorist" on you all there sorry. Idk, just more of a question than anything. Sometimes this world doesn't make sense to me...

K. To the next order of business

VERMICOMPOSTING: a Dab-torial using trash and worms

Anyways I had a wonderfully productive morning.

With the help of @Blew Hiller I am starting a worm farm. Well the worms are just to process and clean the medium and re infuse it with nutrient rich.... POOOP!!!


2- 3 gallon rooted coco and perlite containers from previous grow

1- bag organic soil (idk why I chose organic)

1- bag peat moss stuff

1/2 bag FRESH trimmings

1- bowl (1 cup) ash from bowls I've smoked

2- loads worth of dryer lent

A lot- of stick and stems from last grow (dry)

OKAY so here's what I did....

First I bought a tote. Blew recommend basically throwing anything in would into a compost into my worm farm. (Okay sorry I keep saying that, it's to process the organic material, more worms is just a byproduct).

So I started with all the lollipopped trim from a couple days ago. Some dryer long, and a ton of stems I had been hoarding (don't ask).

As instructed by blew chop up anything bigger than a pencil in width.

Next I added 1 old root system and medium

And the second

Then the dirt (soil) and peat moss

It appears I forgot my picture of every thing....

So after it was all in. I mixed it up nice with a garden shovel breaking the roots sufficiently.

As the next few days go by any egg shells coffee grounds newspaper or veggie scraps will added.

The final key is to keep the medium very saturated.

Worms should be here tomorrow! I'm so excited!

I guess that's another project to cross off whats next?
....yes? More along the lines of a cond....condiment wrapper?

Well I do hope it is my friend!!!

Brilliant is quite the compliment, thank you my good sir.

Glad you commented on this. I was going to rant earlier but will now....

I do believe this to be very true. Reason and truth are hard to come by these days and emotion plays far to large of a role in people's decision making. Compassion is good, but a choice made out of emotion is more of a reaction than a decision at all. Or that's how I feel.

Did you know student debt is the only debt you can't file for bankruptcy for? College tuition prices are through the roof. I don't think it's a coincidence that the cost of education is so high. It's the easiest way enslave us. Tell us we can't succeed without a college education. Then lend us the money we as kids can't afford to pay back, all while falling into debt themselves with the world bank's or the elite 1%.

One day we as a nation and as people of this country will have our debts called upon, and then what? How will we be forced to pay?

Or even worse, they use the debt of our country to do their bidding and their will.

Makes me wonder sometimes is all I guess. And no one else is asking these questions? Like wtf. @InTheShed your a finance dude No? Thoughts?
I think I brought out the anger...... Sorry yall:confused:
More frustration than anger :)
You are not the only one. I think it shows the stupidity of our culture, and the schooling we are giving.

I just rather not anger myself thinking of it too much. I rant on that a lot, and I can't find a way to fix it, other than one person at a time.

I'll leave it at that, or there will be four pages of rant. :rolleyes:
Worms should be here tomorrow...whats next?

Never too soon to throw in your food scraps...the worms feed on the rot (bacteria and fungi) so sooner that is there, the quicker the worms propagate. Also, get it saturated before the worms go in so you can see (after a few hours) if the material has soaked up a lot of water (then just add more). This also allows the water temp to acclimatize with the bin area. It's simple once you have it all dialed in...
Never too soon to throw in your food scraps...the worms feed on the rot (bacteria and fungi) so sooner that is there, the quicker the worms propagate. Also, get it saturated before the worms go in so you can see (after a few hours) if the material has soaked up a lot of water (then just add more). This also allows the water temp to acclimatize with the bin area. It's simple once you have it all dialed in...
I have some asparagus ends and coffee grounds going in this morning. And I'll add a few gallons to be sure we are fully saturated!

Bring on the slimeys! What’s up Dabber!? Tub is looking nice today
Indeed. If you guys ever want to give it a try I'll send you some

Not much going here G. Just trying to grow some buds and beans. Everything been good for you guys?
How do you fill your pots without harming the worms in your compost bin? That is the one thing that is preventing me from taking you up on your offer to share your worms.
How do you fill your pots without harming the worms in your compost bin? That is the one thing that is preventing me from taking you up on your offer to share your worms.
google flow through worm bin. There are plans that are pretty cheap at Red Worm Composting . Just trying to share and help.
How do you fill your pots without harming the worms in your compost bin? That is the one thing that is preventing me from taking you up on your offer to share your worms.

Couple ways to look at that.

I seed my bins, feed and water, and let them fully process it...which means they eat all the food, they leave a ton of nutrient castings, and self cull (die or eaten). Before the bin is fully processed I take a large handful and "seed" a new container.

Another method is splitting them at a certain point...most commonly done by moving all of the finished vermicompost to one side of the container and putting "new" media (soil, coir, newspaper, etc) on the other side. All new food goes on the new side and the worms migrate. After a few days the processed material will be 99% worm free and you can use it.

Sometimes I see one or two in the vermicompost soil and I just leave them in for the ride.
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