First Grow - White Widow x Big Bud


another update: my 2 biggest plants are drooping I've give water to the one at the back and the small one on the right. The other 3 will need a water to as top of soil pretty much dry. Lights are still 3ft above. The big one in the middle that's drooping could do with a watering but not sure Wether to now.
Yeh I'm going to train them to grow short and bushy hopefully.

I'll move my light as high as possible. Lights go of in 1hr 20min.
First you measured heat with "F"
Now your using "C"...
Hmmm, Are you an English Gent ?
Or is the Temperature gauge jumpy ?
Just thought that was Curious.
That "C" stuff goes right over my head...
If it's 32C , I know it's Zero F , and from there...I'm lost
WAIT.... Reverse that...0C = 32F , Told you I was lost
Who me? Yeh I'm English haha:p 33c is the current temp and that's with my tent open and my oscilating fan on full power. 33c is 91 farenehit. Hope they're goin to be okay:( I could turn my extractor fan on full power but it's already to loud. On low power it's 415 m3/hour.
Who me? Yeh I'm English haha:p 33c is the current temp and that's with my tent open and my oscilating fan on full power. 33c is 91 farenehit. Hope they're goin to be okay:( I could turn my extractor fan on full power but it's already to loud. On low power it's 415 m3/hour.

If they have water...They are ok in that heat
Umm... "Moving your Tent Air"
You might wanna do some reading...
Sounds like your "pushing" the air ...
You want to "Pull" the air in a tent...(Exhaust Fan)
Pull High , Vent low... ( Negative pressure in the tent )

and if you use a carbon scrubber... That goes on the exhaust end...
not the intake... remember... Now you need BETTER exhaust to push it through the Filter.
or .... get a pet skunk...
Smokin in the morn.....felling kinda mellow
Hey man i have used a bowl of water or even paper towels soaked and hung from the railing. I finally gave up and bought a small personal travel sized humidifier. Now let me tell you that helped out a lot but to get it dialed in so you dont over saturate your room is a fine line. I had mine on a timer and set to the lowest setting. I had it run for an hour and then off for two hours. That seemed to keep the RH beteween 45-75% depending on time of day. Two times i have opened to see RH over and caused for alarm. I open tent set all the fans on and let her air out. All seemed fine after they dried out.
I have it as carbon filter -ducting- mix flow extractor fan -ducting----- going out of tent. I can feel alot of air been pushed through this. My oscilating fan is currently facing the opening of my tent. When I zip the tent up it suck in making negative pressure.

I'm smoking some blue cheese it's good stuff;-)
Lights come back on in 5 hours. Wondering what my temps will be lights of. When I used my cfl light on and of was only around 18c so hoping it doesn't drop from 33c to 18c, that would be to much of a difference right?
that is a big jump as i have been reading that 10 degrees is the range you want to shoot for.
Here's an update lights turned back on at 6 and as I thought temps were 18c. Humidity as gone upto 45:) the plants are looking alot better than this morning.
I forgot and dont know why lol but did you top these and are you going to put these in a SOG type grow?
no I haven't topped them I want to top 2 of them or maybe fim them. And what's a sog type grow? I'm new to this stuff haha.
'sog' is 'sea of green' many smaller plants in the same grow area
'scrog' is 'screen of green' 1 plant with a netting to grow through to keep canopy height even and increase yields. You can have a few plants per screen but can be messier
I ain't planning in doin that bud just thinking of doing topping on 2 plants amd bending all 5 to try create am even canopy.
temps are at 30c
Humidity is 30%
There looking good not drooping anymore. I'll post a pic later. Light is still 3 foot above top of plants.
Thinking of getting a 400w hps do you think this would be okay to zip my tent up?
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