Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

For the record, I crunched lots of numbers around this and even with postage to the other side of the world the DBHBB kit was the cheapest way to do anything even remotely similar once you factor in how much you get for it. The only thing might be the quantity depending on how many plants you want to grow. So say you only want to grow 2-3 plants at a time, it would seem like a lot of $$ for that starting out. That would be totally a false economy I know, but folks sometimes only think short term - rather than thinking I could grow 2plants 3 times, 3 times over with one kit. But then it's about whether you actually have that cashflow in the first instance (which is not always easy depending on ones life situation).

I know there are others on this board who have recently tried other growing methods only to come back to the kit. for its quality, yes - but also because it turns out to be cheaper...

For the record, I crunched lots of numbers around this and even with postage to the other side of the world the DBHBB kit was the cheapest way to do anything even remotely similar once you factor in how much you get for it. The only thing might be the quantity depending on how many plants you want to grow. So say you only want to grow 2-3 plants at a time, it would seem like a lot of $$ for that starting out. That would be totally a false economy I know, but folks sometimes only think short term - rather than thinking I could grow 2plants 3 times, 3 times over with one kit. But then it’s about whether you actually have that cashflow in the first instance (which is not always easy depending on ones life situation).

I know there are others on this board who have recently tried other growing methods only to come back to the kit. for its quality, yes - but also because it turns out to be cheaper...


Absolutely Amy.

And I might add that buying in bulk saves 30-40% off the cost of just the kit.

We're operating on the thinnest of margins. Quality is king.
Absolutely Amy.

And I might add that buying in bulk saves 30-40% off the cost of just the kit.

We're operating on the thinnest of margins. Quality is king.

. just have to have the cash to save the cash (such a paradox).

And congratulations Doc getting through all the 'red tape' to get this into the market. ..
Can't beat the cost of the Kit, Can't be done Simple as that, But its not only the
cost its the loss of tired UN-needed steps ( PPM, PH, TDS, EC, Flushing .... )

Now if we could only do something about the Cost of Electricity
I know there are others on this board who have recently tried other growing methods only to come back to the kit. for its quality, yes - but also because it turns out to be cheaper...

And also because it's harder to fail with. :;):

Over the past 4 years I can't recall ever seeing a HB plant that failed. Some of them were sad looking things, all crispy and ugly and the yield was sub-normal, but the produce was still fragrant and punchy - sometimes especially so.

The Kit will almost always give you superior results on the first try. And risk is mitigated. It's actually the perfect beginner's method.

And also because it's harder to fail with. :;):

I'm working real hard to make it "nearly stoner proof." I know it can't be 100% stoner proof....cuz stoners. But I think we can get it nearly there. ;)

Here in CA, 93-98% of "Medical" marijuana tested showed pesticide/fungicide residue. This scandal is hurting us big time in the policy arena. At the same time, those who buy their meds from dispensaries might be doing harm to themselves.

On top of that, the powers that be are determined to seize and control this new market and award grower's licenses to their cronies while at the same time enacting legislation that puts boutique growers out of business. That's what is happening in my county right now.

However, even here in Mordor, people can grow 6 plants indoors....fully legally. (outdoor growing is now illegal!!! Especially in the rural areas of the county.)

So, how to get elite quality, pesticide/fungicide free cannabis? :hmmmm::idea:

Kits can be had on Amazon
Dear High Brix Gang and future high brix gang:

We are now on Amazon, as well as the website. While everything is available on the website, we're just selling kits on Amazon.

If you or someone you know wants to get a kit, may I humbly ask if you wouldn't mind ordering on Amazon and then giving me a rating? I need to get 25 customer ratings in the next 4 months if possible. (hopefully good ones) They require a purchase in order to be a legitimate rating.....which is good and correct.

So, be on the lookout for banner ads here and a Grand Opening any day/hour now......


Congrats Doc! I wish I didn't already have too much product or I would go buy a kit and give a rave review! I have one friend that has considered growing and I will talk with him. I'd be lending him a tent, lights, pots and maybe a few other things that would make start up easy. I'll also continue to promote your gear here on the mag! I could not be happier with the results! My girls are starting to pack on the resin and awesome aromas.

Buy Doc's Kit on Amazon!
Here's more of the current crop.

Grape Ape in a proto-type "purple" soil. It's a different shade of purple and changing color a bit earlier than normal:


Same cutting in non-purple soil....but 10 days behind


Blue Kush. Ready to harvest and showing some ragged leaves...but exquisite buds. This is the best yielder of the bunch. Every single nug has perfect structure and it smells and tastes fantastic.


Good old Paki, getting her shine on:


Chocorilla doing nothing but creating resin problems:


Here's a tray of Chocorilla and a single, lone Hazelnut Cream with a strange pheno.

Doc I order a kit from you, then a month later I ordered another for future use. Now if you could throw me a cut of that Paki I may be inclined to order a couple more kits to even give to friends...LOL

On a serious note, is it legal to send clones from one legal state and grower to another?
Doc I order a kit from you, then a month later I ordered another for future use. Now if you could throw me a cut of that Paki I may be inclined to order a couple more kits to even give to friends...LOL

On a serious note, is it legal to send clones from one legal state and grower to another?

LOL. I have no plans to give out the Paki just yet....but please know that the ONLY folks who will ever get a cut of it are going to be high brix gang members, loosely associated, misfitting and ne'er do welling type of folks....

Is it legal? Probably not. I'm sure we're all felons several times a day, depending on what we do and where we go.
They freak out on my startup costs? Or they freak out on normal startup costs and you want to show them a simpler, better and less expensive way?

Please elaborate! :thanks:

The margins I'm operating under and as slim as can be....

I meant lights, tent, etc Doc. I've already turned on a few friends to your kit dude. Believe me, I take no credit for what happens in my grow tent. They all know its "Doc Bud's kit". Here in denver I bet it's worse than Mendocinos buddy's uncle. Everyone knows a grower who grows the fire...baaahahaha! Then I smoke them out
Hey Doc,

What exactly do you mean by "Purple Soil?"

Is the soil purple? or for purple strains?

Can ya spill the beans a bit more for us?

Sure! I'm working on a soil that produces colorful, High Brix cannabis. Specifically of the purple variety. It's not hard to get fall colors, a Cat Drench the first watering after transplanting and blooming will do that. But purple is different, and it should really accentuate the purple strains if I can get it right.
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