Lonestar's Sweet Tea - CitiCOB's & Cannabis

Haha I pulled out some airy Haze buds. Disappointing yield. An anorexic version of those fat buds.
But, what an energetic high.
Good luck brother, take a knee if you need to. Drink that bottle of water.
You'll be back in no time.
Haha I pulled out some airy Haze buds. Disappointing yield. An anorexic version of those fat buds.
But, what an energetic high.
Good luck brother, take a knee if you need to. Drink that bottle of water.
You'll be back in no time.

Airy or not, I can't wait until I have some kind of haze grow in! That's the buzz I need right now. And as much as I sweated out in my sleep last night, water, with a few blunts, is a must.
Doing one small plant at a time is a little easier than two big ass plants that you didn't really maintain... I can see this becoming a trend.



Here's a bud that I accidentally knocked off a couple days ago.


No flash

Scraped the scissors for a little hash. Let's see how this taste in the nectar collector

Quick update on my Mephisto beans... Not satisfied to say the least. Planted three deep blue C, had all pop, only one sprout. Tried one Ripley OG, popped, but no girl. Guess they don't like hydro too much. Here's the deep blue c next to a towering bag seed GDP


The skunk clone was looking a little bushy and needed a haircut, even though I said I'd let her do her thing untouched. She'll still produce.
Added a little weight to train the stem downwards



The two el Fuegos are looking healthy, one obviously on steroids her sister couldn't get ahold of.



And here's some eye candy of the drying nugs


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