BeezLuiz & LiquidIntel Are At It Again: Outdoor Grow Season 3

Great work,Beez! all your plants all look super happy and well cared for!
I can only hope my Dr.Seedsman photo does as well as yours...
But, I think I may be a little late for that-it's only 5 days old today :)
Photos looking good Beez
Thanks Penny!
Your skills in carpentry never cease to amaze me. Weed growing too!!
Where's that "blushing" emoji? I'll use this one instead :thanks:
Ive had lots of autos look like that outside. The Early Miss I have growing now under QBs is producing completely different flowers to the one I grew outside - the outside one had a bud structure just like that first pic of yours.
I'm feeling much better about my autos hearing everyone else's experiences. :circle-of-love:
I can only hope my Dr.Seedsman photo does as well as yours...
But, I think I may be a little late for that-it's only 5 days old today :)
Finger crossed. Maybe you'll need to schlep her in and out every day a la @InTheShed to give her a few more weeks of veg time.
What a great summer we’re having this year!
Since our other choices for summertime activities have been drastically reduced this year, I'm certainly thankful that we all have this hobby. :cool:
Here's an update from @Liquidintel. He's been super busy with work since the pandemic stuff, so I offered to do his updates until things settle down a bit.

He's using Mega Crop for his entire grow this season (while I still use up my liquid nutes from last year). I must say, I think his autos look better than mine. :eek:

Kalashnikov Auto
Currently at 56 days, the breeder estimates 70 days maturity. I think it's going to go past that, which is a good thing so that it can continue to pack on the buds and size.

Critical Mass Auto
This one's got some decent side branching. Also at 56 days and the breeder estimates 70-77 days for maturity.

Dark Devil Auto
OK, this one has me slightly concerned that maybe I may have switched labels with the Pink Kush CBD because DDa has almost no color this far into flower. However, as @Amy Gardner has pointed out to me, there is a green and a pink pheno so this might be one of those. My Pink Kush looks very much like a typical DDa, but seeing pics in other people's journals, it's also supposed to look like that.

Super Critical Bud CBD (photo)
This one got off to a really slow start - almost looked like an auto, but lately it's really started to pick up steam. According to the breeder it's supposed to contain as much as 25%THC and 23%CBD. I'm skeptical so it'll will be one of the buds I send out to a lab for testing.

White Widow (photo)
At 83 days, she's looking great. Always a hardy and predictable grower :)

Alaskan Purple (photo)
Also 83 days old, I think this one is my favorite of Liquid's grow... so far.
Beautiful looking plants Beez! :passitleft: Nice selection. They look so healthy in the sun.:yummy: I hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy.
I was pretty impressed with my auto haul a ways back... In for a Penny in for a Pound! WOW!!!

Nice job on that repair Beez, I love using the bamboo for my plants adds a certain zen quality. I just staked my HiJack Auto cuz she got floppy colas, with 4 weeks to go, and "No I'm not expecting anywhere close to 16oz."
I was pretty impressed with my auto haul a ways back...
IIRC, you grew an Ultra Lemon Haze that was a huge auto. I added that one to my "someday wish list" after seeing your grow. :)
IIRC, you grew an Ultra Lemon Haze that was a huge auto. I added that one to my "someday wish list" after seeing your grow. :)

Thanks Beez, I was just a few ounces short of Penny's harvest. I may have some of those seeds laying around but I've still got flowers and they are so tasty and still some of the best weed I've smoked to date. If I recall correctly that was my initial response as well. That one pound bush is still on my list of things to grow. Hell, I may have a contender in the photo department; Amnesia Haze. I've been keeping her in a 1 gallon container but she's gonna need an up-pot soon. I was gonna wait to finish the HiJack Auto and use that container but she's pushing the limits of her first home.

Found a large commercial potting container on the side of the road and stopped to grab it up, too big for the Amnesia Haze, but I got a Plumeria out back that needs transplanting. Then I'll plant the Amnesia Haze into the 5 gallon from the Plumeria. That'll be pic worthy I'm sure...
It's time for an update of my photo period girls. I'll do the autos next update as they get closer to harvest.

Gorilla Breath
Since I decided to keep her in a 10 gallon pot, I figured she would be a bit stunted in growth compared to the other two that I have in 20 gallon pots. She is really stretching fast currently at more than an inch a day and is currently 35 inches tall. She is only at 82 days from sprout which is 11 days younger than the others. She is loaded with preflower pistils, but hasn't quite started flowering yet.

Even though she looks really bushy, I've pruned a lot of her bottom and inner shoots, but have left many of the outside fan leaves because they get plenty of direct sunlight.

Dr. Seedsman CBD
At 93 days from sprout, I'm loving the shape of her right now. Gonna have lots of top main colas once flowering commences. She's showing preflower pistils, but not yet in flowering mode. I included a shot of her under carriage to show the pruning progress. I'm always clipping a little here and there.

Killer A5 Haze
Also at 93 days from sprout, she is really packing on the height now. I stopped LST and topping a few weeks ago and am now just letting them grow to their heart's content. She is currently the tallest, at 40 inches high. She's a heavy feeder according to the breeder so I increased the nute concentration a while back to 7.5 ml per gallon of water even though the manufacturer (Emerald Harvest) recommends 6 ml/gallon. I'm actually giving all the photo period plants this concentration and there's no sign of burn so all's good. :)

Great looking plants, Beez!
It's gotta smell sooo good in your backyard!
Beez, hope you don't mind if I sit in. This thread is fascinating! It features, cool nicknames, big giant plants, updates from different locations, cool trolley carts, plants that are started and then just given away, wind, rain. I caught up quickly reading this page turner! :Rasta:
right on the edge of exploding into flower
I usually get true flowering to start about 2 weeks after the first sign of pistils, so I'm getting close! :D
It's gotta smell sooo good in your backyard!
I am starting to get some nice aromas wafting through the garden - mostly from my little autos, but I know it won't be long before the photo girls start shouting out their aromas!
Outstanding growth and shape on all!
So far, so good! :thanks:
They gonna look like one big bud!
Maybe I'll roll it into one gigantic doobie. :ganjamon:
Fabulous work, as always. Stellar pictures too.
I appreciate the kind words, GT. :Namaste:
Beez, hope you don't mind if I sit in.
:welcome: Glad to have you join us, GDB! I'm impressed that you read all the way from the beginning. :thumb:
I went to @Liquidintel 's house yesterday to take a look at his autos. They are at 68 days as of yesterday, so they're getting close to that harvest window.
Kalashnikov Auto from Dope Seeds
For an auto, this one has nice side branching and pretty decent size all around, but not yet ready for harvest. The breeder estimates 70 days to harvest, but I think at least another week, maybe two.

Critical Mass Auto from Dope Seeds
Very similar to Kalashnikov in size and shape. Breeder estimates 70-77 days so this one probably has two or three more weeks to go.

Dark Devil Auto from Sweet Seeds
This one appears to be the green pheno. Kinda small and not much side branching. The buds are very leafy and also seem to be rather light and airy - not sure if that's typical for a DDA or not. I snipped a tester bud for closer examination. At 68 days, I expected it to be ready since the breeder claims 63 days, but not quite ready from what I can see.

I think we are planning to harvest her on Sunday along with my Pink Kush CBD auto. That would be 71 days. I hope she smokes better than she looks. :laughtwo: I dropped a couple more seeds for our next round.
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