Cannafan's Variety Grow - Blueberry Gum/Delicious CC/Hawaiian Skunk Haze/THC Bomb

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Well, here's a video of 7-28 through 8-1-14. Nothing fantastic going on, but you can see how these plants react after working the LST on them. They get very lively. I have to keep moving the plants out to do this, that's why the video keeps flipping different scenes. It also shows how the two plants on the right end reacted after doing the soft topping for the fluxing. Whenever you see the leaves droop, that's just before lights out. Busy kids:

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Cannafan, your video's are the best, I think it makes your journals one of the best I've seen in my short time here.

Question, do you think a "night vision" camera would hurt the flower cycle? Have you tried this yet?
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Hi 60Cal, and thank you!

I don't think it would hurt in veggie stage. There is usually a red light that blinks on video cameras that you will need to put black tape over. (Ask me how I know this as I scared the deer away during an evening video session. She saw the light. LOL) I don't believe much goes on with the plants in the dark, just based on how they "go to sleep" just before lights out and then "wake up" when the light comes on.

I haven't tried it, I don't have a night vision camera. Worth a try for someone who does though, just to see what's going on. :)

Infrared cameras do have lights on them. So I don't know if that would affect them or not to be honest.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

I think a night vision camera would affect them in some way on a 12/12, maybe keep them in veg. They put IR LED's in grow lights so the plants must see it. :):thumb:
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Thank you guys for the info.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

I'm sure the plants have a lot going on during lights out just like people. It seems like my daughters little tiny boobs are bigger every morning. LOL What's a single father to do? Leave a baseball bat by the front door is one idea I've had.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

I think plants must anticipate the light coming as I noticed last night before my lights came on that the leaves were praying upwards. This was about 10 mins before my tent comes to life, so I'll check a bit earlier tonight & see how long before lights on they get ready for it. :)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

And just so's ya knows....I didn't give up on that Strawberry Blue Seed. I tried some super thrive water on it a few days ago, planted it in soil. I also scraped a little more at the edges to see if I could help it pop. No go. This morning I checked the seed and still no pop. So I grabbed a pair of tweezers and gave the seed a gentle squeeze with them and it popped open with a nice white root in there. I replanted it. We shall see........
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Good luck with your Strawberry Blues, are they freebies from Herbies by any chance? Myself & I think it was Dennise had no success with ours so hopefully you can have success :)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Good luck with your Strawberry Blues, are they freebies from Herbies by any chance? Myself & I think it was Dennise had no success with ours so hopefully you can have success :)

Yepper, it was freebies from Herbie's. I don't think they are offering them anymore on the freebies, I haven't seen it come up on the list. They may have had too many people telling them they won't germ.
Just hope I didn't damage that root.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

They do seem to have the odd bad batch here & there. I'm struggling with two freebie Cotton Candy's I got off them at the mo. I soaked them for 24hrs & they cracked open so put them in wet paper towel, sealed & kept warm for 2 days & nothing changed. I put them into root riots for 2 days & still no change so I've put them back in paper towel. The root is there but just doesn't want to come out & play :( I don't have high hopes of them producing a root & expect they'll end up in the bin.

I'll keep my fingers crossed your SB's pull through mate :)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

They do seem to have the odd bad batch here & there. I'm struggling with two freebie Cotton Candy's I got off them at the mo. I soaked them for 24hrs & they cracked open so put them in wet paper towel, sealed & kept warm for 2 days & nothing changed. I put them into root riots for 2 days & still no change so I've put them back in paper towel. The root is there but just doesn't want to come out & play :( I don't have high hopes of them producing a root & expect they'll end up in the bin.

I'll keep my fingers crossed your SB's pull through mate :)

I'll keep mine crossed for your CC's too.
I don't even wait to let the root get longer. Once I see they've popped they go straight into soil now. Usually it's only a couple days before I see the peek out from the soil.
I've read nice reviews on the DCC, so I sure hope it does what I expect. Feminised....but that's no real guarantee. LOL
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

The DCC does sound good so I hope the roots pop out. I'm planning on fluxing one if they do :)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

And just so's ya knows....I didn't give up on that Strawberry Blue Seed. I tried some super thrive water on it a few days ago, planted it in soil. I also scraped a little more at the edges to see if I could help it pop. No go. This morning I checked the seed and still no pop. So I grabbed a pair of tweezers and gave the seed a gentle squeeze with them and it popped open with a nice white root in there. I replanted it. We shall see........
Wow Partner, that's some ingenuity!
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