InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Looking good Shed.

The 5KC looks like she's ready to take whatever kind of training you throw at her!
The 5KC looks like she's ready to take whatever kind of training you throw at her!
I hope so because this morning I threw a needle nose pliers at it!

And so, for the Monday update, I supercropped the 5 Killer Cookies because it was getting a bit too wide before I flip it, probably on Friday night (day 60). It's still drinking a gallon a day of week-4 Prescription Blend nutrients.

I decided to read up on supercropping, and found a cool thread that explains different methods of supercropping, for reasons other than keeping branches from getting too close to the light. It's here:

I decided to crop some sideways and some inward, depending on what was going on underneath where the top would end up after the bend, and I needed the pliers (wrapped in electrical tape to soften the blow) because without Nebraska man hands there was no way I could smoosh these branches manually:

Even with the cushioning on the pliers, this branch split across the back:

I wrapped it in electrical tape and will leave it there while it heals. The next one took the bend just fine:

I did a total of four, and tied them in place to the bamboo on the opposite side of the plant:

Tomorrow morning I'll trim off all the undergrowth that's now covered by the new placement of the tops.

Finally, I killed a caterpillar that was noshing on one of my Le Creme CBG clones:

This is a reminder to start with the BT spray in a few weeks to stop them from settling in my flowers! "Hey Google, set reminder for July 9th..."

I hope your Monday is off to a great start!

Looking good Shed.
Thanks GDB!
It's interesting Grandpa's Moonshine is slow to conform. The one SIP I grew got no top water at any time even on transplant. She took a while to take hold, probable all of two weeks. There may be a confused state happening like someone mentioned? Plants, go figure!
Go figure! But whatever it is that's bugging the GM, after seeing the 5KC do so well bottom-watered from the start I think I'll completely skip top watering if the plant will end up bottom-watered later.
She'll pick up in your hands!
I appreciate your faith in me. Thanks Otter!
I hope so because this morning I threw a needle nose pliers at it!

And so, for the Monday update, I supercropped the 5 Killer Cookies because it was getting a bit too wide before I flip it, probably on Friday night (day 60). It's still drinking a gallon a day of week-4 Prescription Blend nutrients.

I decided to read up on supercropping, and found a cool thread that explains different methods of supercropping, for reasons other than keeping branches from getting too close to the light. It's here:

I decided to crop some sideways and some inward, depending on what was going on underneath where the top would end up after the bend, and I needed the pliers (wrapped in electrical tape to soften the blow) because without Nebraska man hands there was no way I could smoosh these branches manually:

Even with the cushioning on the pliers, this branch split across the back:

I wrapped it in electrical tape and will leave it there while it heals. The next one took the bend just fine:

I did a total of four, and tied them in place to the bamboo on the opposite side of the plant:

Tomorrow morning I'll trim off all the undergrowth that's now covered by the new placement of the tops.

Finally, I killed a caterpillar that was noshing on one of my Le Creme CBG clones:

This is a reminder to start with the BT spray in a few weeks to stop them from settling in my flowers! "Hey Google, set reminder for July 9th..."

I hope your Monday is off to a great start!


Thanks GDB!

Go figure! But whatever it is that's bugging the GM, after seeing the 5KC do so well bottom-watered from the start I think I'll completely skip top watering if the plant will end up bottom-watered later.

I appreciate your faith in me. Thanks Otter!
Hiya Shed!
Plants look awesome.
Question - does it make a difference if you supercrop when a plant is droopy (stems more pliable) vs when it is robust and well watered (stems rigid)?
I supercropped last year but waited until the plants were thirsty and the stems seemed more bendy.
Yep Brit wife!
Revisiting new material to improve? You’re already pretty good!
Thank you for adding to the learn.
Thanks Nick! Nosh is Yiddish so there's no reason the Brits can't use it too. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Damn Tree LOL , do you think it will bottom water from getgo w/o a top water to get started ?
LOL thanks sb! Not sure how the GM would have done with just a bottom water from transplant, but any future SIP/SWICKs will be bottom watered from the time it goes in soil like I did with the 5 Killer Cookies.
Hiya Shed!
Plants look awesome.
Question - does it make a difference if you supercrop when a plant is droopy (stems more pliable) vs when it is robust and well watered (stems rigid)?
I supercropped last year but waited until the plants were thirsty and the stems seemed more bendy.
Thanks Grateful! With a top-watered plant it's definitely easier to bend a thirsty plant, but there is no "thirsty" for these bottom-watered beasts. :)
I hope so because this morning I threw a needle nose pliers at it!

And so, for the Monday update, I supercropped the 5 Killer Cookies because it was getting a bit too wide before I flip it, probably on Friday night (day 60). It's still drinking a gallon a day of week-4 Prescription Blend nutrients.

I decided to read up on supercropping, and found a cool thread that explains different methods of supercropping, for reasons other than keeping branches from getting too close to the light. It's here:

I decided to crop some sideways and some inward, depending on what was going on underneath where the top would end up after the bend, and I needed the pliers (wrapped in electrical tape to soften the blow) because without Nebraska man hands there was no way I could smoosh these branches manually:

Even with the cushioning on the pliers, this branch split across the back:

I wrapped it in electrical tape and will leave it there while it heals. The next one took the bend just fine:

I did a total of four, and tied them in place to the bamboo on the opposite side of the plant:

Tomorrow morning I'll trim off all the undergrowth that's now covered by the new placement of the tops.

Finally, I killed a caterpillar that was noshing on one of my Le Creme CBG clones:

This is a reminder to start with the BT spray in a few weeks to stop them from settling in my flowers! "Hey Google, set reminder for July 9th..."

I hope your Monday is off to a great start!


Thanks GDB!

Go figure! But whatever it is that's bugging the GM, after seeing the 5KC do so well bottom-watered from the start I think I'll completely skip top watering if the plant will end up bottom-watered later.

I appreciate your faith in me. Thanks Otter!
Cool trick with the tape to soften the supercrop. Never seen that before. I have ham hands sometimes, that’ll help at ton, thanks Shed!! Always educational.
Thanks Grateful! With a top-watered plant it's definitely easier to bend a thirsty plant, but there is no "thirsty" for these bottom-watered beasts. :)
Well I managed to find that point today in my SIP. I only topped off yesterday and today by 4pm one plant was entirely DROOPY!
I need a bigger bucket.
I hope so because this morning I threw a needle nose pliers at it!

And so, for the Monday update, I supercropped the 5 Killer Cookies because it was getting a bit too wide before I flip it, probably on Friday night (day 60). It's still drinking a gallon a day of week-4 Prescription Blend nutrients.

I decided to read up on supercropping, and found a cool thread that explains different methods of supercropping, for reasons other than keeping branches from getting too close to the light. It's here:

I decided to crop some sideways and some inward, depending on what was going on underneath where the top would end up after the bend, and I needed the pliers (wrapped in electrical tape to soften the blow) because without Nebraska man hands there was no way I could smoosh these branches manually:

Even with the cushioning on the pliers, this branch split across the back:

I wrapped it in electrical tape and will leave it there while it heals. The next one took the bend just fine:

I did a total of four, and tied them in place to the bamboo on the opposite side of the plant:

Tomorrow morning I'll trim off all the undergrowth that's now covered by the new placement of the tops.

Finally, I killed a caterpillar that was noshing on one of my Le Creme CBG clones:

This is a reminder to start with the BT spray in a few weeks to stop them from settling in my flowers! "Hey Google, set reminder for July 9th..."

I hope your Monday is off to a great start!


Thanks GDB!

Go figure! But whatever it is that's bugging the GM, after seeing the 5KC do so well bottom-watered from the start I think I'll completely skip top watering if the plant will end up bottom-watered later.

I appreciate your faith in me. Thanks Otter!
Plants look amazing as usual, nice super crop job, smokable art
Hi Shed, wtg on the super cropping. Long nosed pliers and electrical tape are now on the shopping list. Your tutorials are the best.
Cool trick with the tape to soften the supercrop. Never seen that before. I have ham hands sometimes, that’ll help at ton, thanks Shed!! Always educational.
Thanks Jon, picked that trick up from Rider back in January of 2018:
My stems were woody and stiff as hell so I wrapped pliers in surgical tape and worked the stems to break down the lignins so they wouldn't crack when I bent them.

That is an amazing super crop!
I really need time to sit & read up on doing this.
I just followed your How's & Whys of Super cropping.
Have to get rid of that old school brain & the fear of screwing it up.
Hope your week is going as good as your girls are growing!
Thanks NannyBoo! I supercrop almost every one of my plants so I've gotten pretty used to it. Most of the time I use a paperclip with some kind of weight to keep the tops from bouncing right back up but this time I needed to make sure they also stayed pointed in the right direction.

Whenever you're ready to do some bending feel free to ask for advice!
Well I managed to find that point today in my SIP. I only topped off yesterday and today by 4pm one plant was entirely DROOPY!
I need a bigger bucket.
In your heat you'll be out there topping up every 3-4 hours this summer. 🚰
Plants look amazing as usual, nice super crop job, smokable art
LOL thanks con! Never thought of it as art but I see where you're coming from. 🎨
Good Morning Shed 🌞

You're the epitome of practice makes perfect!

As soon as that BD girl is done in the tent I plan on starting another.

I give the permission to kick me in the plants when I post the new one.

I know once I do it & hopefully it survives, lol It will become second nature.

Thanks Shed 🙏 Hope your day is good :peace::cool:
Cool trick with the tape to soften the supercrop. Never seen that before. I have ham hands sometimes, that’ll help at ton, thanks Shed!! Always educational.
Another option is to place short pieces of plastic tubing on the jaws of the pliers.
Good morning Shed!
:ciao: Otter, thanks!
Good morning Shed hope your day is going OK.
Took me a while to get back here but it's been a pretty good day so far...knocked out what could have been a nasty headache with Fioricet and Advil and that's always a good thing!
Good Morning Shed
You're the epitome of practice makes perfect!
As soon as that BD girl is done in the tent I plan on starting another.
I give the permission to kick me in the plants when I post the new one.
I know once I do it & hopefully it survives, lol It will become second nature.
Thanks Shed Hope your day is good
LOL how about a gentle nudge?
Another option is to place short pieces of plastic tubing on the jaws of the pliers.
Thanks Grateful, so many ways to ease the pain. :)
Sunday update, and here is a timeline of the Grandpa's Moonshine from upcan day 34:

Topped day 37:

Day before defol (day 45):

Three days after defol (day 49):

Today, pretty droopy (day 55):

Yellowing lowers:

Wrinkly leaves:

I was thinking, per @BeezLuiz' comment about droopy vs defol, that taking a lot of leaves off a plant lowers the amount of transpiration, making the water in the soil take longer to evaporate and therefore leaving it down by the roots longer. That might explain some of the timing.

Thanks Carcass and Azi! You're both on the same page regarding watering after it perks up (assuming it does :) ) so that's what I'll do to see if I can get some water roots growing without drowning it. I'll water until I start to hear it go into the res and stop there and see what happens.

Well I guess that's my experience too now! :rolleyes:

Moving on to the 5 Killer Cookies so it doesn't feel left out, here it is on day 55, very close to getting flipped:

It's about 40" square at the top and just about as wide as the Oval of Brightness® (and already much wider than the shed door), so I have to try to rein in the widest bits...I'm thinking of sideways supercrops for those!

That's it from here, and I hope your week ahead (and mine) is smooth as silk! 🐛
looks good Shed , u taken care of dem critterz?
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