Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Scrog looks nice and full there Ice :thumb:
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Quick update video I made... Sorry about having the lights on full, I know it turned out pretty bright and hard to see. I will see if I can do a better video in a few days or in a week when they start budding and do it under normal light... hope you guys and gals enjoy :)

re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

DAY 4 Flowering!!!

So its looks like my girls just want to keep stretching which makes me happy as the scrog comes alive! LOL

Currently I have my lighting schedule set to 12.5/11.5 for the first week of flowering in which I have read will help give them a little more stretch, and I will be setting it to 12/12 for the remainder of the flowering period as soon as I see the flowers set on the plants. I will not be doing the DLR as I read that a 11/13 schedule produces up to 15-20% reduction in plant yield when compared to 12/12, so I will keep it at 12/12. I also read that if you flower under 13/11 schedule, it causes more stretch, but increased CBG cannabinoid content, however 12/12 produces more THC-V content so the study indicated that 12/12 is best (as studies show now) for a even and productive cannabinoid content. The study also suggested that in indoor grows with artificial lighting, its best to keep the lighting schedule constant after the flower sets, and not match the dimming profile of the seasons...(it didn't really give reason why thought) It also mentioned other studies that showed increases in just 10 minutes over the 12/12 schedule of light in a study of chrysanthemums showed a dramatic increase in value the plants produced.

I also am not using the controller and dimming functions, and have all 3 lights on 100% intensity for the entire daylight schedule. I really want to see what these lights can do plus for some reason the controller did not want to get along with 2 of my lights so I unplugged it.

After giving the girls the flush about 1 week ago, they are back to thriving and looking amazing! Good leaf posture and shine, no tip burns on the new leaves, and no discoloration at all.

I have continued to feed them every day, alternating between 1 cup of water and 2 1/2 cups of water every other day, and I have it mixed with some Cal/mag, epsom salt and potassium silicate (under 200ppm total concentration) and it seem to really get the plants going :) when I feed them this mix, within a few hours the leaves are looking very perfect and stretching towards the lights :)

Here are todays photos, both LED lights on, and off. :) enjoy :)


Icemud, looks like the mattress for the Green Giant! :rofl: great job, again!
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Love that shine, Ice! :circle-of-love:

And thanks for the article on light cycles. :thumb:
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Looks really tight man, Amazing job :thumb:

Hey Danishoes!!! Welcome! I really appreciate the kind words my friend! Stay tuned because I have a feeling this grow should get impressive when the flowers start building :)
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Scrog looks nice and full there Ice :thumb:

Hey Cronichemphog!!!! Glad to see ya my friend! Thank you so much for the compliments :) I am hoping for a large yield this time and with all the tops forming, I think I may reach my goall :)
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Explosive growth there. Looking great.

Your not kidding! hahah These plants are growing so darn fast!! Loving what I am seeing so far :)
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Love that shine, Ice! :circle-of-love:

And thanks for the article on light cycles. :thumb:

Hey Graytail! I am very impressed with the shine I am seeing... Whats really crazy is the mystery kush has a shine I have never seen before. The edges of the leaves have a crazy shine to them, almost like when you look at clouds illluminated by the sun with that "silver lining" The edges are extremely shiny, never seen this before on any other strains :)

Love the high brix growing :)
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Hey everyone....

I started a thread to discuss the word "penetration" and what it means to us growers... Since the term is thrown all over the lighting industry advertisements...but nobody really knows exactly what it means or how to measure it... I thought it was a great topic...

I invite everyone to comment and join in...

Plant lighting and Penetration, what does this mean exactly?

Now I was researching this more and found some very interesting information...

It seems that penetration has more to do with the plants leaves sizes, the angle of the leaves, the method in which the plant is grown, and other factors, but not so much the actual wattage of light or so on.... and one really interesting piece of information that kind of counters our ways of thinking when growing cannabis.

Most of us have heard about blue light causing tighter internode distances, vs red light which causes enlongation of this distance. Now myself included, many of us have been wanting the tight internodes on their plants.... but when I asked myself why? I really didn't have a good answer as to why we always want tight internodes... Then I read this study and found out my approach and ideal short nodes may not be the best route...

According to this study on plant architechure and penetration, it states that plants with longer internode distance actually are more photosynthetically efficient....makes perfect sense...

Less Bushyness and more spread out leaves helps light pass to the lower leaves and allows for more light to be used, vs a very thick dense canopy which blocks most light and renders the lower leaves somewhat useless...

Internode length

Light absorption and canopy photosynthesis were strongly affected by internode length. A decrease in the average internode length from 7 cm to 3 cm reduced cumulative light absorption by 14 % in winter and by 12 % in summer. An increase in internode length from 7 cm to 10 cm resulted in an increase in light absorbed of 4 % in winter and 5 % in summer, while a further increase in internode lengths to 12 cm resulted in a further increase in light absorption by 2 % for each date. With respect to canopy photosynthesis, the increase in internode length to 10 cm increased canopy photosynthesis by 5–6 % in summer and winter (Table 1). An increase to 12 cm increased photosynthesis by 8 % and 6 % for winter and summer, respectively.
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Looks really tight man, Amazing job :thumb:


Good topic of discussion Ice; Light penetration.
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Interesting I have never really worked at getting nodes tight because in my time growing it's always seemed I got more weight from the stretchy ones because there's more gap there's more area for the plant to fill in it seems that when the buds reach the next node they stop growing long and start getting fatter, and more often than not it shows in the final weights
So personally I am happy to see 3-4 inches between nodes, also it seems the less compact plants are less likely to get mites,fungus,and dead leaves, so what your saying makes perfect sense to me
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Nice topic of discussion :thumb:

I gotta go with Ice on this one, more light penetration means more surface is touched by light (surface = leaves), there for the fewer useless bottoms you get.

I also add the fact that you could always train the plant so she would always have equal shares of light penetration.
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!


Good topic of discussion Ice; Light penetration.

Thanks B A R!! You know me when it comes to details and wanting to know it all :) lol, and this one stumped me on what it exactly means :) therefore thought it was great to open it up to see if maybe we can all narrow it down to meaning :)
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Interesting I have never really worked at getting nodes tight because in my time growing it's always seemed I got more weight from the stretchy ones because there's more gap there's more area for the plant to fill in it seems that when the buds reach the next node they stop growing long and start getting fatter, and more often than not it shows in the final weights
So personally I am happy to see 3-4 inches between nodes, also it seems the less compact plants are less likely to get mites,fungus,and dead leaves, so what your saying makes perfect sense to me

It was an interesting find to me because I never really knew why I wanted tighter nodes, other than the plants seemed to hold up better and be less flimsy, but now that I think about it, most of my higher yielding strains were stretchier plants with the exception of my holy grail og which was just a freak of nature (almost 6 oz per plant in my setup).. It would be interesting to do a comparison, grow 2 plants of same genetics under a red heavy vs blue heavy veg, then flower both under same light.. I wonder how the differences would show..and if it would be a measurable difference in yield, health and other characteristics. :)
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Nice topic of discussion :thumb:

I gotta go with Ice on this one, more light penetration means more surface is touched by light (surface = leaves), there for the fewer useless bottoms you get.

I also add the fact that you could always train the plant so she would always have equal shares of light penetration.

Thanks Danish...yeah the way I always "understood" or looked at what "penetration" meant was how much light covers all parts of the plant not just the top canopy... so by offering offset point sources, more light penetrates because of less shading...or so I have lead myself to believe. Part of the reason why I have always favored using more less wattage lights than 1 large high wattage light :)
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Hey everyone!!

I really appreciate everyone's input on the penetration discussion. It seems to be one of those terms we are helping to formulate the meaning for :)

Today Marks day 7 of flowering from the flip. I had the lights set on 12.5/11.5 for the first week and today knocked it down to 12.25/11.75 for the 2nd week, and then at the 3rd week I will be knocking it down to probably just 12/12. It depends on how the plants react and if giving them a little more than 12 hour daytime schedule will postpone flowering for all strains, or if they will flower ok with a little extra light. Since the study I read did compare 11, 12, and 13 hour daylight periods for flowering (in cannabis) I would think that with 13 hours of light it must be possible to flower it since the study obviously took place. What really made me think about giving the little extra light in which they found just small increases by like 10 minutes has drastic improvements in overall yield.

So the plants are looking absolutely beautiful, and lots of new leaf growth, very good upwards leaf posture, and on the black cherry cola's they are just starting to push pistils out in clusters.

The other strains also are reacting to the flowering schedule and the leaf growth has changed slightly as they prep to flower as well, and I have noticed all strains are just starting to push out white pistils :)

I couldn't be happier on how things are looking right now.

Based on the discussion of penetration and some of the new discoveries I read, I repositioned my lights height in the tent to around 19-21" from the top of the canopy. I did this by turning on 1 light at a time, pulled out my par meter and raised and lowered the lights looking for optimal Umol on the edges of my tent. It seemed the sweet spot was right around this height. I still am only getting on the very edges of the tent around 300 umol max but raising the lights up did actually bring the edges of the tent more into the main photon stream, and so as I raised the lights with the par meter on the edge, I was able to bring it from around 240umol to around 300 by raising the lights, but any higher, then the Umol started to decrease, so this must be the point at where the angle of light spreads out and carries with the focused energy, before losing strength.

Also by raising the lights, the angle of light distributed was greater and spread further so there was more overlapping between my lights which helped to spread the Umol across the screen more evenly.

I also changed up the girls feeding a little and added 1/4 doses of some nutrients to my 5 gallon bubbling bucket of r/o water...I added some 2-3-1 hydrolyzed squid, .5-1-1 veganic tea, 0-10-0 bloom by humbolt nutrients with 10% calcium, about 2 TBSP of epsom salt, some 5:1 organic cal mag, and cold pressed seaweed.

I still have only been feeding the girls approx 2 cups of water/nutrients every day, instead of my past history of flooding the pots and waiting a week... this new feeding regiment is definitely much better the plants tell me :) lol

So here are the photo's for today!!

re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

that's a crazy beautiful scrog, i could lay on it and sleep for a while.

Amazing topic, thanks for the last point about penetration.

"Santé" mate.

re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

I'm trying to picture the look on Icemud's face when he comes into his grow room and see's you all snuggled up on top of the canopy...:thedoubletake:

:rip: :laughtwo:
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

It looks like you really have 'em dialed-in this time, Ice! :thumb:

Heheh, that scrog reminds me of an animal gathering itself for a launch. Kaboom!
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