Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

Mother nature can't make up her mind here either.... yesterday 5cm snow, 5 cm freezing rain, then rain 5mm And 8C... this morning -6.... got another 5-5-5 snow/freezing/rain combo coming tomorrow and another one Sunday.
You have it worse than we do temps wise although this morning we got hit with an un expected lake effect squall line that had people bouncing off of everything. No salt as it washed off in the inch and a half of rain we had the other day. They shut the highways down and it just turned into a mess. I said screw it after the third failed attempt to find an open entrance and came home. I am so done with this shit.
Snowing out now LOL.....We are getting more snow in April than we did in January LOL
It’s back up to 45F and most of it is gone. Thank goodness. I hear more is coming my way which means it’s not over till it’s over. Get ready for a hurricane cause next week I’m washing the truck!
It’s back up to 45F and most of it is gone. Thank goodness. I hear more is coming my way which means it’s not over till it’s over. Get ready for a hurricane cause next week I’m washing the truck!
You got what we got what we got yesterday. Shit ripped through in the early morning and by evening it was gone. Sorry but i think we're all in this together this winter.
+100 on the bike. I got one ride into work this year when it got warm with the salt was gone from recent rains. Then back on the battery tender with the cover on. It better warm up soon.
Already!! Lucky!! Lol if you looked out my door you’d laugh! :D

There is still so much snow and I saw 2 bikes last week when it warmed up to +1....mine is still shivering in the garage attached to its lifeline;) #watchoutforgraveltothehead
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