Lady G Seedsman Sponsored Journal, Medical Vitamin Weed

Would you use Cannabis if you found out you had Dementia, Alzheimer's, PTSD or Depression?

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I'm back from vacation lols! No all caught up again with ya G. Looking very lovely indeed. Wow it would be so inspiring to see you publish a book or collab with some well know doctors. Sending good vibes your way for that endeavor.

I really like the little baby auto on the deck. And the one shot with the sum Ray's coming through may wanna submit that for a photo contest. Just my 2 pennies. Very well done. I cant give up on runts either. Even the imperfect ones can impress right?

Well keep up the great gardening. So glad to hear you were able to order up some meds to get you through. Such a blessing.

Take care of yourself and I'll try to be by sooner than later. Just tough during summer to spend time on line when the suns shining 19 hours a day still.

Morning Lady G2,

Your story about the doctor your writing your book to prompted me to tell another similar story. Her name is Lauren Geertsen. She's a nutritional therapist practitioner. I've been reading her material because I started an elimination diet in January. I wanted the most healthy environment for my insides, hoping to restore my energy level (used to be very high; now, struggling with very low energy). Anyways, this isn't about me, it's about Lauren. She had ulcerative colitis. She trusted in the medical establishment to heal her. When that didn't happen, she took her health into her own hands and researched until she cured herself, against the admonition of the med staff. Since, she has written several books, made videos, and promoted bodily health since then. One statement she made "I read an atricle outlining someone's experience with the disease and inspired me to heal myself" (paraphrased). You'll see her on youtube if you check. Her statement resonated with me and your present frame of mind. I believe people will heal themselves if given the roadmap. And, dear Lady G2, you are drawing the map! You might inspire some doctor to do more research to help establish a protocol for "broken brain" diseases. I'm excited that you even have this opportunity. Good day to you Lady G2.
Awwww you guys, you totally got my tears flowin'.Thank you SOOOO Much! Those were incredible messages for you to leave on my wall. Gosh, so many special people here who move me to tears. Just a big day of positive change and epic goals. The momentum continues...:love:

I will address your individual replies soon. I just had to call in for a group hug cause I'm medicated by the love you share with me today.

I'm working on a very DRAMATIC update, there's been lives lost, who will be the one to save the day. What more could I have done but to walk away and bounce back with a NEW look. Duh Duh Duh, these are the strains...of our lives.

Motivational mondays rock! Hugs to you...
:welcome:Lady G — Medical Vitamin Weed — Seedsman Sponsored Grow Against Neurodegenerative Diseases –
July 31, 2018:nomo:

Brain & Grow Rehab:

Dear 420 Family… Just to let you know that I’m pretty foggy today so things are kinda weirddd but still wonderful and hopefully make you smile.

Soooo, we all know that I buggered up my 2 plants when I fell on them/knock them over, I was able to save one and the other one I was not able to save. Well as my luck would have it, Candida #1 :rip::rip::rip: started growing funky leaves and after a little better look, I had to remove her immediately and binned her like Trump’s policies on immigration, impulsive and dangerous to human-kind. Hahahahaha stop it brain not funny!:rolleyes:

She’s gone like my dad when it came to child support, will never be heard of again nor gain any benefits from this special relationship. Hahahahaha stop it brain that’s sad! :eek::eek::eek: Darn flash backs...

I am still a bit emotional over her, why she’s a dumb plant, oh but she’s not, on the contrary dear brain. Stop talking to yourself brain, we have company! hahahahaha :rolleyes:

She symbolized hope, truth and a full spectrum plan to get better. She even had a star amidst her branches and leaves, it made me feel like I’m a super star. I needed her to pan out for oil, but no such luck. My head hangs is shame, stop it brain, get over yourself…hahahahaha.o_O

After shhhmoking joints all day, (which I normally don't do, I usually vape), as a crazy impulsive move and to deal with the heat of the situation, I kinda sorta cut the back of my hair. Yup, I got a new hair cut. hahahahaha I gave myself an undercut. I put my hair in a pony tail and cut it off. Only from the ears down got cut the rest I left cause I needed something to cover up my snippiness of my hair. I put an ice pack on after I finished my shotgun salon experience and it felt soooo good for my head.

I have never done that before but my impulsiveness is apparent that’s for sure. I have poor filters including the one that should hold me back from being impulsive. But I am needing something to change in my life again. Something that I can control that isn’t alcohol or pharma drugs or FTD sabotage. So I handled my frustration the best way I knew how.

My husband didn’t even notice at first when he saw me so then I know I did a good job concealing it under my long hair up top. Then when we got home I put his hand up to feel my undercut and he loved it. Big sigh of relief there. He said even if I didn’t hair he would love me because he shaves his head clean, so he said he can’t really hold that against me…hahahahaha. What a guy, I picked the best one for sure.

But we have another Candida seedling in her stead so we will look ahead and move forward. I can’t tell you how awesome @Kingjoe83 Candida plant is looking, maybe he’ll post another picture for me. I’m so happy for you KJ, you are reigning supreme.:Namaste:

With one attempt gone and one on the way. I decided it was time to pull out the big guns and dropped a “Peyote Critical” that I carefully chose for meds. Although it says there is HIGH CBD content but without stats it's hard to nail it down, but it felt like it was the right time to go on a vision quest with this seed. :adore:

I’m ready for my peyote teachings and take a critical approach to writing my book. How do I juggle the wearing a bleeding heart on my sleeve with the mission to positively influence neuro, cannabis, and science forever?:reading420magazine::popcorn::hmmmm:

Please welcome to our family little one… PEYOTE CRITICAL 
– Barney’s Farm:welcome::circle-of-love::hug:

PEYOTE CRITICAL LIMITED EDITION™ Cannabis Seeds Specifications
Type: Feminised
Photoperiod: Normal
Cultivation: Indoor/outdoor
Characterisics: 80% Indica
Genetics: Peyote Purple x Critical Kush
Effect: Mystical, Body Calming, Deep, Focused, Uplifting
Indoor Yield (g): 650 gr/m²
Greenhouse Yield (g): 1000
Flowering Time (days): 55 - 60
Feminised Outdoor Harvest Month: October
Feminised Outdoor Harvest Month Week: 3rd-4th week
Cannabinoid Content: High
Height (cm): 100-130cm
Height Indoor (cm): 100-130cm
Height Outdoor (cm): 140-180cm
Height: Medium
Vegative Cycle Cuttings (days): 10
Vegative Cycle Seedlings (days): 25
Indica %: 80%
Sativa %: 20%
Ruderalis %: 0%
Indica/Sativa: Mostly Indica
Medical Level: High
Medical: Yes
Taste: Vanill, Mango, Blueberry, Earthy
Aroma: Aged Wood, Sweet Coffee
Resistance to Mold (5=Best): 5
Resistance Against Botrytis (5=Best): 5
Resistance Against Cold (5=Best): 4
Resistance to Spider Mite (5=Best): 5
Ideal Pot Size: 20 ltr
Climate: Cool, Hot & Temperate
Grow Difficulty (1=Easy, 5=Hard): 2”

“Are you ready for something special from the Barney’s lab? Get ready for PEYOTE CRITICAL™ . It’s an exclusive limited edition pure Indica hybrid, with awesome yield potential and fantastic pest resistance qualities. PEYOTE CRITICAL™ “limited edition” has been created by crossing Peyote Purple and CRITICAL KUSH™. The result is an Indica hybrid that combines all the raw power of the CRITICAL KUSH™ with the notorious sweet flavour and colourful brilliance of the Peyote Purple. These two plants are perfectly matched, their striking similarities making this a truly harmonious blend. Both parent plants are short flowering, produce exceptional yields and are tough too.

Built to resist, this hybrid comes with a natural force field against pests and diseases. Our lab was looking for a powerful plant with a unique taste and PEYOTE CRITICAL™ ticks that box. One for the senses, delicious sweet earthy flavours, and aromas of aged wood and sweet coffee. This plant is recommended for all levels of grower – those new to cultivation but also experienced growers looking for something different. Powerful, sweet tasting and big yielding.”

Did you guys notice that it said SWEET COFFEE. I am convinced that coffee flavonoids are one of the top 3 key ways to stimulate our synapsis, initiate plasticity and repair some of those pathways where the lights are burnt out. So it is my quest to grow out coffee cultivars as part of my healing regiment. I’m definitely going to add that to my protocol.

More COFFEE OIL!!! mmmmm


Quote of the week: “ Nothing beats home grown though! It's all that extra love that goes in growing it! “ @LadyGaea:thanks:


1. Type: CBD OG KUSH AUTO DINAFEM#2 NEW (@Kingjoe83 – Most improved and star student! )

Week: 2

Days: 18

Temp: 24

RH: 65%

Strain: 15% Indica / 35% Sativa / 50% Ruderalis

Medicinal Properties: THC 7% - CBD 14%

Technique: 3 gallon

Comments: (With flash) Restart – She picked up her pace when she got her first feeding of nutes and her colour is filling in nicely.


2.Type: CANDIDA #2 NEW ( @Amy Gardner & @LadyGaea – Women in Weed )

Week: 2

Days: 16

Temp: 24

RH: 65%

Strain: Indica / Sativa ACDC x Harlequin 

THC CONTENT 0.3%-0.9%

CBD CONTENT 10.6%-20.6%

Technique: 1 GALLON

Comments: ( With flash ) Restart – She’s a resiliant little one…


3.Type: Peyote Critical (The one that fell) @Derbybud for master techniques and friendship extraordinaire! )

Week: 1

Days: Not above soil yet

Temp: 24

RH: 45%

Strain: 80 % indica / 20 % Sativa

Technique: Germination

Comments: I love her already. She’s easy to love.


4.Type: AUTO OG KUSH ROLEX SEEDSMAN GENETICS – @TheMadDabber – Back from Vacay and on the Staycay Woohoo! - @Pennywise – One of my favourite people here and I admire him deeply!

Week: 7 - We need a win!!!!!

Days: 50 days

Temp: 24

RH: 65%

Strain: Indica / Sativa

Technique: 3 GALLON,

Comments: She is stretching up like she’s a goalie for the Croatia team but didn’t quite make it. HAHAHAHA oops, too soon, sorry guys, hahahaha, stop it brain! Be nice.:rolleyes:


5.Type: AUTO OG KUSH - SEEDSMAN GENETICS – ( @Bode for inspiring me to keep going. )

Week: 2

Days: 18

Temp: 24

RH: 65%

Strain: Indica / Sativa

Technique: 2 GALLON,

Comments: Wow did she ever looove her first feeding, her colour is coming on strong, and she’s pushing out her new growth quickly. Which is my favourite thing about auto’s is how fast the changes can happen over night. The only reason why her leaves are a little misshapen was that I had her bent over and decided last minute to let her rise differently from her sis to show various training techniques for Seedsman Genetics.


5 CLONES – We lost some, but we are not lost without them, clones are the unicorn to growing, once you get them going, it’s free weed after that.


My mini outdoor garden – Summer project – Third feeding, and looking like she’ll grow about 1 gram of canna for me. HAHAHAHAHA, no serious I was just learning to see if it was possible outside. We now have potatoes, garlic and a runt all growing in the same box. This is considered free superfoods for the price of next to nothing. Next year, you won’t be able to hold me back from doing a bigger garden. 

Thank you for investing the time to read my story, I hope you were amused...hahahaha

Much love Lady G2 :hug:
HI G - it’s nice to be right here when you drop a new update. You’ve got things into an awesome swing here I think. I love the photos today! I love those collaged ones where we get all different looks in one screen view. That’s great (on iPad at least!). ALso the sunshine shot of the little outside one is gorgeous too - I grew a couple of little micros last summer too and the smoke of the smallest one is actually really nice.

Hey that’s a bit day - doing joints instead of vapes. I haven’t done that for ages. I usually happens when someone visits - if folks havent used a vape before it can take a bit to get t working, and when it’s like one weekend visit in 6 months to catch up with a friend, then who has time! Just skin up already - it’s good to exercise the joint rolling skills every so often too... gotta keep your chops up!


I always love how the little emoji dude admires the joint for a minute before sparking it up.

Wow what an update! The hair cut sounds refreshing. I'm on the "grow my hair out to donate" thing. So it will be neat to lop it off but maybe bittersweet?

Plants look really nice. I'm pretty excited about that peyote critical! Now that should offer some great clone practice....

And for the record I always enjoy your stories.
HI G - it’s nice to be right here when you drop a new update. You’ve got things into an awesome swing here I think. I love the photos today! I love those collaged ones where we get all different looks in one screen view. That’s great (on iPad at least!). ALso the sunshine shot of the little outside one is gorgeous too - I grew a couple of little micros last summer too and the smoke of the smallest one is actually really nice.

Hey that’s a bit day - doing joints instead of vapes. I haven’t done that for ages. I usually happens when someone visits - if folks havent used a vape before it can take a bit to get t working, and when it’s like one weekend visit in 6 months to catch up with a friend, then who has time! Just skin up already - it’s good to exercise the joint rolling skills every so often too... gotta keep your chops up!


I always love how the little emoji dude admires the joint for a minute before sparking it up.


:passitleft:- Every once in a while the old me comes out and wants to roll a big phatty, and shhhmoke her like she's going outta style. But then it makes me want to drink, so I have to go back to vaping to keep it civilized. hahahaha

*:thanks:Thanks for the kudos on the pictures, some are still unfocused but that's just my eyes not seeing properly. I blame it on the shhhmokies from the joints.

Wow what an update! The hair cut sounds refreshing. I'm on the "grow my hair out to donate" thing. So it will be neat to lop it off but maybe bittersweet?

Plants look really nice. I'm pretty excited about that peyote critical! Now that should offer some great clone practice....

And for the record I always enjoy your stories.

*Awwww that is a real sweet thing to do and say. I saved the ponytail, I'm going to mail it to you...hahahahaha JUST KIDDING, but so funny to say. I always give you big hugs when you're here cause you're so supportive, thank you. :thanks::hug:

Sorry to here about the weird growth. The Peyote Critical sounds like it's going to be a great grower. Gardens looking good ms. Grow. Keep em green

*hiiiiii DB! Yah it wasn't nice, and there is no way I can take on a battle, so I let it go, but I have not lost the war. Just gotta keep moving on right family? Was thinking about cha on the weekend about your horsey weekend. I will keep em as green as I can. :) :hug:
I’m loving the introduction of the idea of plasticity into your neuro-lexicon too G. It was something that came up and was getting my interest when I was studying. Philosophy of consciousness/self is very interested in plasticity. Haha - anyone remember Plastique Bertrand?

Hey lady glad to here I’m doing well and took first feeding good ..

Oh and that peyote sounds good .

Wel my candida I have to say is filling out nicely . I sprayed all plants they other day with horsetail that I steeped and extracted the goodness from. Was dark so need to get more on though specially my blue dream becaus of spotting yellow last time I saw this was mites . So need to really zone in and control this now . I really don’t wany to deal with pest all flowering again.

Let us pray shall we.

Have a good day lady beautiful update as always some of it is over head but take what I can .

Off to work ✊
I grew Labyrinth last year. She has Peyote Purple in her lineage a few steps back but was the frostiest things I've ever grown. You'll love the colors near the end of flower. It took almost 30 days for her cuts to establish roots but I was able to get 2 clones so all good there after a bit. Good luck with your grow girl. You can do this! :bongrip:
Hello @Lady G2HM
That was a delicious update! Especially those photos. I am envious of your technique, which is very natural and old-school and has a filmic quality.
I want to start growing myself very much! But patience is really a virtue in my case.
Heya G2, hope all is great for ya... I decided if you don't mind to take you up on your offer of posting a few pics. Been SUPER FREAK ( I said it ) ing busy but got today off... Been Humid and Rainy all week, but the Bit@$#s Love it... I will just give a pic update of them really quickly as I am sure to be off on another adventure/CHORE soon.... Mucho Green days to ya.... and all..

.... Alissa

... Camille

.... Twins


.... I will post a few later dont wanna poach too much... Ommmmmmmm.

* I loved your pics, thanks for giving us a peek into your green world. I do love to see what others are doing, keeps me from having to leave my journal too. hahahaha BTW, did you get those seeds from Seedsman?

I'm back from vacation lols! No all caught up again with ya G. Looking very lovely indeed. Wow it would be so inspiring to see you publish a book or collab with some well know doctors. Sending good vibes your way for that endeavor.

I really like the little baby auto on the deck. And the one shot with the sum Ray's coming through may wanna submit that for a photo contest. Just my 2 pennies. Very well done. I cant give up on runts either. Even the imperfect ones can impress right?

Well keep up the great gardening. So glad to hear you were able to order up some meds to get you through. Such a blessing.

Take care of yourself and I'll try to be by sooner than later. Just tough during summer to spend time on line when the suns shining 19 hours a day still.


* Awwwww sweet @TheMadDabber - alas I am feeling like I should be seeking experts and researchers and bypass the medical system. However, I don't know if it will work, but something has got to work. My luck has been low, but my hopes are up HIGH. I work like a horse, and my life depends on every grow and having medicine to prevent my triggers. No biggie, hahahaha. No seriously, your good vibes have been rec'd and put in my stash jar. :) :hug:

*I usually throw away my runts, I just don't have time or resources, but this was a freakazoid chance that it was a runt that I could put outside and it adapted quite well. I don't think I'll ever win that photo contest...unless I was naked...hahahaha, just not feeling like I'm understanding what it takes to win. I probably won my motm through sympathy. But I'm not here for sympathy, I'm here to break the grass ceiling, but my fish net has holes in it. No matter how much I repair my net, the fish keep getting away. hahahaha I do love fishing.

*I just miss you that is all. It's a marvel how you juggle all your priorities while being such a cool dad. Everyone goes away in the summer, so enjoy yourself in the Dabbin Cabin. :hug:

Morning Lady G2,

Your story about the doctor your writing your book to prompted me to tell another similar story. Her name is Lauren Geertsen. She's a nutritional therapist practitioner. I've been reading her material because I started an elimination diet in January. I wanted the most healthy environment for my insides, hoping to restore my energy level (used to be very high; now, struggling with very low energy). Anyways, this isn't about me, it's about Lauren. She had ulcerative colitis. She trusted in the medical establishment to heal her. When that didn't happen, she took her health into her own hands and researched until she cured herself, against the admonition of the med staff. Since, she has written several books, made videos, and promoted bodily health since then. One statement she made "I read an atricle outlining someone's experience with the disease and inspired me to heal myself" (paraphrased). You'll see her on youtube if you check. Her statement resonated with me and your present frame of mind. I believe people will heal themselves if given the roadmap. And, dear Lady G2, you are drawing the map! You might inspire some doctor to do more research to help establish a protocol for "broken brain" diseases. I'm excited that you even have this opportunity. Good day to you Lady G2.

*Thank you for reminding me why this is so important. Gosh you really help me with my self esteem, which is low right now. I am very motivated to reach out to that Neuro Scientist. I wrote an introductory letter to her, I'm gonna post it here okay. Lemme know what you think, or anyone else who can humbly help. Things are not so obvious to me, so I won't catch sentences and constantly repeating myself. You are always welcome in my world, thank you for helping me keep it green.

I’m loving the introduction of the idea of plasticity into your neuro-lexicon too G. It was something that came up and was getting my interest when I was studying. Philosophy of consciousness/self is very interested in plasticity. Haha - anyone remember Plastique Bertrand?


*HAHAHAHAHA Plastique Bertrand, nope, do tell.

*I am bound and determined to learn the workings of my brain so I can tell people what is not working and what is functioning fine. Honestly, if I could study neuro science right now I would probably do it as long as they don't throw math at me cause that's one of my deficiencies.

This candida will be a monster!

*Let's get KRACKIN'. Roaaar, hahahaha I really need this to work out. :adore:

Make that Peyote Critical!

*Situation is CRITICAL, oh woh woh it's criticaaal! We got this right PW?:thanks:

Hey lady glad to here I’m doing well and took first feeding good ..

Oh and that peyote sounds good .

Wel my candida I have to say is filling out nicely . I sprayed all plants they other day with horsetail that I steeped and extracted the goodness from. Was dark so need to get more on though specially my blue dream becaus of spotting yellow last time I saw this was mites . So need to really zone in and control this now . I really don’t wany to deal with pest all flowering again.

Let us pray shall we.

Have a good day lady beautiful update as always some of it is over head but take what I can .

Off to work ✊

*I'm living vicariously through you buddy @Kingjoe83 . I need you to win the race for both us. You might have to carry me over the finish line. Please post some pics of your Candida here so I can visualize what she SHOULD look like. hahahaha.

*Over your head...and into your heart. Did you know that just by reading my words you are generating new brain cells. So even if you don't understand stuff, you are still learning it in the background, then after seeing it a few dozen times for me, I start to remember what it means. Thanks for reading on though, that's nice that you see where I'm going with all this.

I grew Labyrinth last year. She has Peyote Purple in her lineage a few steps back but was the frostiest things I've ever grown. You'll love the colors near the end of flower. It took almost 30 days for her cuts to establish roots but I was able to get 2 clones so all good there after a bit. Good luck with your grow girl. You can do this! :bongrip:

*Awwww shucks @MagicJim :hug: - I'm workin' so hard everyday. I know it will pay off I just cause myself so much more anxiety cause my brain gets in the way. Thanks for the info, very very interesting. I am excited to see how she'll pan out in the colder months so I can bring out her purple. I plan on taking soooo many clones. Like, I might have to ask my hubby to sleep outside...hahahahah stop it brain, never would happen. :) Mr. MJ, you've always got a place in my garden, :love: Thank you for visiting me.

Hello @Lady G2HM
That was a delicious update! Especially those photos. I am envious of your technique, which is very natural and old-school and has a filmic quality.
I want to start growing myself very much! But patience is really a virtue in my case.

*Wow I'm natural and old-school, thank youuuu! So great you can sit through my wordy wonderness or missentences and broken wordiums. hahahaha No rush on the grow, chill, plan, chill, measure, chill, BUY, chill, plant seed, chill, we are all here when you're ready, still chillin'. :nomo:
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