Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal


I had this happen to me and I fixed it by using an xacto knife to remove a sliver on both sides then used 2 wires to sew the joint together. It took about 2 weeks to heal and I removed the support wire a few weeks later.


Hope this helps, I have another repair to make this weekend and I will document it better in the White Widow journal.
Thanks, Antfarmer. It is funny...right before I opened this post by you about my flux arm being broken, I was thinking of going out and wiring it up. I didn't think to remove tissue. It can't hurt to remove a bit of the healed stem to make contact.
Hey all, still just stopping in on the fly!! Miss you all and hope your gardens are sublime and your hearts and souls are full of the joy of growing! :)
Ill have a small root update tomoz on my sponsored thread, yet ill be gone again after that till next week.
Then Im back with the whole shebang, the God light and Oxy set up! :)

Only issue being it aint gonna be at my place! Trusting the same guy who killed my 3rd journal girls the nefarious nine! So fingers crossed he can keep his mitts of my girls!

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 93

I think you'll be proud of me Professor Flux. I've added my own little twist to the flux. I've been having trouble keeping the new growth at the rim of the pot under control
(Because it's taken so much extra time for everything else to reach the rim since the Main Flux Arms are offset) so I brought them down under the rim. The pics are self-explanatory. Get that even canopy by all means necessary.





There's only a few more arms left to reach the rim before we go vertical... :slide::slide:



I feel like I'm in school again and just received extra credit.
Alrighty, so I topped and cut off fan leaves a few days ago, and now the flux ends have their pair of big fan leaves. When would I take the 4 fan leaves off? Or do they get to stick around for a while? I'll go back and read up on this, just figured somebody might have this question soon too
Peyton :) This is a judgement call for each grower. As you can leave them on all together if wanted. Or remove as I do, either is just fine :) (take GF's outdoor flux, she needs the fans for the plant to transpire in the heat) I go by some stuff I learned of Bassman and his incredible work. So as soon as you have good visible new growrh at that node, that has enough foliage to support itself I remove the fan leaf thats adjoined.

This is of course only for the side on nodes. The under over of the next set along get removed asap. ! :)
Good morning LA. :420:finally fixed my computer issues and I'm back to show you what I did with your help and assistance. Again thank you. I just flushed them and will harvest in about 2 weeks.
Alrighty, so I topped and cut off fan leaves a few days ago, and now the flux ends have their pair of big fan leaves. When would I take the 4 fan leaves off? Or do they get to stick around for a while? I'll go back and read up on this, just figured somebody might have this question soon too

Good evening PM. I think I'm almost at exactly the same stage as you are with the same (now answered) question. Here's what my first fluxer looks like at the moment:


I too was wondering whether or not to remove those four leaves but I think I will now.

All the best mate

You can take as a scale Light Addict's pics, look at the pictures and posts dates and you'll have an idea about when it was done
Looking good Lattin my friend. You should get some nice swelling going on now for some nice big buds !! :)

Fast buddy, also looking really nice. Id also take the two leaves; one on top of each end, the ones pointing back into center. Take them as they will soon shade the nodes your trying to grow out! Also your not using that node anyway as its an under and over node, not the side on ones we want! :)
On the first page there's one looking like your girl, 10-11-2013, black pot soil and perlite. leaves cutted the 10-14-2013 just three days after, page 3.

hope it helps u. it's a bible here !!
LA is right when he says for growing outside, defol is not as drastic as under lights. Sun penetrates foliage much more efficiently than does artificial light. I don't care what the spectrum is, nothing is like sun. That's why on my fluxed plants I will probably leave more fan leaves than if grown indoors.

Based on the believe removing foliage helps get light deeper onto the bud sites.
Greetings LA. Thanks for your response. I am reposting my question here as you asked me to do. I hope this is where you wanted it. My question was if I should limit the number of branches on my FLUX arms. I presently have about 25 total on one plant and near that number on a second plant. I am trying to figure out how to post pics in a message. I have one pic uploaded to 420 site but am trying to figure out how to get that into a message. Thanks for your help. Keep it green.
Greenstuff, do you see where there is a bunch of icons in the tool bar of a message you are writing? There is a globe link, envelope, camera, etc. Click on the camera and you should see your photos. Click on the photo you want in the message and it will show up as a URL, but when you post it, the photo will be imbedded. Geesh, did I just say that?
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