Dain Bramage's Mostly Sativa Grow the Classic S.A.G.E

The cold air dumping sounds like an interesting concept. We should compare progress performance. I'm working the opposite concept of allowing my plant to 'cool' down during dark hours, emulating the natural outdoor environment. I've cut out the heat register in the grow room, but so far the coldest it's been has been 65*. During the lighted cycle, temps range from 72* - 78*. So far I haven't noticed any stretching, just the buds getting larger.

Sound's like somthing to look into oldskoool.Don't have the tools to start keeping records and still i am building my exhaust/intake system.Read about the cold air dumpig method in high time's,it was being used in a huge grow op.Then i saw it on line when i was reading about growing tropical plant's in green house's,I think thay were growing point setter's.We will have to copair notes brother...this cite rock's my brother's and sister's:cheer:

The process of "dumping cold air" into the room durring the darkperiod WILL bring out any colors that the plant can turn to. For instance if it has a tendendcy to turn puple it will turn purple, and the same for plants that get black or blue. Telling you thats why I love the winter. COLORS COLORS COLORS!!!:cheer:
well my plan is to run the lights and try to keep temp's below 75 degrees and dooring the dark cycle let the temp's stay around 78 -80 degrees.From what i read this will stunt vertical growth with out stresing plant's.More on this as we go on ...peace

is this though out the whole life of the plant, veg to harvest? or only for the flowering cycle? looking forward to the results!





what i was smoking while posting
Think of it as a challenge:ganjamon:

Goes beyond the normal demands placed on one's brain, but trying to post photo's while baked, an entirely different matter....first off, I have to overcome the challenge of looking at the screen in between photo's, and wonder which one I posted last. In my case, this can last for days.

Plants are looking most excellent!....next LST I do is trying to get a plant look like a pretzel.
is this though out the whole life of the plant, veg to harvest? or only for the flowering cycle? looking forward to the results!

Going to talk to a guy at suny farmindal who is in a botany class to learn the whole cocept and will post the info this weekend
Going to talk to a guy at suny farmindal who is in a botany class to learn the whole cocept and will post the info this weekend

I'll definetly be looking for that post..Its nice to have some bookwork!!
9 seedlings are doing well and taking to there new 2 gal. container's.Staying nice and short under the t-5 lights(still need new bulb's)that are about 2 inch's from the plants.From the four test plants I am flowering you can see the benifits in the LST method of growing in confined space's.

I noticed some leaf burn or rust spots on a few leaf's on the four plant I am flowering.I think p.h. is off,at least that is what i have narrowed it down to_Other than that all is good in my end of the chuckel patch...peace
Looking good Bramage, I just seen the thread and did a speed reading. Good Luck with the trip you got going. I seen at the begining your friend said something about the quality of the smoke you'll get using female seeds, don't trip I been using them for yrs and if there is any diff it's in the % of a %. Good deal Lates
:thanks: norcaliwood for the reasueance on my choice to use fem seeed's to pratice on.It not like im looking to do a grow for breeding yet.

No pic's need batteris but things are looking real good on all front's.the four plants in flowering,THE CRASH TEST DMMMIES,are looking great:grinjoint:.You can see the efect of the LST method is do ing for the plants.Insead of having one top I will have sevral smaller ones with more serface airer get better light penertration.The one plant i chose not to train is starting to get little flower cluster along the top and uper branches.Thay show some minor problems with the p.h but nothing to worry about.Now have a hanna p.h meter and will be puting into efect.I orderd a poduct called smart pot's,five 3gal. pot.s ,and if these plants are going to be in flower for ten to eleven weeks thay are going to be transplated one more time.Have been feeding with advaned nutreint's three part system and foiler feeding with collael bud, seaweed,and wet betty 3 times a week.should have started useing it sooner but forgot i had it.Normaly start to use it on smaller plants at 7 to 8 inches and into the third week of flowering.

the sedling are doing even better at three to four inches thay are groing small banches allready:cheer:.this is becuse of the high lumes of th t-5 lights and how close you can keep them to the plants.thay are also on advaced nute's and there foiler feed right now is parrina,b-52 and wet betty,every two weeks.will also start to use grand ma's H-1 evry other week in betwwen the b-52 feeding.

Also it turnd out the cold ari duping was a total bust:oops: waste of a trip but i have not given up.I know hightimes had a artical about it.so i will looking into my magizine archives and search on line:nomo:.
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