Lady Cannafan's Seedsman Comparative Grow Banana Jealousy ViparSpectra KS5000

Good morning y'all! Had some serious storms rip through about 1am till 3am. Off to do damage assessment.

Do we have any sponsors that want to use this opportunity to show off a new strain, strain of the month/season, this would be a great comparative collaboration. It could be a great way for them to promote, and advertise!

Glad you're good OG.
It was nasty here, but power stayed on! Hopefully it died down a bit. Put a hurting on Oklahoma last night. Broke up around us thankfully. Just some minor dead trees fell. Best case scenario.

Stay safe, we had tornado warnings early this morning. Went just around me. All good here

I just crossed my legs for you. 🍋

Thankfully that first round was very mild. A few rumbles of thunder, not too much of a down pour. Just a steady rain and some lightning.
Next round is in a few hours.
I've started measuring stretch today. Should have done that the day of flip....but coulda-woulda-shoulda. LOL

I'm going to use Bonnie as the measurement because she is the biggest plant.

Today she is 27" height from the "floor".

I'll get a measurement from the soil up to the top of the plant later.

I'm sure these kids gained at least 3" since day of flip, based on how much I had to move the light up since then.
Hey Soul Sista Grow Sista! You have nothing to apologize for! I knew before asking that you were full up, but I wouldn't have felt right NOT asking. LOL
Good morning :)

I’m big smiling. Thanks for that. I’m a real girls girl. Not to Emilya’s extreme but if you add enough gin I’m down for it lolling! Means a lot you included me in you Team Girl.
I don't know how you make the time to do the ones you are already active in, but you do a fabulous job of updating and keeping people highly amused with your style. ;-)
Lots of love girl!
Thank you. I grow for myself, my son and his ex partner. It’s super expensive here, so it saves them money.

They really are a labour of love. One of my favourite things to do is fluff in my flower room.
I've started measuring stretch today. Should have done that the day of flip....but coulda-woulda-shoulda. LOL

I'm going to use Bonnie as the measurement because she is the biggest plant.

Today she is 27" height from the "floor".

I'll get a measurement from the soil up to the top of the plant later.

I'm sure these kids gained at least 3" since day of flip, based on how much I had to move the light up since then.
Okay, she is 19" from the top soil at her tallest branch.
@Lady Cannafan thanks for the recommendation and review on that press you linked me to. I don’t need it this second and hated to spend the money right now but, that price!
I looked at a used one on marketplace and the guy wanted the same as I just paid for it new.
I couldn’t risk missing the sale.
Now I’ll be asking you advice on pressing.. lol
@Lady Cannafan thanks for the recommendation and review on that press you linked me to. I don’t need it this second and hated to spend the money right now but, that price!
I looked at a used one on marketplace and the guy wanted the same as I just paid for it new.
I couldn’t risk missing the sale.
Now I’ll be asking you advice on pressing.. lol
'dreaming' of squashing my own nuggets
@Lady Cannafan thanks for the recommendation and review on that press you linked me to. I don’t need it this second and hated to spend the money right now but, that price!
I looked at a used one on marketplace and the guy wanted the same as I just paid for it new.
I couldn’t risk missing the sale.
Now I’ll be asking you advice on pressing.. lol
Did you get a pre-press flower mold too?
I did a review video of the Rositek press for our sponsor @DabPress, were you able to find that to view it?
It shows how to use it and some tips on using it.

Here's the link to 420 Magazine Youtube channel, the review is first in the list:

I usually love a good thunder boomer. I used to hope for them so I could sit out on the porch and watch. The last year I've become paranoid about them because of the damages everywhere.
I'm glad my main grow is indoors.
Outdoor plants will be clones. I can always take more clones. LOL
I used to like to sit and be amused at the power of Nature...right until I wasn't! Last time a bolt of lightning hit the ground about 30 feet from my seat! Scared the crap out of me! I'm cured of that now. I sit inside and watch these days. That was too much for this guy!
I used to like to sit and be amused at the power of Nature...right until I wasn't! Last time a bolt of lightning hit the ground about 30 feet from my seat! Scared the crap out of me! I'm cured of that now. I sit inside and watch these days. That was too much for this guy!
Yeah, scary experience when I was sitting on the back deck and one came down right over the pond. Blinded me for a bit. Not to mention shaking the whole house when the thunder hit immediately.

I will never forget out hunting here many years ago, I was up high in a tree and light was getting low when a thunder boomer rolled in. The warm rain and the sound was just so relaxing that I stayed there. (Yep, in a tree with lightning all around. Not too schmart)
My husband had already gone back to the house from his spot. After about a half hour into the storm, I saw the truck lights approaching in the two track, and he came running out screaming and hollering for me to get out of that damn tree. Which, I did...finally.
Memories of dumb stuff, but I still enjoyed that.
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