Duggan Does Ace's A5 x Malawi & Thai Chi In DBHBB

Thanks everyone! Amy,...haven't seen Mare since last Sunday. I'm in a 'funk" i cant seem to get out of....Have an other ultrasound on Sept 6th that i'm really worried about and it's been bothering me a lot these last few months.
Anyhow, at least my plants are doing fairly well. Thanks for all the nice words gang! :circle-of-love:

Goodluck on the ultra-sound and try not to stress! Healing vibes being sent your way! :circle-of-love:

I'm gonna make some CCO . Gonna use the MB2. Never done it before. Someone,..close, is in a lot of back/neck pain ..long time , operations...going thru crap with it. Have to prepare, i need things for this,...capsules, oil, know how!! LOL
Think i'l use about 30 to 35 grams. of my buds,..BCP and Purple Envy. Not sure of what exact oil,...or what size of caps,..or how much to make, where to get them in town,...a few things to figure out before i try it. I'l need one of those plastic syringes(have one) , right,...to fill the caps....? Best oils...?
Anyhow , enjoy the night gang!

IF you're making CCO/RSO and NOT simply an infused oil, I would not use the MB2 and can point you to some good tutorials on how to make RSO/CCO and am happy to help! Either way, you need to be conscious of the dosing of the caps! I recommend the size #00, which are the largest, and you can control the doses by diluting with more carrier oil.

Sounds like Duggs is talking a regular infused oil - like a lot of us are making. Not full on CCO (rick Simpson oil). But yeah - the start low and work up is totally right, all the time.
Gotta make the oil first tho! :)

Oh Neiko...ya...missed your question here bud! I will go down now and have a look at my GR calendar.....10 days , post flip !!
They look like they grew another fu...n 4 inches last night. rapidly running outta room....
Well Duggs if it helps ya any, I cut about 18" off of every top on the Neville's Haze and she didn't skip a beat. I think it just put her into overdrive. She was 3 weeks into flower too. I'm not planning on finishing it so I thought I'd experiment a little just to see what a flowering plant can handle. So if you run out of room you could just top them all again at flip.

On the oil, I agree with Krip, if you want CCO there are better methods than the MB2e. I'd be glad to go over it again with you when you're ready.
I tried the MB2 for CCO and it sucked. Ended up with a bunch of ground up weed in the oil.
I suppose you need to address what it is your treating first.
Then what you have available to make your oil or infusion.
I bought a source turbo and use it with dry ice to make CCO/wax/shatter, if I make biobombs I use the oil from the source and mix it with the sunflower lecithin and EVOO.
Duggs, I thought about trying to take some bubble hash and making it into oils or what ever. You don't need a source turbo to do it.
Rick Simpson did it with a rice cooker.

My thinking was if the bubble hash was clean, then I could skip using the dry ice method and not worry about green chlorophyll in my mix.
I haven't tried that yet, so if you do let me know how it works.
What's the difference in CCO/RSO and standard infused oil like olive oil or coconut oil for capsules?
I would say the CCO is pure concentrated oil, while the infused is just that, another oil with thc/cbd infused into it.
Now im not sure what i should be making!!

For CCO/RSO, you wash the buds with alcohol and then evaporate off the alcohol. What's left is pure cannabis oil extract. It is VERY potent! Something like the size of a grain of rice will knock most people on their butts. The CCO can be smoked/vaped like any other extract, and/or, you can dilute it with a carrier oil at different ratios to make capsules at varying levels of strength.

With an infused oil, the buds are washed with a carrier oil (such as EVOO, Coconut, Grapeseed, etc.). The carrier oil does not evaporate off, so you use the oil as-is to make capsules, topicals, cook, etc. You do NOT smoke/vape an infused oil!

There are some hazards associated with evaporating off alcohol to make RSO, but it can be done safely and this is what I do (and personally recommend!) to make capsules for my dad for Parkinson's:

I would recommend the RSO for treating just about any serious medical condition, since you start with the most potent form and can dilute down from there, including infusing the RSO into a carrier oil of your choice at the ratio of your choice which, IMHO, makes dosing much easier.

If you wanted to make budder, or an infused oil to cook with, the MB2E can't be beat! You can also make caps from the infused oil out of the MB2E, but again, you won't be able to smoke it or get it to the same level of potency as RSO.

I hope that helps!

Has anyone tried making bubble hash from decarbed cannabis?
If it works I bet you could add the bubble hash into the mb2 with your oils and lecithin.

I think the best procedure would be to make the bubble hash, de-carb the hash, then use it for the oil. ;)
ok, thanks. Yeah I make capsules using coconut oil in my MB2 machine. Its more for back pain and its perfectly sufficient for what I need in conjunction with the topicals and smoking.

Eventually I will get around to trying some CCO/RSO but not ready to mess around with evaporating alcohol yet. Again thank you for the explanation.
For CCO/RSO, you wash the buds with alcohol and then evaporate off the alcohol. What's left is pure cannabis oil extract. It is VERY potent! Something like the size of a grain of rice will knock most people on their butts. The CCO can be smoked/vaped like any other extract, and/or, you can dilute it with a carrier oil at different ratios to make capsules at varying levels of strength.

With an infused oil, the buds are washed with a carrier oil (such as EVOO, Coconut, Grapeseed, etc.). The carrier oil does not evaporate off, so you use the oil as-is to make capsules, topicals, cook, etc. You do NOT smoke/vape an infused oil!

There are some hazards associated with evaporating off alcohol to make RSO, but it can be done safely and this is what I do (and personally recommend!) to make capsules for my dad for Parkinson's:

I would recommend the RSO for treating just about any serious medical condition, since you start with the most potent form and can dilute down from there, including infusing the RSO into a carrier oil of your choice at the ratio of your choice which, IMHO, makes dosing much easier.

If you wanted to make budder, or an infused oil to cook with, the MB2E can't be beat! You can also make caps from the infused oil out of the MB2E, but again, you won't be able to smoke it or get it to the same level of potency as RSO.

I hope that helps!

This is awesome!! Many thanks Krip!!
As many things as you make from cannabis, I am a little surprised you have never made capsules or topicals.

Actually I am a little surprised I haven't made any topicals yet. The caps help me sleep at night with constant lower back pain, but haven't attempted the topicals to date. I need to do this, VanStank gave out his recipe based on magnus version, but instead of using just percentages, he listed amounts in cups and ounces.

I don't think he would mind me sharing it.. so....

The recipe is from @Magnus8 and we had great results the first time around.

35% Pumpkin Seed Oil (5.6 ounces for a two cup batch or 8.4 ounces for a three cup batch)
25% Rice Bran Oil (4.0 ounces for two cup batch or 6.0 ounces for a three cup batch)
10% Fractionated Coconut Oil (1.6 Ounces for two cup batch or 2.4 ounces for a three cup batch)
10% Hazelnut Oil (1.6 Ounces for two cup batch or 2.4 ounces for a three cup batch)
10% Sweet Almond Oil (1.6 Ounces for two cup batch or 2.4 ounces for a three cup batch)
10% Grapeseed Oil (1.6 Ounces for two cup batch or 2.4 ounces for a three cup batch)

15 drops of Peppermint essential oil for 2 cups, or 22 drops for 3 cups
15 drops of Tea Tree Oil for 2 cups, or 22 drops for 3 cups

Please note you can use whatever essential oils you might like in whatever quantity you like to get a smell you desire. This happens to be where we settled and will likely stay at that rate of essential oils

From here, its into the Magic Butter Machine for 8 hours at 160 degrees. You can probably go for less....but this is what we do. Again a big shout out to Magnus for him sharing the results of his experimentation with topicals. Per the thread that Ms Stank got it from, the oils he uses are the fastest absorbing oils and provide the fastest relief he found with topicals.

I can tell you from our first batch where we used 30 grams of bud total (25 grams decarbed and 5 grams fresh) that the relief was extremely fast on my lower back. By the time I would get dressed after Ms Stank applied the oil, I had relief. Less than 2 minutes with relief which is pretty freaking good in my mind. We didn't use any CBD strains last time so we are kind of interested in seeing what kind of relief we get with a good amount of CBD into the mix.

First batch we made we averaged 15 grams of bud per cup of oil. This batch it will be just over 25 grams of bud per cup of oil so about 67% more potent this batch. Anyways.....Cheers!

ONE WARNING THOUGH.....the oil is dark when its done (think the pumpkin seed oil is the reason) and it can stain white clothes. So make sure you give it 5-10 minutes to absorb and then maybe wipe down any residue before putting on any good clothes.

It does have a bit of a cannabis smell to it so be warned, you probably don't want to apply it and go to work.
Ok...im learning lots ...but still not sure wat to do!!
I will be using about 30to 35 grms of my bud in the mb2.
Wanna make a potent oil for a patient with severe back pain
I dont want him to have to drink ...or consume a shot glass full to get relief. Im not doin the alcohol thing either.

OK....So, this is how you figure you the dosing:

I believe the minimum amount of oil required in the MB2 is 4 cups, but someone please correct me if I'm wrong...

1) 1 cup of oil is 240 ml so 4 cups is 960 ml
2) You've got 35000 mg of bud at (roughly!) 20% THC, so you've got a total of 7,000 mg of THC
3) If you are able to extract 80% of that (you won't get it all!), you'll have 5,600 mg of THC in a little less than 960 ml of oil ( you can measure your actual yield!), which means, each ML of oil will have about 5.8 mg.
4) The #00 caps hold .78 mg (or ml) so each cap will have about a 4.5 mg dose (5.8 mg x 0.78)

A recreational dose is up to 10 mg, so they can start at one cap and work their way up from there, but will likely end up needing something like 3-4 caps to really get pain relief (at least, once they build up some tolerance).
...that sounds like more work than just using grape seed oil, unless you're making it regularly, then it could make sense to have such a variety on hand...I would also using multi layered cheese cloth tied or taped over a bowl to strain your oil...using the MB2 filter, I found messy and a PITA...minimum is 2 cups for MB2, and as Amy said 8 hours will be better...#00 caps are cheap on the zon, but just using a calibrated dropper/syringe will work and easy tochart doses to find whats effective...my .02...cheerz...:rollit::passitleft:
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