LED Grow BlackDiamond/Perfect Sun - Autopot - NL x Haze - Haze Auto - NL Auto - LST

Re: LED Grow BlackDiamond/Perfect Sun - Autopot - NL x Haze - Haze Auto - NL Auto - L

0.8ec is heavy water, you might find you get some issues in flower. id add a water filter to that mate. that means your base will be 1.1ec before you add any feed. you will have to see how it goes but id be adding an RO filter even if you mixed half and half tap water and RO water. Do you drink that water? Its not good quality, hard water with low ph.

one thing though 500ppm isnt 0.8ec, it would be 1.0ec. what type of meter are you using?
Re: LED Grow BlackDiamond/Perfect Sun - Autopot - NL x Haze - Haze Auto - NL Auto - L

maybe it hadn t finished calculating and it was still rising , and untill I switched between measure units it had time go up a little . I am using this on and no I don t drink the water , it tastes funny , thats why I figured it was ok to run an o zone generator through it and then give it all the nutes , didn t help the readings go down tho . I wonder if her majesty drinks the same water . lol :))
Re: LED Grow BlackDiamond/Perfect Sun - Autopot - NL x Haze - Haze Auto - NL Auto - L

Lucky you , in the east not so much :) yea , will see how it goes. What should I watch out for ? What could go wrong during flowering ?
Re: LED Grow BlackDiamond/Perfect Sun - Autopot - NL x Haze - Haze Auto - NL Auto - L

Happy for you :) A little sad this light was not available when I bought mine but I am comited to making it work without a light mover , so far so good , like I said , a little heat problem at the start but that was my fault .
I also switched to veg nutes 2ml/L from the dutch pro bloom a+b ( 2 ml each ) , dutchpro explode and some calmag . Should be interesting soon enough :) I also added an airpump + airstone + timer - i turn it on for 1 hour every morning . Does that sound ok ?
ppm 1300 , PH 5.8 , temp 20C

Re: LED Grow BlackDiamond/Perfect Sun - Autopot - NL x Haze - Haze Auto - NL Auto - L

I hope I ve got the time in the morning as they are sleeping right now and can t go in . also have some stuff to do in the morning . I think I will leave it for tomorrow and see how it goes . again , what should I watch out for ? i should really read more careful , this is overconfident noob sindrome as opposed to the noob panic one :))
Re: LED Grow BlackDiamond/Perfect Sun - Autopot - NL x Haze - Haze Auto - NL Auto - L

How much coco did you have to use to fill up four autopots? Putting together a shopping list for getting one of these systems. Should be good for when I have to leave town for a week at a time.
Re: LED Grow BlackDiamond/Perfect Sun - Autopot - NL x Haze - Haze Auto - NL Auto - L

It's really easy to make a drip system and probably a lot cheaper, hemi. A 5 gal bucket or larger trash can, fountain pump, and drip tubing. Even better add another fountain pump or air pump and put it on a timer. You can use any size pot you want and your grow is pretty much automated. Good luck
Re: LED Grow BlackDiamond/Perfect Sun - Autopot - NL x Haze - Haze Auto - NL Auto - L

How much coco did you have to use to fill up four autopots? Putting together a shopping list for getting one of these systems. Should be good for when I have to leave town for a week at a time.

if your going to buy a setup id go with the easyfeed from alien hydroponics. same principle but an overall better set up as it uses fabric pots in place of plastic pots and the pipe work is all 22mm so cant clog up.
Re: LED Grow BlackDiamond/Perfect Sun - Autopot - NL x Haze - Haze Auto - NL Auto - L

It's really easy to make a drip system and probably a lot cheaper, hemi. A 5 gal bucket or larger trash can, fountain pump, and drip tubing. Even better add another fountain pump or air pump and put it on a timer. You can use any size pot you want and your grow is pretty much automated. Good luck

Thanks I am looking at that as an alternative.

if your going to buy a setup id go with the easyfeed from alien hydroponics. same principle but an overall better set up as it uses fabric pots in place of plastic pots and the pipe work is all 22mm so cant clog up.
Thanks I looked at it and really like it except, by the time I have one shipped to my country it would cost me almost three times as much. Pretty sure I can covert this one to use 5 gallon fabric pots and can make those myself. I had already planned on replacing the hosing on this system with larger.
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