In The Lab

Outside of the kit, all I need to purchase is a container to cook the soil, promix, ewc, 7 gallon pots and, a sprayer correct?

Hey TB, The first thing to do is to get the environment correct and stable in your GR. Those supplies are most important,...Make sure the soil is at room temperature and OFF any concrete floors while it's cooking. If you have any Q's along the way , just ask. Cheers TB,:high-five:
I'm with Doc, I've seen the fuzz but not always....I liken it to his wise words....the total environment is the key...:thumb:
You might want to round up 1 gallon pots as starter pots before transplanting into 7 gallon pots, and some liquid measures :)

I thought about that later on. Turns out I have those already. Thanks for mentioning it. I would need the measuring device.
Ok Doc, here's the corrected version after Rob, kindly, send me the proper 420 logo, which is now shown in its entirety.


Best regards and happy washing :)
Cramazon carries WW EWC at a decent price with free shipping.
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