Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Is what you're seeing due to part of the plant being in shadow and part having light out there. I see shadowed leaves making them look darker than the centers. That last pic looks evenly green because it's all shadowed.
Just throwing a thought out....
Thanks Lady and they are lighter in the middle it is not a shadow. I upped the nutes but still in the seedling spec 2ml per gallon PB. My hope is that they will darken up a little today. I do not think I gave them to much nutes. This is my second grow and I do not remember this last year. I may need to go back in my old journal and see what I had before. 🍋
I guess this light I have is making a difference. They are a lot bigger this year and I started my seeds at the same time last year. I am doing something different, and the light is all I can think of. This makes me happy. I was worried they were smaller this year. :thumb: 🍋
This will be my new grow and I call my second grow because it really is. The first plant I grew was already up potted 2 times so all I did was up pot it 1 more time and went from there. This grow is my second where I germinated the seeds there for my second real grow. I will give you all the details a little later. 🍋
in the famous words of joe dirt..."lifes a garden dig it man". Doesn't matter 1st or 100th always a learning experience. Glad to be part of it if you decide to share how it goes. Have a blessed day!
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