Day 16
As you can see from the pics Delilah was ready for water, and Dolores' pot was light enough so I watered them with their first dose of Remo.
I'm using the first week dosage of Grow, Micro, MagnifiCal, Velokelp, and Nature's Candy.
We'll see if this takes care of the discolouration on Dolores' leaves.
The pics were taken immediately after watering.

Do si dos #33 - Delilah

Do si dos - Dolores

Haven't tried my Remo Nutrients out yet. I'll be watching to see how they work here
Today is the first feeding for these girls. It's the first time I'm using the entire lineup. I left the Nature's Candy out last run.
I'd have been feeding them since the second set of true leaves. By now they'd be halfway to full strength veg!
This is only their third watering. I was expecting slower growth. I've started feeding them today.
Hey Mel, they are looking strong. In this last grow of mine when I had a similar looking discoloration on some of the first few leaves other growers suggested it may be a calcium deficiency. When I treated the plants with calmag their condition improved and the greying and crisping stopped spreading. I wonder if it isn't that?
Thanks Carmen!
It could be that. We'll see what happens now that they've been fed. I think I should have gone straight to 1 gallon (4 litre) pots instead of these 710ml pots. It shouldn't be too much longer before they're ready to be uppotted though.
They look hungry to me Mel.
That does seem to be the consensus, lol.
I'll make a note to start feeding my plants earlier next grow.

Have a great night!
We'll see what happens now that they've been fed.
I doubt the bronzing will recover but hopefully it won't spread upward.
I think I should have gone straight to 1 gallon (4 litre) pots instead of these 710ml pots. It shouldn't be too much longer before they're ready to be uppotted though.
I'm not clear how putting them in even bigger pots would have helped since they might have not needed water for even longer. And I would think you'd be fine on the week 2 (or even 3) schedule given how fast they're growing.
Day 17
Not much to say. I'll be keeping a close eye on the weight of the pots. I'll be feeding with each watering as Remo recommends.

Do si dos #33 - Delilah
@Barney's Farm @Herbies Seeds

Do si dos - Dolores
@Weed Seeds Express

I doubt the bronzing will recover but hopefully it won't spread upward.

I'm not clear how putting them in even bigger pots would have helped since they might have not needed water for even longer. And I would think you'd be fine on the week 2 (or even 3) schedule given how fast they're growing.
Yeah, I don't expect the leaf damage to recover.
There are nutrients in the soil. I have had to plant seeds straight in this soil in one gallon pots before, and it didn't show any issues for the 3 weeks I had to wait before I could feed the plant.
I'll ramp up the feed soon. Week 2 is the max concentration in veg. It doesn't go any higher until halfway through flower. Of course the feed schedule only goes up to week 4 in veg.
Busy day today. While I did get pics, I haven't had time to get them on to the computer yet, so I'll upload them either tonight or tomorrow morning. Probably tomorrow.
I'm making edibles right now, since I'm out.
Bruce Banner Lime gummies.

Have a great night everyone!
The new growth looks good. You must fly quite high on those gummies Mel. Do I see discoloration on Delilah now too?
The new growth looks good. You must fly quite high on those gummies Mel. Do I see discoloration on Delilah now too?
You do. Things aren't going well.
I may have to scrap these plants and start new seeds. If I do they'll be the same strains, but with the uppotting plan that worked last winter.
You do. Things aren't going well.
I may have to scrap these plants and start new seeds. If I do they'll be the same strains, but with the uppotting plan that worked last winter.
Do as you see fit Mel but those plants can still thrive. :Rasta:
could use a good feed and maybe an up pot, but yeah i agree with @Grand Daddy Black - those things are totally savable. i'd strip away those bottom nodes and leaves at some point anyway.
Days 18 and 19
Delilah is ready for a feed, but Dolores is not eating or drinking. It's feeling more like a root disease to me, rather than a simple nutrient deficiency.
Delilah is definitely still pushing, but looking at the speed with which Dolores is going downhill I'm not optimistic.
I'm going to pop another Do si dos seed, and go to one of the smaller seedling pots, then up to one gallon.
I'm also going to go with straight Promix veg & herb without the compost. Eliminate a variable.
I'll try my best, and if I can somehow get Dolores through this I'll be very happy, but I just have a feeling that she's not going to make it. Don't mind Delilah in the second pic, I took it at lights on so she's still asleep.

Do si dos #33 - Delilah
@Barney's Farm @Herbies Seeds
Again, in pic 3 and 4 the lights just came on.

Do si dos - Dolores
@Weed Seeds Express

It happens. I haven't given up quite yet, but since my backup plan involves more plants I'm starting it up now :)
Do as you see fit Mel but those plants can still thrive. :Rasta:
I'm not going to toss any plant that's still alive, so any that can make it will.
could use a good feed and maybe an up pot, but yeah i agree with @Grand Daddy Black - those things are totally savable. i'd strip away those bottom nodes and leaves at some point anyway.
I'll try the uppot, and Delilah's pot says she's just about ready for a feed, so I'll give her one at second lights on this evening.
I'll also take a pic of Dolores' roots when I go to uppot her.
Hey Mel.. that’s the best thing you could do right now.. tip her over and have a look see,, 8 drops of bleach in 1 ltr of water give her a drench and then up pot with some fresh soil.. that’s about it.. some people say peroxide, some use cinnamon, all a steer can do is try,,,,
If this was a soil grow I would give them a myco bath and a nice light dose of fish fertilizer at .75ml per litre for 3 small spoonfed waterings of maybe 10 tablespoons each under 60-65% humidity and watch for a week and see what happens. Mist them too twice a day. Is there a nice light synthetic option for that? They look like they need to be linked to the soil by myco, or synthetically fed gently every day, would be my guess but, I know zero about synthetics.
Hey Mel.. that’s the best thing you could do right now.. tip her over and have a look see,, 8 drops of bleach in 1 ltr of water give her a drench and then up pot with some fresh soil.. that’s about it.. some people say peroxide, some use cinnamon, all a steer can do is try,,,,
We'll see what's up in there this evening. Either way they're both going in 1 gallon pots after lights on.
If this was a soil grow I would give them a myco bath and a nice light dose of fish fertilizer at .75ml per litre for 3 small spoonfed waterings of maybe 10 tablespoons each under 60-65% humidity and watch for a week and see what happens. Mist them too twice a day. Is there a nice light synthetic option for that? They look like they need to be linked to the soil by myco, or synthetically fed gently every day, would be my guess but, I know zero about synthetics.
The promix I'm using isn't the straight peat version, it's an organic based potting soil with mycorrhizal spores already mixed in. I've used it with several different types of nutrients/fertilizers before, and when I examine the roots they're always fully colonized by the mycos.
While Remo does recommend feeding with every watering, they're not in coco, so feeding daily would lead to overwatering.

Thanks for the suggestions guys. Just have to wait and see what happens with the uppotting and attempts to feed them.
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