Hubba Hubba! Bubba Hash & The Bright Lights Of Redemption: Amy's Indoor v2.0 With DBHBB

Auto Amnesia Haze... wanted to drop in and say hi :ganjamon:

I seem to be getting this coco thing going ok! So far so good. More on all the autos with the next update.

Hope you all are having a lit weekend :passitleft:
Love the symmetry of that plant. :circle-of-love:
I’m very pleased it isn’t WPM! My first thought was the dried on foliar (Brix with Snake Oil was given 2 days before this showed up), but got worried when I couldn’t wipe it off... and i knew it didn’t look quite like PM, but having never seen it in person... so, phewf! :lot-o-toke: :laughtwo:

It was about time for the Photo kids to have a leaf wash anyway so I did it last night at lights-on. As the Bubba dried, the spots reappereed a bit but I was able to rub them off this time... which I didn’t (except as a test) because we want the Leafwash to stay on the leaf for as long as possible. So in a few days I may give a gentle wash.

For non DBHBB growers when we talk about Leafwash we are referring to this! This is what I did.

There is product info on it here. Anyone can use it, not just HBB growers. It washes the plants, gives excellent pest protection and makes your plants look wonderful! It’s also a foliar feed so it gives them a little boost as well ...
... I’m sure Bubba will like that :D:morenutes:

In the past, the fumes from it have made me really nauseas, like really and for the rest of the day, so this time I tried mixing it at about 75% strength and it was just OK. I expect it’s sitll pretty effective at that potency so I’ll keep it there.

Here they are drip-drying out afterwards, just outside the tent. The DDa small pots didn’t get Leafwash, they got their first Brix foliar.



NAd back in the tent for their day...

And about 11 hours later (and no, I didn’t get 11 hours sleep ;) but I did get a lot!)...



Candida - shoots everywhere. Strong and vigorous ones as well!


I totally relieved about the PWM and sooo appreciate everyone chiming in :thumb: and I’m in general very happy with how they look. I seem to have the light in good places and Brix levels are rising, I’m pretty sure from the looks of things. One day I’ll get a Refractometer, but ther are many grow enhancements to sort out before that gets to the top of the wishlist.

My room only smells a little bit like Leafwash, soo that’s a relief! :laughtwo:

Happy days to all.
Never mind i read the recipe in the next fram....
So are you leaf washing with the Brix , i got some for the feed once every 7-10 day with the other goodies . I have only used water with a little Calmag mixed up in the spray bottle / does ok but no shine and protection from bugs , mites ect..
are you leaf washing with the Brix

No s’better, the Leafwash I use is an actual product of Doc Bud’s called Leafwash :) It is made from acidified fish, Neem, Karanja, Orange oil and a few other plant oils.

The Brix foliar is a specific foliar that’s only designed for use in conjunction with the rest of Doc’s kit (soil amendments and drenches).

Leafwash is a stand alone product that can be used by growers in any system.

I am primarily an outdoor grower :D (my first journal is an outdoor season). I’m only just learning how to grow indoors and this is my second indoor run. :)
:thumb:Amy outdoors for me also

Cant help with the powdery mildew, but it does appear to be white spots, with google search does seem to be.

How to Detect, Treat, and Prevent Powdery Mildew on Your Cannabis Plants

Cant take my opinion that well as i new still to growing, just finished my 2nd grow

Do you find it more difficult over outdoors or the same, this time will vege them indoors 2 -3 weeks.
Update: The Coco Kids


Auto Amnesia Haze (left) Auto Blueberry (right)

I’ve never grown in Coco before. So, true to my form I have been trawling this site for info and guidance, and a little on the general web as well. Osmosis is my preferred way to learn. I immerse myself in something and then take stock of what I’ve imbibed. When searching for info on lighting or High Brix and organic growing the helpful breadcrumbs are nearly always from Graytail or Conradino :Namaste: When chasing the skinny on Coco growing, the breadcrumbs I followed were from @Pennywise. Thanks to Penny I came accross a mountain of helpful posts and conversations about coco coir growing and I’m going to attempt to give an overview of what I’ve learned.

My main sources, in the end, were these 3:

Cultivators Coco guide and feed schedule (I’m not using the feed shecdule but I learnt a lot reading this thread and am super grateful to @Cultivator for it).

Barney86 recently started an Everything You Need to Know thread which is also full of very helpful info.

I also referenced the fertigation section of this website. I don’t know what it’s credentials are but it seemed to give a good overview of some concepts.

I’m not following any one specific method or set of recommendations. I am adapting elements of them to my situation so the info I’ve collected is, of course, what’s most relevant to my set up. So I’m not making any recommendations, necessarily, just observations.

  • First and foremost, Coco is passive hydro. While it looks and feels a bit like soil or SPM, the similarities end right there. There’s nothing resembling growing in soil here.
  • We don’t water or irrigate or fertilise, we fertigate :nerd-with-glasses: - right from the start (no plain water).
  • Aim to keep the same level and balance of nutrient solution in the medium at all times.
  • Start low (at 1/4 strength nutrients) and go slow, only increasing when the plant shows a need for more and then, only increase by 50% strength at a time
  • Frequency of fertigation should be at least once a day, and can be up to 4-5 times a day. It should never be less than once a day and I read in a few places that fertigaitng too often is also not desirable. About 4 times a day is probably good, I’m aiming for twice, once at lights on and a second, slightly smaller amount about 10hrs later. I expect this will increase as they get bigger.
  • Run-off practices vary widely among Coco growers, from those who insist that 30-50% runoff is necessary to those, like Cultivator, who say no runoff is required. I’m varying between no runoff and about 10% runoff.
  • Don’t use amended coco, but make sure it’s washed and buffered coco can be a good idea. (I read some great material on Calcium buffering in coco and why it works and why ‘unbuffered’ coco encourages/leads to the CalMag deficiencies often seen in coco, and I canna find it again to reference - bad Amy! Hopefully one day I will and will share it here).
  • Perlite or no perlite? This also varies so I’d say it comes down to preference. Barney86 says it’s totally necessary to mix perlite in and Culitivator says it’s a bad idea. They both grow great plants. Cult gives good reasoning for it too, which I can’t remember exactly, except that it convinced me :laugh2, and seeing as I don’t like perlite very much, I’ll happily go on without it.
Those were the most important general points I discovered and I’m using them to develop my own technique for this setup, using these nutes I have; BioVega and BioFlores by Canna.

There were/are of course all sorts of guides and schedules for nutes and ppm and ph up and down etc, which I am completely ignoring at this point :ganjamon: . I have no interest in needing to monitor such things and am simply following the basic Canna BioVega guide for using their product. I started at 1/4 strength and am now at about 1/2 strength. Canna instruct not to PH adjust this particular product so I won’t be doing that!

At first, getting the right volume of water to use was tricky. Seedlings don’t need much but I still wanted to wet the entire medium, because elements in the nutes will change as the medium dries out. In any case, I started with way too much and was getting massive, over 50%, runoff, which is totally impractical for me for me to have to deal with (physically). Then I read Cultivator’s repeated cry that feeding to run-off isn’t necessary at all, so I experimented until I found the volume of water that currently gives me almost no runoff, which is 200ml.

I am feeding by hand using a giant 100ml syringe and I feel confident I’m getting an even application with this method. I do 200ml at lights on and then about 10-12hrs later I check for runoff, which is anywhere between none and about 50ml, clear that and give another 100ml each.

I have made a batch of Calcium supplement from eggshells (the vinegar method Emilya documents here) but will only use it if it looks necessary. And even then, I’ll be going very carefully as it’s strength will be completely unknown, and I’ve not used it before.

So there, that’s all for the record. Let’s get on with it shall I!? :D

Auto Blueberry - day 21



Always looks a bit droopy like this at lights on (usually perks up a bit throughout the ‘day’)

Some nice side branching is getting going and stigmas are showing clearly at the nodes (nothing in the tops yet).


I’m yet to sort out any decent lighting for indoor photography. That will come, but man it’s a thing when you can see the potential for images that you can’t really make shine. This one below really reminds me of one of those “butterfly” paintings we used to do as kids, where you slpoodge paint on paper and then fold the paper in half and sploodge it flat... with better lighting it would be, well, even better :)


I’m keeping a close eye on this Blueberry for signs it needs stronger nutes or signs of Cal and/or Mag demand. Currently it gets 8drops of BioVega in 200ml warm water. I am contemplating carefully introducing the DIY supplement now, as it transitions into flower. I’ll definitely up the nutes a little soon as I suspect the cotyledons are starting to fade and that’s one cue to up the nutes.

Auto Amnesia Haze - day 22

Interestingly this Auto Amnesia is shorter and stockier than the Blueberry, although the branching is definitely more vigorous and lanky so we will see if it’s sativa heritage shows through in some more height once it’s in flowering stretch mode. The stigmas are quite a bit more spectacular as well! This Amnesia showed some very slightly burnt tips after I upped the nutes so have backed them off by 25%. It now gets 6 drops of BioVega in 200ml.



I’m looking forward to making a dosing oil out of some of this one. I currently love the G13 Haze alongside my CBD during the day. Excellent pain relief without any sedation and great clear minded focus. I’m hoping this AH will be similarly great :D

This morning I took another snap of them together, which shows the height difference well. Amnesia came up first but Blueberry has sprinted past in the vertical growth dept. I suppose the difference is in the branching so they actually have about the same rate of growth, just in different areas.


That’s where my adventures in coco are at right now. At this stage I know 2 things: I won’t be using coco for the early season semi-outdoor grows, because it’s wet all the time it’s actually quite heavy and even these 2.5gal pots are too much for me to be moving around regularly, and; next time I grow in coco it will be 4-5 plants (probably autos) all at the same time, and no other methods crossing over (except maybe some early DBHBB veg right at the end, because they need no grower action whatsoever) - KISS.

This grow, all the autos take second priority to the photo-periods and I’ll shuffle things around as needed. They’ll get what they get in terms of light, and whatever I get from them in terms of buds will be a nice bonus to the variety in the jars while also giving me half an idea about the personality of the cultivar - to grow and to consume.

With the coco kids tucked back into the gaps and corners, the tent looked like this a few hours before lights-off this morning:

Happy days to all
Beautiful plants Amy. Your catching on quick in the coco. Just a few pointers that I found help me. I feed 20-30 min. after lights come on and mid way from when off lights off if feeding twice a day. I never fed close to lights off or when the lights are off. My thinking is that's when the plant sends nutrients it has made back to the roots and won't uptake anything anyhow. I'm not one that feeds to run off but maybe once a week. This will help flush some of the old salts out of the media. Your doing great so maybe I shouldn't put my 2 cents in but thought I would give you what has been working for myself.
Thanks Derby! :thanks: Your 2cents of valuable experience is always welcome :)

I never fed close to lights off or when the lights are off. My thinking is...
Yeah, I’ve noticed if i do that, then there is more run-off, so I aim for halfway through but am often asleep then (lights-on is overnight), so it usually happens 10-11 hours later - the feed I give at lights on is often right at lights on.
I'm not one that feeds to run off but maybe once a week. This will help flush some of the old salts out of the media.
Great, thanks. I was thinking about this. I’ve still been getting about 10% run-off about 70% of the time but still good to let some more through every week to 10 days. It certainly cant hurt! :D


For the record - it wouldn’t be an Amy update without a ‘supplemental’ now, would it? - I introduced my DIY Calcium supplement to the Blueberry tonight. In Emilya’s version she recommends 1TBSP per Gallon so I converted and diluted that to come to 4-5drops in 200ml and that didn’t seem too much so that’s what I did. Only Blueberry - will see how that goes. :nervous-guy: gotta try these things, right?

I also gave a DeStress foliar to the older Brix kids, Bubba Hash and Candida CD-1. I have an update coming for the wonderfully mutated CD-1 (photos done - just waiting for window of opportunity to put it together) but in the meantime, seeing as the looked just sooo gorgeous hangout out in front of the tent after their misting...

Candida CD-1 day 47 & Bubba Hash day 48

Bubba had a Growth Ionic drench a couple of days ago and I made sure it was a good and hearty one! Bubba liked it. The Snake Oil is in the picture too and I’ll give another dose of that at next Brix foliar (in 4-5 days).

New growth happiness makes me very happy. I’m pretty sure there are 11-bladed leaves popping out in the emerging node as well, time will tell :pop:


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